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Last active November 18, 2017 07:29
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// Imports
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, manager: Cm, results: Cr, utils: Cu, Constructor: CC} = Components;
Cu.importGlobalProperties(['Blob', 'URL']);
const COMMONJS_URI = 'resource://gre/modules/commonjs';
/* xiao const { require } = Cu.import(COMMONJS_URI + '/toolkit/require.js', {});
var CLIPBOARD = require('sdk/clipboard');*/
// xiao start clipboard
// xiao start clipboard dependencies
// xiao start api-utils
// xiao start api-utils dependencies
* Returns if `value` is an instance of a given `Type`. This is exactly same as
* `value instanceof Type` with a difference that `Type` can be from a scope
* that has a different top level object. (Like in case where `Type` is a
* function from different iframe / jetpack module / sandbox).
function instanceOf(value, Type) {
var isConstructorNameSame;
var isConstructorSourceSame;
// If `instanceof` returned `true` we know result right away.
var isInstanceOf = value instanceof Type;
// If `instanceof` returned `false` we do ducktype check since `Type` may be
// from a different sandbox. If a constructor of the `value` or a constructor
// of the value's prototype has same name and source we assume that it's an
// instance of the Type.
if (!isInstanceOf && value) {
isConstructorNameSame = ===;
isConstructorSourceSame = String(value.constructor) == String(Type);
isInstanceOf = (isConstructorNameSame && isConstructorSourceSame) ||
instanceOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(value), Type);
return isInstanceOf;
* Returns `true` if `value` is an object (please note that `null` is considered
* to be an atom and not an object).
* @examples
* isObject({}) // true
* isObject(null) // false
function isObject(value) {
return typeof value === "object" && value !== null;
* Returns `true` if value is `null` or `undefined`.
* It's equivalent to `== null`, but resolve the ambiguity of the writer
* intention, makes clear that he's clearly checking both `null` and `undefined`
* values, and it's not a typo for `=== null`.
function isNil(value) {
return value === null || value === undefined;
* Returns `true` if `value` is a `RegExp`.
* @examples
* isRegExp(/moe/); // true
function isRegExp(value) {
return isObject(value) && instanceOf(value, RegExp);
// xiao end api-utils dependencies
function RequirementError(key, requirement) {; = "RequirementError";
let msg = requirement.msg;
if (!msg) {
msg = 'The option "' + key + '" ';
msg += ?
"must be one of the following types: " +", ") :
"is invalid.";
this.message = msg;
RequirementError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
const { isArray } = Array;
// The possible return values of getTypeOf.
const VALID_TYPES = [
// Similar to typeof, except arrays, null and regexps are identified by "array" and
// "null" and "regexp", not "object".
var getTypeOf = function getTypeOf(val) {
let typ = typeof(val);
if (typ === "object") {
if (!val)
return "null";
if (isArray(val))
return "array";
if (isRegExp(val))
return "regexp";
return typ;
var apiUtils = {};
* Returns a validated options dictionary given some requirements. If any of
* the requirements are not met, an exception is thrown.
* @param options
* An object, the options dictionary to validate. It's not modified.
* If it's null or otherwise falsey, an empty object is assumed.
* @param requirements
* An object whose keys are the expected keys in options. Any key in
* options that is not present in requirements is ignored. Each value
* in requirements is itself an object describing the requirements of
* its key. There are four optional keys in this object:
* map: A function that's passed the value of the key in options.
* map's return value is taken as the key's value in the final
* validated options, is, and ok. If map throws an exception
* it's caught and discarded, and the key's value is its value in
* options.
* is: An array containing any number of the typeof type names. If
* the key's value is none of these types, it fails validation.
* Arrays, null and regexps are identified by the special type names
* "array", "null", "regexp"; "object" will not match either. No type
* coercion is done.
* ok: A function that's passed the key's value. If it returns
* false, the value fails validation.
* msg: If the key's value fails validation, an exception is thrown.
* This string will be used as its message. If undefined, a
* generic message is used, unless is is defined, in which case
* the message will state that the value needs to be one of the
* given types.
* @return An object whose keys are those keys in requirements that are also in
* options and whose values are the corresponding return values of map
* or the corresponding values in options. Note that any keys not
* shared by both requirements and options are not in the returned
* object.
apiUtils.validateOptions = function validateOptions(options, requirements) {
options = options || {};
let validatedOptions = {};
for (let key in requirements) {
let isOptional = false;
let mapThrew = false;
let req = requirements[key];
let [optsVal, keyInOpts] = (key in options) ?
[options[key], true] :
[undefined, false];
if ( {
try {
optsVal =;
catch (err) {
if (err instanceof RequirementError)
throw err;
mapThrew = true;
if ( {
let types =;
if (!isArray(types) && isArray(
types =;
if (isArray(types)) {
isOptional = ['undefined', 'null'].every(v => ~types.indexOf(v));
// Sanity check the caller's type names.
types.forEach(function (typ) {
if (VALID_TYPES.indexOf(typ) < 0) {
let msg = 'Internal error: invalid requirement type "' + typ + '".';
throw new Error(msg);
if (types.indexOf(getTypeOf(optsVal)) < 0)
throw new RequirementError(key, req);
if (req.ok && ((!isOptional || !isNil(optsVal)) && !req.ok(optsVal)))
throw new RequirementError(key, req);
if (keyInOpts || ( && !mapThrew && optsVal !== undefined))
validatedOptions[key] = optsVal;
return validatedOptions;
// xiao end api-utils
// xiao start url
// xiao start url dependencies
// xiao start heritage
var getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
function* getNames(x) {
yield* Object.getOwnPropertyNames(x);
yield* Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(x);
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var freeze = Object.freeze;
// This shortcut makes sure that we do perform desired operations, even if
// associated methods have being overridden on the used object.
var hasOwnProperty =;
// Utility function to get own properties descriptor map.
function getOwnPropertyDescriptors(...objects) {
let descriptors = {};
for (let object of objects)
for (let name of getNames(object))
descriptors[name] = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, name);
return descriptors;
function isDataProperty(property) {
var type = typeof(property.value);
return "value" in property &&
type !== "function" &&
(type !== "object" || property.value === null);
function getDataProperties(object) {
var properties = getOwnPropertyDescriptors(object);
let result = {};
for (let name of getNames(properties)) {
var property = properties[name];
if (isDataProperty(property)) {
result[name] = {
value: property.value,
writable: true,
configurable: true,
enumerable: false
return result;
* Takes `source` object as an argument and returns identical object
* with the difference that all own properties will be non-enumerable
function obscure(source, prototype = getPrototypeOf(source)) {
let descriptors = {};
for (let name of getNames(source)) {
let property = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, name);
property.enumerable = false;
descriptors[name] = property;
return Object.create(prototype, descriptors);
* Takes arbitrary number of source objects and returns fresh one, that
* inherits from the same prototype as a first argument and implements all
* own properties of all argument objects. If two or more argument objects
* have own properties with the same name, the property is overridden, with
* precedence from right to left, implying, that properties of the object on
* the left are overridden by a same named property of the object on the right.
var mix = function(...sources) {
return Object.create(getPrototypeOf(sources[0]),
* Returns a frozen object with that inherits from the given `prototype` and
* implements all own properties of the given `properties` object.
function extend(prototype, properties) {
return Object.create(prototype,
function prototypeOf(input) {
return typeof(input) === 'function' ? input.prototype : input;
* Returns a constructor function with a proper `prototype` setup. Returned
* constructor's `prototype` inherits from a given `options.extends` or
* `Class.prototype` if omitted and implements all the properties of the
* given `option`. If `options.implemens` array is passed, it's elements
* will be mixed into prototype as well. Also, `options.extends` can be
* a function or a prototype. If function than it's prototype is used as
* an ancestor of the prototype, if it's an object that it's used directly.
