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Last active February 26, 2021 23:30
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Functions to get Google credentials & tokens for offlineimap
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:fenc=utf-8
# Copyright © 2021 Pi-Yueh Chuang <>
# Distributed under terms of the BSD 3-Clause license.
"""Functions used by an offlineimap instance.
* google-auth:
* google-auth-oauthlib:
import pathlib
import pickle
import google.auth
import google_auth_oauthlib
def get_gmail_creds(account, client_credfile, scope=[""]):
"""Get GMail account credential.
account : str
Name of the account; used for naming the user credential file.
client_credfile : str or pathlike
Path to a JSON file that has client credentials. It can be created & downloaded from Google Cloud Console.
A `google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials` instance.
# process and save the absolute path of the credential file
client_credfile = pathlib.Path(client_credfile).expanduser()
if not client_credfile.is_absolute():
client_credfile = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.joinpath(client_credfile).expanduser()
client_credfile = client_credfile.resolve()
# token file contains pickled credentials of both the client and user-consented token
user_credfile = pathlib.Path(__file__).expanduser().resolve().parent.joinpath(account+".cred")
# try to see if the account's credential file exist; if so, read it
if user_credfile.exists():
with open(user_credfile, "rb") as fobj:
user_creds = pickle.load(fobj)
# return the credential object
if user_creds.valid:
return user_creds
user_creds = None
# user credentials exist but expired, just renew it if refresh token exists
if user_creds and user_creds.expired and user_creds.refresh_token:
return user_creds
# user credentials does not exist or does not have a refresh token; open the browser for consent
flow = google_auth_oauthlib.flow.InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(client_credfile, scope)
user_creds = flow.run_local_server(port=59843)
with open(user_credfile, "wb") as fobj:
pickle.dump(user_creds, fobj)
return user_creds
def get_gmail_client_id(account, client_credfile):
"""Get the client id (in bytes) from credentials."""
creds = get_gmail_creds(account, client_credfile)
return bytes(creds.client_id, "utf-8") # return `bytes`
# return creds.client_id # return `str`
def get_gmail_client_secret(account, client_credfile):
"""Get the client secret (in bytes) from credentials."""
creds = get_gmail_creds(account, client_credfile)
return bytes(creds.client_secret, "utf-8") # return `bytes`
# return creds.client_secret # return `str`
def get_gmail_token(account, client_credfile):
"""Get the token (in bytes) from credentials."""
creds = get_gmail_creds(account, client_credfile)
return bytes(creds.token, "utf-8") # return `bytes`
# return creds.token # return `str`
def get_gmail_refresh_token(account, client_credfile):
"""Get the refresh token (in bytes) from credentials."""
creds = get_gmail_creds(account, client_credfile)
return bytes(creds.refresh_token, "utf-8") # return `bytes`
# return creds.refresh_token # return `str`
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