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Created October 10, 2022 09:48
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Pangolins in Haskell
module Lib
( playRepeatedly,
) where
import System.IO
data GameStep = Guess { animalName :: String }
| Question {
question :: String,
stepIfYes :: GameStep,
stepIfNo :: GameStep
} deriving (Show)
askQuestion :: String -> IO String
askQuestion question = do
putStrLn $ question ++ "?"
askBoolean :: String -> IO Bool
askBoolean question = do
answer <- askQuestion question
return (answer == "y")
isItA :: String -> IO Bool
isItA animal = askBoolean $ "Is it a " ++ animal
computerLoses :: String -> IO GameStep
computerLoses animalIfNo = do
animalIfYes <- askQuestion "What is it then"
newQuestion <- askQuestion $ "What question would have a 'y' answer for this animal, and an 'n' answer for a " ++ animalIfNo
return Question {
question = newQuestion,
stepIfYes = Guess { animalName = animalIfYes },
stepIfNo = Guess { animalName = animalIfNo }
play :: GameStep -> IO GameStep
play step@Guess{ animalName = guess } = do
computerWins <- isItA guess
if computerWins then do
putStrLn "I win!"
return step
else computerLoses guess
play step@Question { question = q, stepIfYes = ifYes, stepIfNo = ifNo } = do
answer <- askBoolean q
if answer then (do
newStep <- play ifYes
return Question { question = q, stepIfYes = newStep, stepIfNo = ifNo })
else (do
newStep <- play ifNo
return Question { question = q, stepIfYes = ifYes, stepIfNo = newStep })
playRepeatedly :: GameStep -> IO ()
playRepeatedly step = do
newStep <- play step
tryAgain <- askBoolean "Play again"
if tryAgain then playRepeatedly newStep
else return ()
firstStep = Guess{ animalName = "dog" }
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