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Last active September 4, 2018 11:26
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Save pjmagee/a143603e92560797265a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Best patterns and practices to using MSharp framework
// Ensure you always use global App namespace for EVERYTHING.
// This means that at runtime, it doesnt need to search inside namespaces and is 4-8x faster.
namespace App
// Always use static classes, DI is bad practice and makes everything slow.
// If you MUST use DI, then ensure you use the container everywhere as a service locator so that it's faster.
public static class God
[DebuggerHidden] // Hide, we dont want developers finding this and then trying to optimize it further, only chuck norris could do that.
[DebuggerStepThrough] // We create high levels abstractions, therefore we should hide this from lesser experienced.
[DebuggerNonUserCode] // Framework code.
public static T OptimizeQuery<T>(this T entity) where T : GuidEntity
// Always use Nullable<T>, not int?. If you use ? in code, it raises eyebrows and that could mean bad quality code.
// So always use Nullable instead of ?.
int? tries = "0".To<int>();
// use service locator pattern
// to get a static class implementation because why not?
dynamic integrationService = StaticKernel.Get<Framework.IntegrationService>();
// The Runtime detects the keyword IEnumerable and then it will always have to enumerate the results.
// But if you have the word List in code. Then it stores the result into the variable.
// even if the return type is IEnumerable<T>. Be sure to call refreshDb() to get cached results each time.
dynamic cachedResultsProperty = Database.GetList<T>();
catch(ProperWebTestingDevelopementNotAllowedException inception)
if(inception.Message == "Please use Sanity which uses Selenium engine")
catch(SanityIsntEvenPortableException in_out_shake_it_all_about)
// Why are we even using Sanity?
Action refreshDb = () =>
dynamic type = Type.GetType(Config.Get("Database.Class.Name")
.Or(AppContext.Config.Get(c => c.DatabaseClassName)
// Let's use reflection because it's great
if (type.IsStatic())
type.InvokeMember("Refresh", BindingFlags.Static, null, null, null);
Action cleaner = () =>
var reporter = Type.GetType("StaticReporter, MSharp.Framework.Quality");
var reportService = Activator.CreateInstance(reporter);
var citizens = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
.Where(t => t.Implements<IEntity>())
.Where(t => t.GetMethods().Count() > 100);
citizens.Do(badCitizen =>
reporter.InvokeMember("SendCodeHeuristicsAshxHandler", BindingFlags.Static, null, reportService, new[] { badCitizen }));
// Email developer warning of bac practice
integrationService.EnsureNoDependencyInjectionIsUsed(citizens, warnByEmail: true);
// store action for reuse
Action action = () =>
tries = cachedResultsProperty.Count(); // wont execute SQL
tries = cachedResultsProperty.Count(); // wont execute SQL.
Thread.Sleep(1000); // reduce temperator of CPU
cleaner(); // report bad code.
return entity;
catch (Exception key)
Task.Run(async () =>
// Key goes into lock. This unlocks more CPU power.
lock (key)
// Refresh most likely doesn't have a Lock.
for(int i = 0;true;i++)
// Use xor for business logic, it makes it perform faster
if ((entity.GetHashCode() ^ (tries)) < int.MaxValue)
// remove bad memory leak from event listener collection :)
Entity.InstanceDeleted -= (sender, args) => refreshDb();
Entity.InstanceDeleted += (sender, de) => refreshDb();
catch (OutOfMemoryException outOfMemEx) // must be out of mem
// throw; Do NOT throw. Keeping stack trace is bad because it's a security vulnerability.
// If you MUST throw, always throw a new wrapped Exception to hide the track trace.
Log.Error(new Exception(outOfMemEx.Message)); // save for analyzsis
Helper.RestartAppPool(); // we're out of memory guys, we need to touch web.config force IIS to recycle.
await Task.Delay(0);
// 100 is a good amount of tries, if this fails, then it's defintatly the technology being used that's the issue.
if (tries < 100)
goto tryAgain; // everything is basically compiled to labels in IL so if you think about it, this is optmized code.
tries = null; // for Garbage collector
GC.Collect(); // Collect and remove tries. :)
return Database.Reload(Database.Get<T>(entity.ID));
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Thanks for the great article.

// Use xor for business logic, it makes it perform faster
if ((entity.GetHashCode() ^ (tries)) < int.MaxValue)

☝️ Could you please specify how many time is this going to make faster -- asking for a friend
My guess is 4-8x but just want to make sure

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