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Last active May 6, 2020 14:02
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module sort where
-- Polymorphic types
-- Not the framework of pure type systems!
-- Reference
-- id₁ : id-sort₁ : Setω
-- with Level, Setω
module polymorphic-ω where
-- polymorphic identity function
-- we need the Level type
open import Agda.Primitive using (Level)
id₁ : (l : Level) (A : Set l) (x : A) A
id₁ l _ a = a
-- Now, we need to import Setω
open import Agda.Primitive using (Setω)
id-sort₁ : Setω
id-sort₁ = (l : Level) (A : Set l) (x : A) A
-- id₁ : id-sort₁ : Setω
_ : id-sort₁
_ = id₁
_ : Setω
_ = id-sort₁
-- ∀ {l} → id₂ : id-sort₂ : Set (lsuc l)
-- with lsuc
module polymorphic-lsuc where
-- polymorphic identity function
id₂ : {l} (A : Set l) A A
id₂ _ a = a
-- We need to import lsuc
open import Agda.Primitive using (lsuc)
id-sort₂ : {a} Set (lsuc a)
id-sort₂ {l} = (A : Set l) A A
-- id₁ : id-sort₁ : Setω
_ : {l} id-sort₂ {l}
_ = id₂
_ : {l} Set (lsuc l)
_ = id-sort₂
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