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Created September 15, 2015 13:34
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Save plumhead/945e0f2945a3ffea378a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
String extension to find the layout size of a String with specified attributes.
extension String {
func size(withAttributes attrs: [String:AnyObject], constrainedTo box: NSSize) -> NSRect {
let storage = NSTextStorage(string: self)
let container = NSTextContainer(containerSize: NSSize(width: box.width, height: box.height))
let layout = NSLayoutManager()
storage.addAttributes(attrs, range: NSMakeRange(0, storage.length))
container.lineFragmentPadding = 0.0
let _ = layout.glyphRangeForTextContainer(container)
return layout.usedRectForTextContainer(container)
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Use as follows

  • let s = "This is a string for testing the size with attributes and constrained to string extension."
  • let size = s.size(withAttributes: [NSFontAttributeName:NSFont.systemFontOfSize(20)], constrainedTo: NSSize(width: 60, height: Int.max))

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Obviously you could extend to pass a function in to configure the text container rather than simply setting a default lineFragmentPaddding as the example shows.

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