* Also `options.implements` may contain functions or objects, in case of
* functions their prototypes are used for mixing.
function Class(options) {
// Create descriptor with normalized `options.extends` and
// `options.implements`.
var descriptor = {
// Normalize extends property of `options.extends` to a prototype object
// in case it's constructor. If property is missing that fallback to
// `Type.prototype`.
extends: hasOwnProperty(options, 'extends') ?
prototypeOf(options.extends) : Class.prototype,
// Normalize `options.implements` to make sure that it's array of
// prototype objects instead of constructor functions.
implements: freeze(hasOwnProperty(options, 'implements') ? : []),
// Create array of property descriptors who's properties will be defined
// on the resulting prototype.
var descriptors = [].concat(descriptor.implements, options, descriptor,
{ constructor });
// Note: we use reflection `apply` in the constructor instead of method
// call since later may be overridden.
function constructor() {
var instance = Object.create(prototype, attributes);
if (initialize)
Reflect.apply(initialize, instance, arguments);
return instance;
// Create `prototype` that inherits from given ancestor passed as
// `options.extends`, falling back to `Type.prototype`, implementing all
// properties of given `options.implements` and `options` itself.
var prototype = Object.create(descriptor.extends,
var initialize = prototype.initialize;
// Combine ancestor attributes with prototype's attributes so that
// ancestors attributes also become initializeable.
var attributes = mix(descriptor.extends.constructor.attributes || {},
constructor.attributes = attributes;
Object.defineProperty(constructor, 'prototype', {
configurable: false,
writable: false,
value: prototype
return constructor;
Class.prototype = obscure({
constructor: function constructor() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
initialize: function initialize() {
// Do your initialization logic here
// Copy useful properties from `Object.prototype`.
toString: Object.prototype.toString,
toLocaleString: Object.prototype.toLocaleString,
toSource: Object.prototype.toSource,
valueOf: Object.prototype.valueOf,
isPrototypeOf: Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf
}, null);
var Class = freeze(Class);
// xiao end heritage
// xiao start base64
// Passing an empty object as second argument to avoid scope's pollution
// (devtools loader injects these symbols as global and prevent using
// const here)
// var { atob, btoa } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", {});
function isUTF8(charset) {
let type = typeof charset;
if (type === "undefined")
return false;
if (type === "string" && charset.toLowerCase() === "utf-8")
return true;
throw new Error("The charset argument can be only 'utf-8'");
function toOctetChar(c) {
return String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0) & 0xFF);
var base64 = {};
base64.decode = function (data, charset) {
if (isUTF8(charset))
return decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(data)))
return atob(data);
base64.encode = function (data, charset) {
if (isUTF8(charset))
return btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(data)))
data = data.replace(/[^\x00-\xFF]/g, toOctetChar);
return btoa(data);
// xiao end base64
// xiao end url dependencies
* Parse and serialize a Data URL.
* See:
* Note: Could be extended in the future to decode / encode automatically binary
* data.
const DataURL = Class({
get base64 () {
return "base64" in this.parameters;
set base64 (value) {
if (value)
this.parameters["base64"] = "";
delete this.parameters["base64"];
* Initialize the Data URL object. If a uri is given, it will be parsed.
* @param {String} [uri] The uri to parse
* @throws {URIError} if the Data URL is malformed
initialize: function(uri) {
// Due to bug 751834 it is not possible document and define these
// properties in the prototype.
* An hashmap that contains the parameters of the Data URL. By default is
* empty, that accordingly to RFC is equivalent to {"charset" : "US-ASCII"}
this.parameters = {};
* The MIME type of the data. By default is empty, that accordingly to RFC
* is equivalent to "text/plain"
this.mimeType = "";
* The string that represent the data in the Data URL
*/ = "";
if (typeof uri === "undefined")
uri = String(uri);
let matches = uri.match(/^data:([^,]*),(.*)$/i);
if (!matches)
throw new URIError("Malformed Data URL: " + uri);
let mediaType = matches[1].trim(); = decodeURIComponent(matches[2].trim());
if (!mediaType)
let parametersList = mediaType.split(";");
this.mimeType = parametersList.shift().trim();
for (let parameter, i = 0; parameter = parametersList[i++];) {
let pairs = parameter.split("=");
let name = pairs[0].trim();
let value = pairs.length > 1 ? decodeURIComponent(pairs[1].trim()) : "";
this.parameters[name] = value;
if (this.base64) = base64.decode(;
* Returns the object as a valid Data URL string
* @returns {String} The Data URL
toString : function() {
let parametersList = [];
for (let name in this.parameters) {
let encodedParameter = encodeURIComponent(name);
let value = this.parameters[name];
if (value)
encodedParameter += "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
// If there is at least a parameter, add an empty string in order
// to start with a `;` on join call.
if (parametersList.length > 0)
let data = this.base64 ? base64.encode( :;
return "data:" +
this.mimeType +
parametersList.join(";") + "," +
// xiao end url
// xiao end clipboard dependencies
While these data flavors resemble Internet media types, they do
no directly map to them.
const kAllowableFlavors = [
Aliases for common flavors. Not all flavors will
get an alias. New aliases must be approved by a
Jetpack API druid.
const kFlavorMap = [
{ short: "text", long: "text/unicode" },
{ short: "html", long: "text/html" },
{ short: "image", long: "image/png" }
var clipboardService = Cc[";1"].
var clipboardHelper = Cc[";1"].
var imageTools = Cc[";1"].
var CLIPBOARD = {};
CLIPBOARD.set = function(aData, aDataType) {
let options = {
data: aData,
datatype: aDataType || "text"
// If `aDataType` is not given or if it's "image", the data is parsed as
// data URL to detect a better datatype
if (aData && (!aDataType || aDataType === "image")) {
try {
let dataURL = new DataURL(aData);
options.datatype = dataURL.mimeType; =;
catch (e) {
// Ignore invalid URIs
if ( !== "URIError") {
throw e;
options = apiUtils.validateOptions(options, {
data: {
is: ["string"]
datatype: {
is: ["string"]
let flavor = fromJetpackFlavor(options.datatype);
if (!flavor)
throw new Error("Invalid flavor for " + options.datatype);
// Additional checks for using the simple case
if (flavor == "text/unicode") {
return true;
// Below are the more complex cases where we actually have to work with a
// nsITransferable object
var xferable = Cc[";1"].
if (!xferable)
throw new Error("Couldn't set the clipboard due to an internal error " +
"(couldn't create a Transferable object).");
// Bug 769440: Starting with FF16, transferable have to be inited
if ("init" in xferable)
switch (flavor) {
case "text/html":
// add text/html flavor
let str = Cc[";1"].
createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString); =;
xferable.setTransferData(flavor, str, * 2);
// add a text/unicode flavor (html converted to plain text)
str = Cc[";1"].
let converter = Cc[";1"].
converter.type = "html";
converter.text =; = converter.plainText();
xferable.setTransferData("text/unicode", str, * 2);
// Set images to the clipboard is not straightforward, to have an idea how
// it works on platform side, see:
case "image/png":
let image =;
let container;// xiao = {};
try {
let input = Cc[";1"].
input.setData(image, image.length);
// xiao imageTools.decodeImageData(input, flavor, container);
container = imageTools.decodeImage(input, flavor);
catch (e) {
throw new Error("Unable to decode data given in a valid image.");
// Store directly the input stream makes the cliboard's data available
// for Firefox but not to the others application or to the OS. Therefore,
// a `nsISupportsInterfacePointer` object that reference an `imgIContainer`
// with the image is needed.
var imgPtr = Cc[";1"].
createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsInterfacePointer); = container;// xiao .value;
xferable.setTransferData(flavor, imgPtr, -1);
throw new Error("Unable to handle the flavor " + flavor + ".");
// TODO: Not sure if this will ever actually throw. -zpao
try {
} catch (e) {
throw new Error("Couldn't set clipboard data due to an internal error: " + e);
return true;
CLIPBOARD.get = function(aDataType) {
let options = {
datatype: aDataType
// Figure out the best data type for the clipboard's data, if omitted
if (!aDataType) {
if (~currentFlavors().indexOf("image"))
options.datatype = "image";
options.datatype = "text";
options = apiUtils.validateOptions(options, {
datatype: {
is: ["string"]
var xferable = Cc[";1"].
if (!xferable)
throw new Error("Couldn't set the clipboard due to an internal error " +
"(couldn't create a Transferable object).");
// Bug 769440: Starting with FF16, transferable have to be inited
if ("init" in xferable)
var flavor = fromJetpackFlavor(options.datatype);
// Ensure that the user hasn't requested a flavor that we don't support.
if (!flavor)
throw new Error("Getting the clipboard with the flavor '" + flavor +
"' is not supported.");
// TODO: Check for matching flavor first? Probably not worth it.
// Get the data into our transferable.
var data = {};
var dataLen = {};
try {
xferable.getTransferData(flavor, data, dataLen);
} catch (e) {
// Clipboard doesn't contain data in flavor, return null.
return null;
// There's no data available, return.
if (data.value === null)
return null;
// TODO: Add flavors here as we support more in kAllowableFlavors.
switch (flavor) {
case "text/unicode":
case "text/html":
data = data.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsString).data;
case "image/png":
let dataURL = new DataURL();
dataURL.mimeType = flavor;
dataURL.base64 = true;
let image = data.value;
// Due to the differences in how images could be stored in the clipboard
// the checks below are needed. The clipboard could already provide the
// image as byte streams, but also as pointer, or as image container.
