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Created June 24, 2020 15:26
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Function and demo to Use ArcPy Search Cursors to loop through a layer and clip other layers by each feature in that layer
# Note: this script is designed to run with Python 3 and ArcGIS Pro ArcPy
# import modules
# arcpy => provides access to Esri ArcGIS Pro
# os => provides convient way to construct file paths
# sys => provides way to capture errors
# re => used for snake case helper function (taken from
import arcpy, os, sys
from re import sub
# replace dashes and spaces with underscore
# values in a "Name" field are used to create the name of an ouptu feature class
def format_name(s):
# return formatted value
return '_'.join(
sub('([A-Z][a-z]+)', r' \1',
sub('([A-Z]+)', r' \1',
s.replace('-', ' '))).split())
# end function
# function to loop through a feature class, and clip another feature class by each record in feature class being looped through
def clip_layers(layer_to_be_clipped, clipping_layer, clipping_layer_fields, output_location, output_layer_name):
# create feature layer on "clipping_layer"
# you need to create a feature layer to use select by attribute or select by location functions
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(clipping_layer, 'clippingLayer')
# open search cursor on "clipping_layer"
# provides a way to move through each record in the "clipping_layer"
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(clipping_layer, clipping_layer_fields) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
# where clause to select each feature in cursor for clip
where_clause = "OBJECTID = {}".format(row[0])
# select current feature in cursor
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('clippingLayer', 'NEW_SELECTION', where_clause)
# replace dashes and spaces with underscore for "name" value
# in this demo, row[1] represents the "name" field
# i.e., "Trout Run" => "Trout_Run"
feature_name = format_name(row[1])
# output name for clipped features
# i.e., if output layer is LandUse_2019, then output_name = "LandUse_2019_Trout_Run"
output_name = r'{}_{}'.format(output_layer_name, feature_name)
# clip analysis
# i.e., clip the streams layer by the land use layer
arcpy.Clip_analysis(layer_to_be_clipped, 'clippingLayer', os.path.join(output_location, output_name))
# print message to console
print('Clipped features for watershed "{}"'.format(row[1]))
# delete feature layer
# do this or your get an error'clippingLayer')
# end function
# file geodatabase to put output of analyses
out_gdb = r'Some Path\To\A\Project\A Cool Project.gdb'
# HUC-12 watersheds layer
watersheds_layer = os.path.join(out_gdb, 'Watersheds_Small')
# fields for search cursor
watersheds_layer_fields = watersheds_layer_fields = ['OBJECTID', 'NAME']
# Land Use layer
land_use_layer = r'Some\Path\To\SDE_Connections\someUser@DatabaseName on Some Server.sde\DatabaseName.Some_LandUse'
# streams layer
streams_layer = r'Some\Path\to\Streams.gdb\Streams'
# print message to console
print('Running clip on "Land Use" layer')
# run clip on land use
clip_layers(land_use_layer, watersheds_layer, watersheds_layer_fields, out_gdb, 'LandUse_2019')
# print message to console
print('Completed clip on "Land Use" layer')
print('Running clip on "Streams Polyline" layer')
# run clip on streams polyline
clip_layers(streams_layer, watersheds_layer, watersheds_layer_fields, out_gdb, 'Streams')
# print message to console
print('Completed clip on "Streams Polyline" layer')
# If an error occurs running geoprocessing tool(s) capture error and write message
# handle error outside of Python system
except EnvironmentError as e:
tbE = sys.exc_info()[2]
# Write the line number the error occured to the log file
print("Failed at Line {}".format(tbE.tb_lineno))
# Write the error message to the log file
print("Error: {}".format(str(e)))
except Exception as e:
# If an error occurred, write line number and error message to log
tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
print("Failed at Line {}".format(tb.tb_lineno))
print("Error: {}".format(e))
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