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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Swift Singletons
// Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
import Foundation
import Swift
class MySingleton {
var amount : Float!
init(_ a : Float){amount = a}
// VERSION - 1
// We can't define static class level vars but structs can
struct InstanceSingleton {
static var done : dispatch_once_t = 0
static var instance : MySingleton?
// A more traditional approach using the dispatch_once model
class func Instance() -> MySingleton {
dispatch_once(&InstanceSingleton.done, {
InstanceSingleton.instance = MySingleton(123.45)
return InstanceSingleton.instance!
This works but exposes a struct to the outside world which can be used to access the statics
// VERSION - 2
// can we just create a 'lazy' initialised instance without requiring dispatch_once
// I'm not sure on thread safety - will need to check the docs to see if defined!
struct InstanceSingleton2 {
static var instance : MySingleton = MySingleton(222.33)
class func Instance2() -> MySingleton {return InstanceSingleton2.instance}
// VERSION - 3
class func Instance3() -> MySingleton {
// we actually seem to get a private static here
struct InstanceSingleton3 {
static let instance : MySingleton = MySingleton(444.55)
return InstanceSingleton3.instance
let a = MySingleton(10.0)
let b = MySingleton(20.0)
let c = MySingleton.Instance()
let d = MySingleton.Instance()
a === a // true
b === b // true
a === b // false
a === c // false
a === d // false
c === d // true
let e = MySingleton.Instance2()
let f = MySingleton.Instance2()
e === f // true
c === e // false
let g = MySingleton.Instance3()
// VERSION - 1 lets us do this
MySingleton.InstanceSingleton.done = 0
let c1 = MySingleton.Instance()
c === c1 // false - we've reset the static so get a new instance
c.amount /// 123.45
c1.amount /// 123.45 (same value but different object)
// VERSION - 2
MySingleton.InstanceSingleton2.instance = MySingleton(888.99)
let e1 = MySingleton.Instance2()
e === e1 // false - we've overwritten the original instance
e.amount /// 222.33
e1.amount /// 888.99
// VERSION - 3
// We have no visibility of the underlying static nested as it is behind the function
MySingleton.Instance3().amount // returns 444.55
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