// If it's not possible obtain a byte stream, the function returns `null`.
if (image instanceof Ci.nsISupportsInterfacePointer)
image =;
if (image instanceof Ci.imgIContainer)
image = imageTools.encodeImage(image, flavor);
if (image instanceof Ci.nsIInputStream) {
let binaryStream = Cc[";1"].
binaryStream.setInputStream(image); = binaryStream.readBytes(binaryStream.available());
data = dataURL.toString();
data = null;
data = null;
return data;
function currentFlavors() {
// Loop over kAllowableFlavors, calling hasDataMatchingFlavors for each.
// This doesn't seem like the most efficient way, but we can't get
// confirmation for specific flavors any other way. This is supposed to be
// an inexpensive call, so performance shouldn't be impacted (much).
var currentFlavors = [];
for (var flavor of kAllowableFlavors) {
var matches = clipboardService.hasDataMatchingFlavors(
if (matches)
return currentFlavors;
Object.defineProperty(CLIPBOARD, "currentFlavors", { get : currentFlavors });
// SUPPORT FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function toJetpackFlavor(aFlavor) {
for (let flavorMap of kFlavorMap)
if (flavorMap.long == aFlavor)
return flavorMap.short;
// Return null in the case where we don't match
return null;
function fromJetpackFlavor(aJetpackFlavor) {
// TODO: Handle proper flavors better
for (let flavorMap of kFlavorMap)
if (flavorMap.short == aJetpackFlavor || flavorMap.long == aJetpackFlavor)
return flavorMap.long;
// Return null in the case where we don't match.
return null;
// xiao end clipboard
/* xiao var LOCALE = require('sdk/l10n/locale');*/
// xiao start locale
// xiao Services já está definido pelo NativeShot
var LOCALE = {};
LOCALE.getPreferedLocales = function getPreferedLocales(caseSensitve) {
const locales = Services.locale.getRequestedLocales();
// This API expects to always append en-US fallback, so for compatibility
// reasons, we're going to inject it here.
// See bug 1373061 for details.
if (!locales.includes('en-US')) {
return locales;
* Selects the closest matching locale from a list of locales.
* @param aLocales
* An array of available locales
* @param aMatchLocales
* An array of prefered locales, ordered by priority. Most wanted first.
* Locales have to be in lowercase.
* If null, uses getPreferedLocales() results
* @return the best match for the currently selected locale
* Stolen from
LOCALE.findClosestLocale = function findClosestLocale(aLocales, aMatchLocales) {
aMatchLocales = aMatchLocales || getPreferedLocales();
// Holds the best matching localized resource
let bestmatch = null;
// The number of locale parts it matched with
let bestmatchcount = 0;
// The number of locale parts in the match
let bestpartcount = 0;
for (let locale of aMatchLocales) {
let lparts = locale.split("-");
for (let localized of aLocales) {
let found = localized.toLowerCase();
// Exact match is returned immediately
if (locale == found)
return localized;
let fparts = found.split("-");
/* If we have found a possible match and this one isn't any longer
then we dont need to check further. */
if (bestmatch && fparts.length < bestmatchcount)
// Count the number of parts that match
let maxmatchcount = Math.min(fparts.length, lparts.length);
let matchcount = 0;
while (matchcount < maxmatchcount &&
fparts[matchcount] == lparts[matchcount])
/* If we matched more than the last best match or matched the same and
this locale is less specific than the last best match. */
if (matchcount > bestmatchcount ||
(matchcount == bestmatchcount && fparts.length < bestpartcount)) {
bestmatch = localized;
bestmatchcount = matchcount;
bestpartcount = fparts.length;
// If we found a valid match for this locale return it
if (bestmatch)
return bestmatch;
return null;
// xiao end locale
var BEAUTIFY = {};
(function() {
var { require } = Cu.import('resource://devtools/shared/Loader.jsm', {});
var { jsBeautify } = require('devtools/shared/jsbeautify/src/beautify-js');
BEAUTIFY.js = jsBeautify;
// Lazy Imports
var myServices = {};
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(myServices, 'as', () => Cc[';1'].getService(Ci.nsIAlertsService) );
var nsIFile = CC(';1', Ci.nsIFile/* xiao nsILocalFile*/, 'initWithPath');
// Globals
var core = {
addon: {
name: 'NativeShot',
id: 'NativeShot@jetpack',
version: null, // populated by `startup`
path: {
name: 'nativeshot',
content: 'chrome://nativeshot/content/',
locale: 'chrome://nativeshot/locale/',
resources: 'chrome://nativeshot/content/resources/',
images: 'chrome://nativeshot/content/resources/images/',
scripts: 'chrome://nativeshot/content/resources/scripts/',
styles: 'chrome://nativeshot/content/resources/styles/',
fonts: 'chrome://nativeshot/content/resources/styles/fonts/',
pages: 'chrome://nativeshot/content/resources/pages/'
// below are added by worker
// storage: OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, 'jetpack',, 'simple-storage')
cache_key: '1.13'
os: {
// // name: added by worker
// // mname: added by worker
toolkit: Services.appinfo.widgetToolkit.toLowerCase(),
xpcomabi: Services.appinfo.XPCOMABI
firefox: {
pid: Services.appinfo.processID,
version: parseFloat(Services.appinfo.version),
channel: Services.prefs.getCharPref(''),
locale: LOCALE.getPreferedLocales()[0]
nativeshot: {
services: {
imguranon: {
code: 0,
type: 'upload',
datatype: 'png_arrbuf'
twitter: {
code: 1,
type: 'share',
datatype: 'png_arrbuf',
oauth: {dotid:'user_id',dotname:'screen_name'} // `dotid` and `dotname` are dot paths in the `oauth` filestore entry. `dotid` is meant to point to something that uniquely identifies that account across all accounts on that oauth service's web server
copy: {
code: 2,
type: 'system',
datatype: 'png_arrbuf',
noimg: true // no associated image file to show on history page
print: {
code: 3,
type: 'system',
datatype: 'png_arrbuf',
noimg: true
savequick: {
code: 4,
type: 'system',
datatype: 'png_arrbuf'
savebrowse: {
code: 5,
type: 'system',
datatype: 'png_arrbuf'
tineye: {
code: 7,
type: 'search',
datatype: 'png_arrbuf',
noimg: true
googleimages: {
code: 8,
type: 'search',
datatype: 'png_arrbuf',
noimg: true
dropbox: {
code: 9,
type: 'upload',
datatype: 'png_arrbuf',
oauth: {dotid:'uid',dotname:'name.display_name'}
imgur: {
code: 10,
type: 'upload',
datatype: 'png_arrbuf',
oauth: {dotid:'account_id',dotname:'account_username'}
gdrive: {
code: 11,
type: 'upload',
datatype: 'png_arrbuf',
oauth: {dotid:'emailAddress',dotname:'displayName'}
gocr: {
code: 12,
type: 'ocr',
datatype: 'plain_arrbuf',
noimg: true
ocrad: {
code: 13,
type: 'ocr',
datatype: 'plain_arrbuf',
noimg: true
tesseract: {
code: 14,
type: 'ocr',
datatype: 'plain_arrbuf',
noimg: true
ocrall: {
code: 15,
type: 'ocr',
datatype: 'plain_arrbuf',
noimg: true,
history_ignore: true
bing: {
code: 16,
type: 'search',
datatype: 'png_arrbuf',
noimg: true
facebook: {
code: 17,
type: 'share',
datatype: 'png_arrbuf',
oauth: {dotid:'id',dotname:'name'}
var gWkComm;
var gFsComm;
var callInMainworker, callInContentinframescript, callInFramescript;
var gAndroidMenuIds = [];
var gCuiCssUri;
var gGenCssUri;
var OSStuff = {};
var gSession = {
// id: null - set when a session is in progress,
// shots: collMonInfos,
// domwin_wk - most recent browser window when session started
// domwin_was_focused - was it focused when session started
var gAttn = {}; // key is session id
var ostypes;
var gFonts;
var gEditorStateStr;
const NS_HTML = '';
const NS_XUL = '';
function install() {}
function uninstall(aData, aReason) {
if (aReason == ADDON_UNINSTALL) {
// we have to access the locale pacage with jar path, as at this point chrome:// doesnt work
var addon_locales = ['ar', 'bg', 'ca', 'de', 'es-ES', 'et', 'fr', 'hu', 'it', 'ja', 'lt', 'nl', 'po', 'pt-BR', 'ro', 'ru', 'tr', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW']; // available locales from my addon. must match exactly the casing of the directory in my "locale/" directory
var lang = LOCALE.findClosestLocale(addon_locales, LOCALE.getPreferedLocales()) || 'en-US';
