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Created February 19, 2024 05:31
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Prisma / express-session simple integration
// Offensively simple shim on top of
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client';
import connectPgSimple from 'connect-pg-simple';
import session from 'express-session';
import { format } from '@scaleleap/pg-format';
type Debugger = (arg: Record<string, unknown>) => Promise<void>;
export const consoleDebugger: Debugger = async (payload) => {
console.dir(payload, { depth: null });
class ShimPool {
#_debugId: number = 0;
public prisma: PrismaClient,
private debug: Debugger | undefined
) {}
async query(query: string, params: unknown[]) {
let debugId = 0;
if (this.debug) {
debugId = this.#_debugId++;
this.debug({ _: 'original', query, params, debugId });
// pg to pg-format param markup
const reParam = query.replaceAll(/\$(\d)/g, '%$1$$L');
// Escape the query
const safeQuery = format(reParam, ...params);
if (this.debug) this.debug({ _: 'newQuery', safeQuery, debugId });
// Run and return it
const rows = await this.prisma.$queryRawUnsafe(safeQuery);
if (this.debug) this.debug({ _: 'results', rows, debugId });
return { rows };
export function sessionStore(prismaClient: PrismaClient, tableName: string, debug?: Debugger): session.Store {
const PgSession = connectPgSimple(session);
const pool = new ShimPool(prismaClient, debug);
return new PgSession({ pool: pool as any, tableName });
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