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Trying to hack SharePoint Online to Configure Site Collection Tenant default timezone (context here:
Updates the Default TimeZone for sites in the Admin Centre.
Using Your Account.
First connect using Connect-PnPOnline -PnPO365ManagementShell -url:<Tenant-Admin> -launchBrowser
.\TenantSiteCollectionDefaultTimeZone.ps1 -TimeZoneId:2
Using Certificate and AppId ()
First connect using Connect-PnpOnline -ClientId:<ClientId> -Tenant:<Tenant> -CertificatePath:<PathToCert> -CertificatePassword:<SecureStringPassword> -Url:<Tenant-Admin>
.\TenantSiteCollectionDefaultTimeZone.ps1 -TimeZoneId:2 -App:$true
Using ClientID and Secret
First Connect using Connect-PnPOnline -Url:<Tenant-Admin> -AppId:<ClientId> -AppSecret:<ClientSecret>
.\TenantSiteCollectionDefaultTimeZone.ps1 -TimeZoneId:2 -App:$true
$App = $false
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$InformationPreference = 'Continue'
$siteUrl= (Get-PnPWeb).Url
$endpoint = "$($siteUrl)/_api/SPOInternalUseOnly.TenantAdminSettings"
$accessToken = Get-PnPAppAuthAccessToken
$accessToken = Get-PnPAccessToken
$authHeader = @{
'Content-Type' = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
'Authorization' = 'Bearer ' + $accessToken
$itemPayload = "{ ""TenantDefaultTimeZoneId"": { ""Value"":$TimeZoneId }}"
try {
Write-Information -MessageData:"Updating TimeZoneID to $TimeZoneId..."
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri:$endpoint -Method:Patch -Body $itemPayload -Headers:$authHeader
Write-Information -MessageData:"Done"
} catch {
Write-Information -MessageData:$err
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