var jarpath_main_properties = __SCRIPT_URI_SPEC__.replace('/bootstrap.js', '/locale/' + lang + '/'); // TODO: figure out the `lang` that is used when picking `chrome` package, like if it doesnt find `en` it falls back to closest which is like `en-US`, figure that calculation out
var jarpath_enus_main_properties = __SCRIPT_URI_SPEC__.replace('/bootstrap.js', '/locale/en-US/');
// __SCRIPT_URI_SPEC__ == jar:file:///C:/Users/Mercurius/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/cx4w5lvy.Nightly%20Tester/extensions/NativeShot@jetpack.xpi!/bootstrap.js
// now get contents of the file
// needs to sync, its amo-reviewer ok, as im accessing local file
// needs to be sync because as soon as `uninstall` procedure is done i cannot access files via `jar:` path either, and i need the locale file
var xhr = Cc[';1'].createInstance(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
// first try per pref'GET', jarpath_main_properties, false);
try {
} catch (ex if ex.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
// ex: Exception { message: "", result: 2152857618, name: "NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND", filename: "resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIPr…", lineNumber: 205, columnNumber: 0, data: null, stack: "uninstall@resource://gre/modules/ad…", location: XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper } xhr: XMLHttpRequest { onreadystatechange: null, readyState: 1, timeout: 0, withCredentials: false, upload: XMLHttpRequestUpload, responseURL: "", status: 0, statusText: "", responseType: "", response: "" }
// ok fallback to en-US'GET', jarpath_enus_main_properties, false);
// xhr: XMLHttpRequest { onreadystatechange: null, readyState: 4, timeout: 0, withCredentials: false, upload: XMLHttpRequestUpload, responseURL: "jar:file:///C:/Users/Mercurius/AppD…", status: 200, statusText: "OK", responseType: "", response: "addon_name=NativeShot addon_descrip…" }
var packageStr = xhr.response;
// bottom is taken from worker `formatStringFromName`
var packageJson = {};
var propPatt = /(.*?)=(.*?)$/gm;
var propMatch;
while (propMatch = propPatt.exec(packageStr)) {
packageJson[propMatch[1]] = propMatch[2];
// end taken from worker
var should_delete = Services.prompt.confirmEx(Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser'), packageJson.uninstall_title, packageJson.uninstall_body.replace(/\\n/g, '\n'), Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_0 * Services.prompt.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING + Services.prompt.BUTTON_POS_1 * Services.prompt.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING, packageJson.delete, packageJson.keep, '', null, {value: false});
if (should_delete === 0) {
OS.File.removeDir(OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, 'jetpack',, {ignorePermissions:true, ignoreAbsent:true}); // will reject if `jetpack` folder does not exist
function startup(aData, aReason) {
core.addon.version = aData.version;
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(core.addon.path.scripts + 'comm/Comm.js');
({ callInMainworker, callInContentinframescript, callInFramescript } = CommHelper.bootstrap);
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(core.addon.path.scripts + 'jscSystemHotkey/shtkMainthreadSubscript.js');
gWkComm = new Comm.server.worker(core.addon.path.scripts + 'MainWorker.js?' + core.addon.cache_key, ()=>core, function(aArg, aComm) {
({ core } = aArg);
gFsComm = new Comm.server.framescript(; + 'MainFramescript.js?' + core.addon.cache_key, true);
// desktop:insert_gui
if ( != 'android') {
gGenCssUri = + 'general.css', null, null);
gCuiCssUri = + getCuiCssFilename(), null, null);
// insert cui
id: 'cui_' +,
defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR,
label: formatStringFromNameCore('gui_label', 'main'),
tooltiptext: formatStringFromNameCore('gui_tooltip', 'main'),
onCommand: guiClick
// register must go after the above, as i set gCuiCssUri above
if ( != 'android') {
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(core.addon.path.scripts + 'react-mozNotificationBar/host.js');
if (aReason === ADDON_UPGRADE) {
}, function() {
var deferredmain = new Deferred();
callInMainworker('hotkeysShouldUnregister', undefined, done=>deferredmain.resolve());
return deferredmain.promise;
function shutdown(aData, aReason) {
callInMainworker('writeFilestore'); // do even on APP_SHUTDOWN
if (aReason == APP_SHUTDOWN) {
} + 'MainFramescript.js?' + core.addon.cache_key);
// desktop_android:insert_gui
if ( != 'android') {
CustomizableUI.destroyWidget('cui_' +;
} else {
for (var androidMenu of gAndroidMenus) {
var domwin = getStrongReference(androidMenu.domwin);
if (!domwin) {
// its dead
// start - addon functions
function getCuiCssFilename() {
var cuiCssFilename;
if (Services.prefs.getCharPref('') == 'aurora') {
if (core.os.mname != 'darwin') {
// i didnt test dev edition on winxp, not sure what it is there
cuiCssFilename = 'cui_dev.css';
} else {
cuiCssFilename = 'cui_dev_mac.css';
} else {
if (core.os.mname == 'darwin') {
cuiCssFilename = 'cui_mac.css';
} else if (core.os.mname == 'gtk') {
cuiCssFilename = 'cui_gtk.css';
} else {
// windows
if (core.os.version <= 5.2) {
// xp
cuiCssFilename = 'cui_gtk.css';
} else {
cuiCssFilename = 'cui.css';
return cuiCssFilename;
function guiClick(e) {
if (! {
if (e.shiftKey) {
// add delay
callInMainworker('countdownStartOrIncrement', 5, function(aArg) {
var { sec_left, done } = aArg;
if (done) {
// countdown done
} else {
// done is false or undefined
// if false it means it was incremented and its closing the pathway. but it sends a sec_left with it, which is the newly incremented countdown
// OR it means it was cancelled. when cancelled there is no sec_left
// if undefined then sec_left is there, and they are providing progress updates
if (sec_left !== undefined) {
// progress, or increment close
} else {
// clear delay if there was one
callInMainworker('countdownCancel', undefined, function(aArg) {
var cancelled = aArg;
if (cancelled) {
function guiSetBadge(aTxt) {
// set aTxt to null if you want to remove badge
var widgetInstances = CustomizableUI.getWidget('cui_' +;
for (var i=0; i<widgetInstances.length; i++) {
var inst = widgetInstances[i];
var node = inst.node;
if (aTxt === null) {
} else {
node.setAttribute('badge', aTxt);
node.classList.add('badged-button'); // classList.add does not add duplicate classes
var keydetected_mt;
var shotgot_mt;
var shotstart_mt;
var shotcol_mt;
var shotopen_0;
var shotopen_1;
var shotopen_done_0;
var shotopen_done_1;
function takeShot() { =;
// start - async-proc939333
var shots;
var allMonDimStr;
var shootAllMons = function() {
callInMainworker('shootAllMons', undefined, function(aArg) {
shotgot_mt =;
var { collMonInfos } = aArg;
for (var i=0; i<collMonInfos.length; i++) {
collMonInfos[i].arrbuf = aArg['arrbuf' + i];
collMonInfos[i].port1 = aArg['screenshot' + i + '_port1'];
collMonInfos[i].port2 = aArg['screenshot' + i + '_port2'];
// call it shots
shots = collMonInfos;
gSession.shots = shots;
// the most recent browser window when screenshot was taken
var domwin = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser');
gSession.domwin_wk = Cu.getWeakReference(domwin);
gSession.domwin = domwin;
gSession.domwin_was_focused = isFocused(domwin);
// create allMonDimStr
var allMonDim = [];
for (var shot of shots) {
x: shot.x,
y: shot.y,
w: shot.w,
h: shot.h
// win81ScaleX: shot.win81ScaleX,
// win81ScaleY: shot.win81ScaleY
allMonDimStr = JSON.stringify(allMonDim);
var ensureGlobalEditorstate = function() {
shotcol_mt =;
if (!gEditorStateStr) {
callInMainworker('fetchFilestoreEntry', {mainkey:'editorstate'}, function(aArg) {
gEditorStateStr = JSON.stringify(aArg);
} else {
var openEditorWins = function() {
// open window for each shot
var i = -1;
for (var shot of shots) {
var x = shot.x;
var y = shot.y;
var w = shot.w;
var h = shot.h;
// scale it?
