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Last active August 4, 2019 00:33
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extension String {
func words() -> [String] {
let range = self.startIndex..<self.endIndex
var words = [String]()
self.enumerateSubstrings(in: range, options: NSString.EnumerationOptions.byWords) { (substring, _, _, _) -> () in
words.append(substring ?? "")
return words
func mostCommonWord(bannedWords: [String], paragraph: String) -> String {
let hashset = Set(bannedWords)
var hashmap = [String:Int]()
let cleanString = Array(paragraph.lowercased().words())
for word in cleanString {
if !hashset.contains(word) {
if let val = hashmap[word] {
hashmap[word] = val + 1
} else {
hashmap[word] = 1
var result = ""
for key in hashmap.keys {
if result == "" || hashmap[key]! > hashmap[result]! {
result = key
return result
let word = mostCommonWord(bannedWords: ["hit"], paragraph: "Bob hit a ball, the hit BALL flew far after it was hit.")
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