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Forked from zealot128/rails.vim
Created April 21, 2014 13:55
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let g:rails_projections = {
\ "config/projections.json": {
\ "command": "projections"
\ },
\ "app/services/*.rb": {
\ "command": "service",
\ "affinity": "model",
\ "test": "spec/services/%s_spec.rb",
\ "related": "app/models/%s.rb",
\ "template": "class %S\n\n def run\n end\nend"
\ },
\ "app/admin/*.rb": {
\ "command": "admin",
\ "affinity": "model",
\ "related": "app/models/%s.rb",
\ "template":
\ "ActiveAdmin.register %S do\n\n # form do\n # end\n\n #menu parent: '', label: ''\n\n # index do\n # end\n\nend\n"
\ },
\ "config/*.rb": { "command": "config" },
\ "spec/support/*.rb": {"command": "support"},
\ "spec/features/*_spec.rb": {
\ "command": "feature",
\ "template": "require 'spec_helper'\n\nfeature '%h' do\n\nend",
\ }}
let g:rails_gem_projections = {
\ "cells": {
\ "app/cells/*_cell.rb": {
\ "command": "cell",
\ "related": "app/cells/%s/%d*",
\ "template":
\ "ActiveAdmin.register %S do\n\n # form do\n # end\n\n #menu parent: '', label: ''\n\n # index do\n # end\n\nend\n"
\ }
\ },
\ "carrierwave": {
\ "app/uploaders/*_uploader.rb": {
\ "command": "uploader",
\ "template":
\ "class %SUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base\nend"
\ }
\ },
\ "resque": {
\ "app/workers/*_job.rb": {
\ "command": "worker",
\ "template": "class %SJob\n\n \n@queue = :main\ndef self.perform\n end\nend"
\ }
\ },
\ "draper": {
\ "app/decorators/*_decorator.rb": {
\ "command": "decorator",
\ "affinity": "model",
\ "test": "spec/decorators/%s_spec.rb",
\ "related": "app/models/%s.rb",
\ "template": "class %SDecorator < Draper::Decorator\nend"
\ }
\ }
\ }
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