var scaleX = shot.win81ScaleX;
var scaleY = shot.win81ScaleY;
if (scaleX) {
x = Math.floor(x / scaleX);
w = Math.floor(w / scaleX);
if (scaleY) {
y = Math.floor(y / scaleY);
h = Math.floor(h / scaleY);
// make query string of the number, string, and boolean properties of shot
var query_json = Object.assign(
iMon: i,
allMonDimStr: allMonDimStr,
delete query_json.arrbuf;
delete query_json.port1;
delete query_json.port2;
delete query_json.screenshot;
var query_str = jQLike.serialize(query_json);
gCommScope['shotopen_' + i] =;
var editor_domwin = Services.ww.openWindow(null, 'about:nativeshot?' + query_str, '_blank', 'chrome,titlebar=0,width=' + w + ',height=' + h + ',screenX=' + x + ',screenY=' + y, null);
// showLoading(w, h, x, y);
// editor_domwin.addEventListener('load', function() {
// = 'green';
// }, false);
shot.domwin_wk = Cu.getWeakReference(editor_domwin);
shot.domwin = editor_domwin;
shotstart_mt =;
// end - async-proc939333
// start - functions called by editor
function editorInitShot(aIMon, e) {
// does the platform dependent stuff to make the window be position on the proper monitor and full screened covering all things underneeath
// also transfer the screenshot data to the window
var iMon = aIMon; // iMon is my rename of colMonIndex. so its the i in the collMoninfos object
var shots = gSession.shots;
var shot = shots[iMon];
// var aEditorDOMWindow = colMon[iMon].E.DOMWindow;
// if (!aEditorDOMWindow || aEditorDOMWindow.closed) {
// throw new Error('wtf how is window not existing, the on load observer notifier of panel.xul just sent notification that it was loaded');
// }
// var domwin = getStrongReference(shot.domwin_wk);
// if (!domwin) {
// Services.prompt(null, 'domwin of shot is dead', 'dead');
// }
var domwin = shot.domwin;
var aHwndPtrStr = getNativeHandlePtrStr(domwin);
shot.hwndPtrStr = aHwndPtrStr;
// if ( != 'darwin') {
// aEditorDOMWindow.moveTo(colMon[iMon].x, colMon[iMon].y);
// aEditorDOMWindow.resizeTo(colMon[iMon].w, colMon[iMon].h);
// }
// if (core.os.mname == 'gtk') {
// domwin.fullScreen = true;
// }
// set window on top:
var aArrHwndPtrStr = [aHwndPtrStr];
var aArrHwndPtrOsParams = {};
aArrHwndPtrOsParams[aHwndPtrStr] = {
left: shot.x,
top: shot.y,
right: shot.x + shot.w,
bottom: shot.y + shot.h,
width: shot.w,
height: shot.h
// if ( != 'darwinAAAA') {
callInMainworker('setWinAlwaysOnTop', { aArrHwndPtrStr, aOptions:aArrHwndPtrOsParams }, function(aArg) {
if ( == 'darwin') {
// link98476884
OSStuff.NSMainMenuWindowLevel = aArg;
var NSWindowString = aHwndPtrStr;
// var NSWindowString = getNativeHandlePtrStr(domwin);
var NSWindowPtr = ostypes.TYPE.NSWindow(ctypes.UInt64(NSWindowString));
var rez_setLevel = ostypes.API('objc_msgSend')(NSWindowPtr, ostypes.HELPER.sel('setLevel:'), ostypes.TYPE.NSInteger(OSStuff.NSMainMenuWindowLevel + 1)); // have to do + 1 otherwise it is ove rmneubar but not over the corner items. if just + 0 then its over menubar, if - 1 then its under menu bar but still over dock. but the interesting thing is, the browse dialog is under all of these // link847455111
var newSize = ostypes.TYPE.NSSize(shot.w, shot.h);
var rez_setContentSize = ostypes.API('objc_msgSend')(NSWindowPtr, ostypes.HELPER.sel('setContentSize:'), newSize);
domwin.moveTo(shot.x, shot.y); // must do moveTo after setContentsSize as that sizes from bottom left and moveTo moves from top left. so the sizing will change the top left.
if (!gFonts) {
var fontsEnumerator = Cc[';1'].getService(Ci.nsIFontEnumerator);
gFonts = fontsEnumerator.EnumerateAllFonts({});
shot.comm.putMessage('init', {
screenshotArrBuf: shot.arrbuf,
core: core,
fonts: gFonts,
editorstateStr: gEditorStateStr,
__XFER: ['screenshotArrBuf']
// set windowtype attribute
// colMon[aData.iMon].E.DOMWindow.document.documentElement.setAttribute('windowtype', 'nativeshot:canvas');
// check to see if all monitors inited, if they have been, the fetch all win
var allWinInited = true;
for (var shoty of shots) {
if (!shoty.hwndPtrStr) {
allWinInited = false;
if (allWinInited) {
if (core.os.mname == 'winnt') {
// reRaiseCanvasWins(); // ensures its risen
// hideLoading();
function sendWinArrToEditors() {
var shots = gSession.shots;
getPid: true,
getBounds: true,
getTitle: true,
filterVisible: true
function(aVal) {
// Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIClipboardHelper).copyString(JSON.stringify(aVal)); // :debug:
// build hwndPtrStr arr for nativeshot_canvas windows
var hwndPtrStrArr = [];
for (var shot of shots) {
// remove nativeshot_canvas windows
for (var i=0; i<aVal.length; i++) {
if (aVal[i].title == 'nativeshot_canvas' || hwndPtrStrArr.indexOf(aVal[i].hwndPtrStr) > -1) {
// need to do the hwndPtrStr check as on windows, sometimes the page isnt loaded yet, so the title of the window isnt there yet
// aVal.splice(i, 1);
aVal[i].left = -10000;
aVal[i].right = -10000;
aVal[i].width = 0;
// i--;
for (var shot of shots) {
shot.comm.putMessage('receiveWinArr', {
winArr: aVal
function broadcastToOthers(aArg) {
var { iMon } = aArg;
var shots = gSession.shots; // TODO: sometimes i get this error in console `TypeError: shots is undefined[Learn More]bootstrap.js:596:6` baffling, i need to figure out how to fix this, it doesnt seem to cause issues that i can find
var l = shots.length;
for (var i=0; i<l; i++) {
if (i !== iMon) {
shots[i].comm.putMessage(aArg.topic, aArg);
function broadcastToSpecific(aArg) {
var { toMon } = aArg;
var shot = gSession.shots[toMon];
shot.comm.putMessage(aArg.topic, aArg);
function exitEditors(aArg) {
var { iMon, editorstateStr } = aArg;
var shots = gSession.shots;
var l = shots.length;
for (var i=0; i<l; i++) {
if (i !== iMon) {
var domwin = getStrongReference(shots[i].domwin_wk);
if (!domwin) {
// Services.prompt.alert(null, 'huh', 'weak ref is dead??');
shots[i].comm.putMessage('removeUnload', undefined, function(adomwin) {
}.bind(null, shots[i].domwin));
// // as nativeshot_canvas windows are now closing. check if should show notification bar - if it has any btns then show it
// if (gEditorABData_Bar[gEditor.sessionId].ABRef.aBtns.length) {
// gEditorABData_Bar[gEditor.sessionId].shown = true; // otherwise setBtnState will not update react states
// AB.setState(gEditorABData_Bar[gEditor.sessionId].ABRef);
// ifEditorClosed_andBarHasOnlyOneAction_copyToClip(gEditor.sessionId);
// } else {
// // no need to show, delete it
// delete gEditorABData_Bar[gEditor.sessionId];
// }
// // check if need to show twitter notification bars
// for (var p in NBs.crossWin) {
// if (p.indexOf(gEditor.sessionId) == 0) { // note: this is why i have to start each crossWin id with gEditor.sessionId
// NBs.insertGlobalToWin(p, 'all');
// }
// }
// if (gEditor.wasFirefoxWinFocused || gEditor.forceFocus) {
// gEditor.gBrowserDOMWindow.focus();
// }
// if (gEditor.printPrevWins) {
// for (var i=0; i<gEditor.printPrevWins.length; i++) {
// gEditor.printPrevWins[i].focus();
// }
// }
// // colMon[0].E.DOMWindow.close();
var sessionid =;
gSession = {}; // gEditor.cleanUp();
attnUpdate(sessionid); // show the attnbar if there is anything to show
checkOnlySingleAction(sessionid, true);
gEditorStateStr = JSON.stringify(aArg.editorstate);
callInMainworker('updateFilestoreEntry', {
mainkey: 'editorstate',
value: aArg.editorstate
if (core.os.mname == 'gtk') {
callInMainworker('gtkSetFocus', getNativeHandlePtrStr(Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser')));
var gUsedSelections = []; // array of arrays. each child is [subcutout1, subcutout2, ...]
