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Created February 17, 2024 17:35
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Simple example that shows how to display an editor window on Unity startup.
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
// The static constructor is called before the class is used,
// but there is no guarantee when this would happen.
// InitializeOnLoad ensures that it is called when Unity loads
// or when the scripts are reloading.
public class WelcomeWindow : EditorWindow
private const string AlreadyShown = "com.example.welcome_window_shown";
static WelcomeWindow()
// The static constructor is called too early
// in Unity lifecycle and you are limited what you can do inside it.
// All delayed calls are invoked only once after all inspectors update,
// so it should be safe to use to display our editor window.
EditorApplication.delayCall += ShowOnStartup;
private static void ShowOnStartup()
// InitializeOnLoad classes are called not only on unity startup,
// but also when the scripts are reloading.
// This means the windows could be shown even after it is closed.
// Keep the state whether the window is shown in session variable.
// Session state is reset after Unity is closed.
var isAlreadyShown = SessionState.GetBool(AlreadyShown, false);
if (!isAlreadyShown)
SessionState.SetBool(AlreadyShown, true);
// The rest is the code for the custom editor window.
[MenuItem("Window/My Package/Welcome")]
public static void ShowWelcomeWindow()
var editor = GetWindow<WelcomeWindow>();
editor.titleContent = new GUIContent("Welcome");
public void CreateGUI()
var label = new Label("Hello Word!");
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