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Last active December 20, 2020 13:38
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Epicor Row Rules
/* Available conditions for rules
Column Value Changes - The value within the field is changed from its previous value.
Contains - The field, previously blank, now holds data.
Custom Condition - Select this option to create a condition using custom code.
Ends With - The field value ends with the same characters you specify within the rule.
Equals - The field value is the same as a value you specify within the rule.
Greater Than -The field value is larger than a value you specify within the rule.
Greater Than Or Equal To - The field value is larger than or equal to a value you specify within the rule.
Less Than - The field value is smaller than a value you specify within the rule.
Less Than Or Equal To - The field value is smaller than or equal to a value you specify within the rule.
Not Equal - The field value is not the same as a value you specify within the rule.
Starts With - The field value begins with the same characters you specify within the rule.
/* Rule Setting Styles
Default - The text within the selected field displays in the default theme color.
Disabled - The field defined for this rule becomes grayed out.
EpiReadOnly - The field displays its value, but users cannot modify this value.
EpiStyle Highlight - The text within the selected field displays using a highlight style you create within the Runtime Styler.
EpiStyle_Invisible - The field is hidden from the display using the Invisible style.
Error - The field defined for this rule displays the error color defined in the current theme.
Highlight - The text within the selected field displays with the current theme's highlight color.
Invisible - The text within the selected field is hidden from view.
OK - The text within the selected field displays using the theme's default okay color.
Warning - If data in the selected field activates this condition, the field displays in the Warning color defined for the current theme.
// RowRule Constructors
RowRule(object arg1, RuleCondition condition, object arg2)
RowRule(object arg1, RuleCondition condition, object arg2, RuleAction action)
RowRule(object arg1, RuleCondition condition, object arg2, RuleAction[] actions)
RowRule(object arg1, RowRuleConditionDelegate2 conditionDelegate, object arg2)
RowRule(object arg1, RowRuleConditionDelegate2 conditionDelegate, object arg2, RuleAction action)
RowRule(object arg1, RowRuleConditionDelegate2 conditionDelegate, object arg2, RuleAction[] actions)
RowRule(object arg1, RuleCondition condition, object arg2, RowRuleActionDelegate2 actionDelegate, object context)
RowRule(object arg1, RowRuleConditionDelegate2 conditionDelegate, object arg2, RowRuleActionDelegate2 actionDelegate, object context)
// Rule Action Static Methods
AddControlSettings(object sender, string epiBinding, ControlSettings settings)
// Use this method to create a RuleAction for a column which takes a ControlsSettings instance.
AddControlSettings(object sender, string epiBinding, SettingStyle style)
// Use this method to create a RuleAction for a column which takes a SettingStyle enumeration value.
FocusSheetAction(object epiTrans, Control epiSheet)
// Use this method to create a RuleAction that will activate a sheet.
SetColumnValue(object sender, string epiBinding, object newValue)
// Use this method to create a RuleAction that modifies the value of a data column in an EpiDataView.
DisableColumns(object sender, string viewName, IList disableColumns)
// Use this method to create a RuleAction that disables multiple columns in an EpiDataView.
DisableRow(object sender, string viewName)
// Use this method to create a RuleAction that disables all columns in the current row of an EpiDataView.
DisableRow(object send, string viewName, IList exceptTheseColumns)
// Use this method to create a RuleAction that disables all columns in the current row except those columns specified in the Except TheseColumns parameter.
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