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Last active February 2, 2018 17:51
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(defmacro cx [& classes]
"This macro compiles this:
(cx :one true :two true :three false :four (pos? 1))
Into this:
[ \"one two\", 1 > 0 ? \"four\" : null ].join(\" \")
(let [class-map# (partition 2 classes)
groups# (group-by (fn [[k v]]
(= v 'true) true
(= v 'false) false
:else nil))
true-class# (get groups# true)
check-class# (get groups# nil)]
`(.join (cljs.core/array
~(str/join " " (map #(name (first %)) true-class#))
~@(for [[class# test#] check-class#]
`(when ~test# ~(name class#))))
" ")))
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