function indexOfSelInG(aSel) {
// aSel is an array of subcutouts
// will return the index it is found in gUsedSelections
// -1 if not found
var l = gUsedSelections.length;
if (!l) {
return -1;
} else {
for (var i=l-1; i>=0; i--) {
var tSel = gUsedSelections[i]; // testSelection
var l2 = tSel.length;
if (l2 === aSel.length) {
var tSelMatches = true;
for (var j=0; j<l2; j++) {
var tSubcutout = tSel[j];
var cSubcutout = aSel[j];
if (tSubcutout.x !== cSubcutout.x || tSubcutout.y !== cSubcutout.y || tSubcutout.w !== cSubcutout.w || tSubcutout.h !== cSubcutout.h) {
// tSel does not match aSel
tSelMatches = false;
if (tSelMatches) {
return i;
return -1; // not found
function addSelectionToHistory(aData) {
// aData.cutoutsArr is an array of cutouts
var cSel = aData.cutoutsArr;
var ix = indexOfSelInG(cSel);
if (ix == -1) {
} else {
// it was found in history, so lets move this to the most recent selection made
// most recent selection is the last most element in gUsedSelections array
gUsedSelections.push(gUsedSelections.splice(ix, 1)[0]);
function selectPreviousSelection(aData) {
// aData.curSelection is an array of the currently selected cutouts
if (!gUsedSelections.length) {
var cSel = aData.cutoutsArr; // cutouts of the current selection
// figure out the selection to make
var selToMake;
if (cSel) {
// check to see if this sel is in the history, and select the one before this one
var ix = indexOfSelInG(cSel);
if (ix > 0) {
selToMake = gUsedSelections[ix - 1];
} else if (ix == -1) {
// select the most recent one
selToMake = gUsedSelections[gUsedSelections.length - 1];
} // else if 0, then no previous selection obviously
} else {
// select the most recent one
selToMake = gUsedSelections[gUsedSelections.length - 1];
// send message to make the selection
if (selToMake) {
gSession.shots[aData.iMon].comm.putMessage('makeSelection', {
cutoutsArr: selToMake
}, '*');
// end - last selection stuff
function insertTextFromClipboard(aArg) {
var { iMon } = aArg;
if (CLIPBOARD.currentFlavors.indexOf('text') > -1) {
gSession.shots[iMon].comm.putMessage('insertTextFromClipboard', {
text: CLIPBOARD.get('text')
}, '*');
// end - functions called by editor
function initOstypes() {
if (!ostypes) {
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(core.addon.path.scripts + 'ostypes/cutils.jsm'); // need to load cutils first as ostypes_mac uses it for HollowStructure
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(core.addon.path.scripts + 'ostypes/ctypes_math.jsm');
switch (core.os.mname) {
case 'winnt':
case 'winmo':
case 'wince':
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(core.addon.path.scripts + 'ostypes/ostypes_win.jsm');
case 'gtk':
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(core.addon.path.scripts + 'ostypes/ostypes_x11.jsm');
case 'darwin':
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(core.addon.path.scripts + 'ostypes/ostypes_mac.jsm');
throw new Error('Operating system, "' + OS.Constants.Sys.Name + '" is not supported');
// start - context menu items
var gToolbarContextMenu_domId = 'toolbar-context-menu';
var gCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_domId = 'customizationPanelItemContextMenu';
var gDashboardMenuitem_domIdSuffix = '_nativeshot-menuitem';
var gDashboardSeperator_domIdSuffix = '_nativeshot-seperator';
var gDashboardMenuitem_jsonTemplate = ['xul:menuitem', {
// id: 'toolbar-context-menu_nativeshot-menuitem',
// label: formatStringFromNameCore('dashboard-menuitem', 'main'), // cant access till startup, so this is set on startup // link988888887
class: 'menuitem-iconic',
image: core.addon.path.images + 'icon16.png',
hidden: 'true',
oncommand: function(e) {
var gbrowser =;
var tabs = gbrowser.tabs;
var l = gbrowser.tabs.length;
for (var i=0; i<l; i++) {
// e10s safe way to check content of tab
var spec_lower = tabs[i].linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec.toLowerCase();
if (spec_lower == 'about:nativeshot') { // crossfile-link381787872 - i didnt link over there but &; is what this is equal to
gbrowser.selectedTab = tabs[i];
gbrowser.loadOneTab('about:nativeshot', {inBackground:false});
var gDashboardMenuseperator_jsonTemplate = ['xul:menuseparator', {
// id: 'toolbar-context-menu_nativeshot-menuseparator', // id is set when inserting into dom
hidden: 'true'
function contextMenuHiding(e) {
// only triggered when it was shown due to right click on cui_nativeshot'popuphiding', contextMenuHiding, false);
var cToolbarContextMenu_dashboardMenuitem ='#' + gToolbarContextMenu_domId + gDashboardMenuitem_domIdSuffix);
if (cToolbarContextMenu_dashboardMenuitem) {
var cToolbarContextMenu_dashboardSeperator ='#' + gToolbarContextMenu_domId + gDashboardSeperator_domIdSuffix);
cToolbarContextMenu_dashboardMenuitem.setAttribute('hidden', 'true');
cToolbarContextMenu_dashboardSeperator.setAttribute('hidden', 'true');
var cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_dashboardMenuitem ='#' + gCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_domId + gDashboardMenuitem_domIdSuffix);
if (cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_dashboardMenuitem) {
var cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_dashboardSeperator ='#' + gCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_domId + gDashboardSeperator_domIdSuffix);
cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_dashboardMenuitem.setAttribute('hidden', 'true');
cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_dashboardMenuitem.setAttribute('hidden', 'true');
function contextMenuShowing(e) {
var cPopupNode =;
if (cPopupNode.getAttribute('id') == 'cui_nativeshot') {
var cToolbarContextMenu_dashboardMenuitem ='#' + gToolbarContextMenu_domId + gDashboardMenuitem_domIdSuffix);
if (cToolbarContextMenu_dashboardMenuitem) {
var cToolbarContextMenu_dashboardSeperator ='#' + gToolbarContextMenu_domId + gDashboardSeperator_domIdSuffix);
cToolbarContextMenu_dashboardSeperator.removeAttribute('hidden');'popuphiding', contextMenuHiding, false);
var cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_dashboardMenuitem ='#' + gCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_domId + gDashboardMenuitem_domIdSuffix);
if (cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_dashboardMenuitem) {
var cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_dashboardSeperator ='#' + gCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_domId + gDashboardSeperator_domIdSuffix);
cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_dashboardSeperator.removeAttribute('hidden');'popuphiding', contextMenuHiding, false);
function contextMenuSetup(aDOMWindow) {
// if this aDOMWindow has the context menus set it up
if (!gDashboardMenuitem_jsonTemplate[1].label) {
gDashboardMenuitem_jsonTemplate[1].label = formatStringFromNameCore('menuitem_opendashboard', 'main'); // link988888887 - needs to go before windowListener is registered
var cToolbarContextMenu = aDOMWindow.document.getElementById(gToolbarContextMenu_domId);
if (cToolbarContextMenu) {
gDashboardMenuitem_jsonTemplate[1].id = gToolbarContextMenu_domId + gDashboardMenuitem_domIdSuffix;
gDashboardMenuseperator_jsonTemplate[1].id = gToolbarContextMenu_domId + gDashboardSeperator_domIdSuffix;
var cToolbarContextMenu_dashboardMenuitem = jsonToDOM(gDashboardMenuitem_jsonTemplate, aDOMWindow.document, {});
var cToolbarContextMenu_dashboardSeperator = jsonToDOM(gDashboardMenuseperator_jsonTemplate, aDOMWindow.document, {});
cToolbarContextMenu.insertBefore(cToolbarContextMenu_dashboardSeperator, cToolbarContextMenu.firstChild);
cToolbarContextMenu.insertBefore(cToolbarContextMenu_dashboardMenuitem, cToolbarContextMenu.firstChild);
cToolbarContextMenu.addEventListener('popupshowing', contextMenuShowing, false);
var cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu = aDOMWindow.document.getElementById(gCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_domId);
if (cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu) {
gDashboardMenuitem_jsonTemplate[1].id = gCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_domId + gDashboardMenuitem_domIdSuffix;
gDashboardMenuseperator_jsonTemplate[1].id = gCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_domId + gDashboardSeperator_domIdSuffix;
var cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_dashboardMenuitem = jsonToDOM(gDashboardMenuitem_jsonTemplate, aDOMWindow.document, {});
var cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_dashboardSeperator = jsonToDOM(gDashboardMenuseperator_jsonTemplate, aDOMWindow.document, {});
cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu.insertBefore(cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_dashboardSeperator, cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu.firstChild);
cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu.insertBefore(cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_dashboardMenuitem, cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu.firstChild);
cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu.addEventListener('popupshowing', contextMenuShowing, false);
function contextMenuDestroy(aDOMWindow) {
// if this aDOMWindow has the context menus it removes it from it
var cToolbarContextMenu = aDOMWindow.document.getElementById(gToolbarContextMenu_domId);
if (cToolbarContextMenu) {
var cToolbarContextMenu_dashboardMenuitem = aDOMWindow.document.getElementById(gToolbarContextMenu_domId + gDashboardMenuitem_domIdSuffix);
var cToolbarContextMenu_dashboardSeperator = aDOMWindow.document.getElementById(gToolbarContextMenu_domId + gDashboardSeperator_domIdSuffix);
cToolbarContextMenu.removeEventListener('popupshowing', contextMenuShowing, false);
var cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu = aDOMWindow.document.getElementById(gCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_domId);
if (cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu) {
var cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_dashboardMenuitem = aDOMWindow.document.getElementById(gCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_domId + gDashboardMenuitem_domIdSuffix);
var cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_dashboardSeperator = aDOMWindow.document.getElementById(gCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu_domId + gDashboardSeperator_domIdSuffix);
cCustomizationPanelItemContextMenu.removeEventListener('popupshowing', contextMenuShowing, false);
// end - context menu items
var windowListener = {
onOpenWindow: function (aXULWindow) {
// Wait for the window to finish loading
var aDOMWindow = aXULWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
aDOMWindow.addEventListener('load', function () {
aDOMWindow.removeEventListener('load', arguments.callee, false);
}, false);
onCloseWindow: function (aXULWindow) {},
onWindowTitleChange: function (aXULWindow, aNewTitle) {
if (aNewTitle == 'nativeshot_canvas') {
var aDOMWindow = aXULWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
// = 'red';
aDOMWindow.addEventListener('nscomm', function(e) {
aDOMWindow.removeEventListener('nscomm', arguments.callee, false);
var detail = e.detail;
var iMon = detail;
gCommScope['shotopen_done_' + detail] =;
// if (shotopen_done_0 > keydetected_mt && shotopen_done_1 > keydetected_mt) {
// console['error']('Time from keydetected_mt to start shot:', (shotstart_mt - keydetected_mt));
// console['error']('Time from keydetected_mt to get from worker:', (shotgot_mt - keydetected_mt));
// console['error']('Time from keydetected_mt to collect:', (shotcol_mt - keydetected_mt));
// console['error']('Time from keydetected_mt to start open 0:', (shotopen_0 - keydetected_mt));
// console['error']('Time from keydetected_mt to start open 1:', (shotopen_1 - keydetected_mt));
// console['error']('Time from keydetected_mt to done open 0:', (shotopen_done_0 - keydetected_mt));
// console['error']('Time from keydetected_mt to done open 1:', (shotopen_done_1 - keydetected_mt));
// }
var shot = gSession.shots[iMon];
if (, '46.*') > 0) {
shot.comm = new Comm.server.content(aDOMWindow, editorInitShot.bind(null, iMon, e), shot.port1, shot.port2);
} else {
shot.comm = new Comm.server.content(aDOMWindow, editorInitShot.bind(null, iMon, e));
}, false, true);
register: function () {
// Load into any existing windows
let DOMWindows = Services.wm.getEnumerator(null);
while (DOMWindows.hasMoreElements()) {
let aDOMWindow = DOMWindows.getNext();
if (aDOMWindow.document.readyState == 'complete') { //on startup `aDOMWindow.document.readyState` is `uninitialized`
} else {
aDOMWindow.addEventListener('load', function () {
aDOMWindow.removeEventListener('load', arguments.callee, false);
}, false);
// Listen to new windows
unregister: function () {
// Unload from any existing windows
let DOMWindows = Services.wm.getEnumerator(null);
while (DOMWindows.hasMoreElements()) {
let aDOMWindow = DOMWindows.getNext();
for (var u in unloaders) {
//Stop listening so future added windows dont get this attached
loadIntoWindow: function (aDOMWindow) {
if (!aDOMWindow) { return }
// desktop_android:insert_gui
if ( != 'android') {
// desktop:insert_gui
if (aDOMWindow.gBrowser) {
var domWinUtils = aDOMWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
domWinUtils.loadSheet(gCuiCssUri, domWinUtils.AUTHOR_SHEET);
domWinUtils.loadSheet(gGenCssUri, domWinUtils.AUTHOR_SHEET);
} else {
// android:insert_gui
if (aDOMWindow.NativeWindow && {
var menuid ='gui_label', 'main'), core.addon.path.images + 'icon-color16.png', guiClick)
domwin: Cu.getWeakReference(aDOMWindow),
unloadFromWindow: function (aDOMWindow) {
if (!aDOMWindow) { return }
// desktop:insert_gui
if ( != 'android') {
if (aDOMWindow.gBrowser) {
var domWinUtils = aDOMWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
domWinUtils.removeSheet(gCuiCssUri, domWinUtils.AUTHOR_SHEET);
domWinUtils.removeSheet(gGenCssUri, domWinUtils.AUTHOR_SHEET);
function copy(aString) {
// aString is either dataurl, or string to copy to clipboard
if (!aString.startsWith('data:')) {
// copy as text
CLIPBOARD.set(aString, 'text');
} else {
// copy as image
CLIPBOARD.set(aString, 'image');
function print(aArg) {
var { aPrintPreview, aDataUrl } = aArg;
// aPrintPreview - true for print preview, else false
var aWin;
if (aPrintPreview) {
aWin = Services.ww.openWindow(null, 'chrome://browser/content/browser.xul', '_blank', null, null);
aWin.addEventListener('load', printWinLoad, false);
} else {
aWin = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser');
printWinLoad(Object.assign(aArg, {aWin}));
var aFrame;
function printWinLoad(e) {
if (aPrintPreview) {
aWin.removeEventListener('load', printWinLoad, false);
var doc = aWin.document;
aFrame = doc.createElementNS(NS_XUL, 'browser');
aFrame.addEventListener('load', printFrameLoad, true); // if i use `false` here it doesnt work
aFrame.setAttribute('type', 'content');
aFrame.setAttribute('src', aDataUrl);
aFrame.setAttribute('style', 'display:none'); // if dont do display none, then have to give it a height and width enough to show it, otherwise print preview is blank
doc.documentElement.appendChild(aFrame); // src page wont load until i append to document
function printFrameLoad(e) {
aFrame.removeEventListener('load', printFrameLoad, true); // as i added with `true`
if (aPrintPreview) {
var aPPListener = aWin.PrintPreviewListener;
var aOrigPPgetSourceBrowser = aPPListener.getSourceBrowser;
var aOrigPPExit = aPPListener.onExit;
aPPListener.onExit = function() {;
// aFrame.parentNode.removeChild(aFrame);
// aPPListener.onExit = aOrigPPExit;
// aPPListener.getSourceBrowser = aOrigPPgetSourceBrowser;
aPPListener.getSourceBrowser = function() {
return aFrame;
} else {
aFrame.contentWindow.addEventListener('afterprint', printFrameAfterPrint, false);
function printFrameAfterPrint(e) {
// only for if `!aPrintPreview`
aFrame.setAttribute('src', 'about:blank');
// callInMainworker('bootstrapTimeout', 5 * 60 * 1000)
function reverseImageSearch(aArg) {
var { path, postdata, url, actionid } = aArg;
for (var p in postdata) {
if (postdata[p] == 'nsifile') {
postdata[p] = new nsIFile(path);
var tab = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser').gBrowser.loadOneTab(url, {
inBackground: false,
postData: encodeFormData(postdata, 'iso8859-1')
tab.setAttribute('nativeshot_actionid', actionid);
function getAddonInfo( {
var deferredmain_getaddoninfo = new Deferred();
AddonManager.getAddonByID(aAddonId, addon =>
applyBackgroundUpdates: parseInt(addon.applyBackgroundUpdates) === 1 ? (AddonManager.autoUpdateDefault ? 2 : 0) : parseInt(addon.applyBackgroundUpdates),
updateDate: addon.updateDate.getTime(),
version: addon.version
return deferredmain_getaddoninfo.promise;
function setApplyBackgroundUpdates(aNewApplyBackgroundUpdates) {
// 0 - off, 1 - respect global setting, 2 - on
AddonManager.getAddonByID(, addon =>
addon.applyBackgroundUpdates = aNewApplyBackgroundUpdates
function beautifyJs(aStr) {
return BEAUTIFY.js(aStr);
