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Created April 20, 2012 03:52
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PHP Tail Recursion
function tailrec($func)
$acc = array();
$recursing = FALSE;
$func = new ReflectionFunction($func);
return function() use ($func, &$acc, &$recursing) {
$acc[] = func_get_args();
if ( ! $recursing)
$recursing = TRUE;
while ( ! empty($acc))
$ret = $func->invokeArgs(array_shift($acc));
$recursing = FALSE;
return $ret;
// in order to recurse on a closure in php you need to
// pass a reference to the assigned variable.
$sumrand = tailrec(function($n, $sum) use (&$sumrand) {
if ($n == 0)
return $sum;
return $sumrand($n - 1, $sum + rand(0, 1));
echo $sumrand(500000, 0) . "\n";
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I optimized on your code to avoid the use(&$sumrand) part with a 5.4 only example:

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