function broadcastToOpenHistory(aMandA) {
// aMandA is object with `m` a string, and `a` an array of what is applied
// sends message to all tabs that are open on history page
var windows = Services.wm.getEnumerator('navigator:browser');
while (windows.hasMoreElements()) {
var window = windows.getNext();
var tabs = window.gBrowser.tabContainer.childNodes;
for (var tab of tabs) {
var spec_lower = tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec.toLowerCase();
if (spec_lower == 'about:nativeshot' || spec_lower == 'about:nativeshot#') {
callInContentinframescript('commDispatch', aMandA, null, tab.linkedBrowser.messageManager);
function hotkeyRegistrationFailed(aArg) {
var { hotkey, reason } = aArg;
// Services.prompt.alert(Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser'), 'NativeShot - Hotkey Registration Error', reason + ( !hotkey ? '' : '\n\n\nOffending Hotkey Combination: ' + (hotkey.desc || formatStringFromNameCore('all', 'main')) ));
var click = {
observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
// aSubject - is always null
switch (aTopic) {
case 'alertclickcallback':
URL: 'about:nativeshot?options',
params: {
inBackground: false
var hotkeydesc = core.os.mname == 'darwin' ? 'Command(⌘) + 3' : 'PrintScreen';
// reason + ( !hotkey ? '' : '\n\n\nOffending Hotkey Combination: ' + (hotkey.desc || formatStringFromNameCore('all', 'main'));
var title = formatStringFromNameCore('addon_name', 'main') + ' - ' + formatStringFromNameCore('hotkey_error_title', 'main');
var body = formatStringFromNameCore('hotkey_error_body', 'main', [hotkeydesc]).replace(/\\n/g, '\n'); + 'icon48.png', title, body, true, 0, click, 'NativeShot-hotkey-error')
throw new Error(reason + ( !hotkey ? '' : '\n\n\nOffending Hotkey Combination: ' + (hotkey.desc || formatStringFromNameCore('all', 'main'))) );
// start - Comm functions
function processAction(aArg, aReportProgress) {
// called by content
// aReportProgress is undefined if editor is not waiting for progress updates
var shot = aArg;
// create attn bar entry
if ( != 'android') {
attnUpdate(shot.sessionid, {
actionid: shot.actionid,
serviceid: shot.serviceid, // crossfile-link3399
reason: 'INIT'
// callInMainworker('bootstrapTimeout', 1000, function() {
// attnUpdate(shot.sessionid, {
// actionid: shot.actionid,
// serviceid: shot.serviceid,
// reason: 'SUCCESS'
// });
// });
var deferred_processed = (aReportProgress ? new Deferred() : undefined);
callInMainworker('processAction', shot, workerProcessActionCallback.bind(null, shot, deferred_processed, aReportProgress));
return (aReportProgress ? deferred_processed.promise : undefined);
function workerProcessActionCallback(shot, aDeferredProcess, aReportProgress, aArg2) {
var { __PROGRESS } = aArg2;
// aArg2 does NOT need serviceid in it everytime, only if changing then it needs serviceid
// update attn bar
if ( != 'android') {
attnUpdate(shot.sessionid, Object.assign(
{ actionid:shot.actionid }, // crossfile-link393
if (aReportProgress) {
if (__PROGRESS && && == shot.sessionid) {
// editor is still open, so tell it about the progress
} else {
aDeferredProcess.resolve('resolved content processAction progress updates');
// end - Comm functions
function attnUpdate(aSessionId, aUpdateInfo) {
// aUpdateInfo pass as undefined/null if you want to just show attnbar
// OR just update the label with time left
actionid, // each actionid gets its own button
// no need - sessionid, // redundant as i have first arg of this functi on as aSessionId
data - arbitrary, like for twitter it can hold array of urls
/* reason enum[
var entry = gAttn[aSessionId];
if (aUpdateInfo) {
var { actionid, serviceid, reason, data } = aUpdateInfo;
// check should create entry?
if (!entry) {
entry = {
state: { // this is live reference being used to AB.setState
aTxt: formatTime(aSessionId, {month:'Mmm'}),
aPriority: 1,
aIcon: core.addon.path.images + 'icon16.png',
aBtns: [], // each entry is an object. so i give it a key `meta` which is ignored by the AttnBar module
aClose: function() {
gAttn[aSessionId].closed = true; // so if autoclose_countdown_callback is going on, it will quit
delete gAttn[aSessionId];
shown: false
gAttn[aSessionId] = entry;
// get btn for this actionid - if not there then leave it at undefined
var btns = entry.state.aBtns;
var btn;
for (btn of btns) {
if (btn.meta.actionid === actionid) {
} else {
btn = undefined;
// check if should add btn
if (!btn) {
btn = {
bClick: attnBtnClick,
bTxt: 'uninitialized',
meta: { // for use when attnBtnClick access this.btn.meta
// always update btn based on serviceid, reason, and data
var meta = btn.meta;
if (serviceid) {
meta.serviceid = serviceid;
meta.reason = reason;
if (data) { = data;
switch (reason) {
case 'INIT':
btn.bTxt = formatStringFromNameCore('initializing', 'main');
btn.bIcon = core.addon.path.images + meta.serviceid + '16.png';
btn.bDisabled = true;
btn.bType = 'button';
btn.bTxt = formatStringFromNameCore('processing', 'main'),
btn.bDisabled = true;
btn.bType = 'button';
case 'TWEETING':
btn.bTxt = formatStringFromNameCore('tweeting', 'main'),
btn.bDisabled = false;
btn.bType = 'button';
btn.bTxt = formatStringFromNameCore(meta.serviceid == 'twitter' ? 'hold_user_tweet_needed' : 'hold_user_post_needed', 'main'),
btn.bDisabled = false;
btn.bType = 'button';
btn.bTxt = formatStringFromNameCore('upload_init', 'main'),
btn.bDisabled = false;
btn.bType = 'button';
btn.bTxt = formatStringFromNameCore('upload_getting_link', 'main'),
btn.bDisabled = false;
btn.bType = 'button';
btn.bTxt = formatStringFromNameCore('upload_getting_meta', 'main'),
btn.bDisabled = false;
btn.bType = 'button';
btn.bTxt = formatStringFromNameCore('server_retry_wait', 'main', [data.countdown]);
btn.bDisabled = false;
btn.bType = 'button';
btn.bTxt = 'Upload Failed - Will Retry in ' + data.countdown + 'sec - Cancel'; // TODO: l10n
btn.bDisabled = false;
btn.bType = 'button';
// set bTxt
var has_upload_percent = ('upload_percent' in data);
var has_upload_size = ('upload_size' in data);
var has_upload_sizetotal = ('upload_sizetotal' in data);
if (has_upload_percent && has_upload_size && has_upload_sizetotal) {
btn.bTxt = 'Uploading - ' + data.upload_percent + '% - ' + data.upload_size + ' / ' + data.upload_sizetotal + '- Cancel'; // TODO: l10n
} else if (has_upload_size && has_upload_sizetotal) {
btn.bTxt = 'Uploading - ' + data.upload_size + ' / ' + data.upload_sizetotal + '- Cancel'; // TODO: l10n
} else if (has_upload_size) {
btn.bTxt = 'Uploading - ' + data.upload_size + ' - Cancel'; // TODO: l10n
} else {
btn.bTxt = 'Uploading - Cancel';
// set other stuff
btn.bDisabled = false;
btn.bType = 'button';
btn.bDisabled = undefined;
btn.bType = 'button';
btn.bTxt = formatStringFromNameCore('cancelled', 'main');
case 'SUCCESS':
btn.bDisabled = undefined;
btn.bType = 'button';
var success_suffix =[meta.serviceid].type;
switch (meta.serviceid) {
case 'copy':
case 'print':
success_suffix = meta.serviceid;
case 'twitter':
success_suffix = meta.serviceid;
btn.bType = 'menu-button';
btn.bMenu = [];, i) => {
cTxt: formatStringFromNameCore('copy_imagelink_num', 'main', [i+1]),
meta: {
data: {
copytxt: img_link
case 'facebook':
success_suffix = meta.serviceid;
btn.bType = 'menu-button';
btn.bMenu = [];
cTxt: formatStringFromNameCore('copy_imagelink', 'main'),
meta: {
data: {
case 'savebrowse':
case 'savequick':
btn.bType = 'menu-button';
btn.bMenu = [];
cTxt: formatStringFromNameCore('show_in_explorer', 'main')
btn.bTxt = formatStringFromNameCore('success_' + success_suffix, 'main');
checkOnlySingleAction(aSessionId, false);
case 'HOLD_ERROR':
// HOLD_ means user can resume this error, but user input is needed
// if I make a 'ERROR' reason, then that is permanent fail, unrecoverable by user, but i dont plan for this unrecoverable nature
btn.bDisabled = undefined;
btn.bType = 'menu-button';
btn.bTxt = formatStringFromNameCore('hold_error', 'main')
// offer menu to display error, or to switch to any of the other services
btn.bMenu = [];
cTxt: formatStringFromNameCore('retry', 'main')
cTxt: formatStringFromNameCore('show_error_details', 'main')
cSeperator: true
// add the alternative services
addAltServiceMenuitems(btn.bMenu, meta.serviceid);
btn.bDisabled = undefined;
btn.bType = 'menu-button';
btn.bTxt = formatStringFromNameCore('hold_unhandled_status_code', 'main')
// offer menu to display error, or to switch to any of the other services
btn.bMenu = [];
cTxt: formatStringFromNameCore('retry', 'main')
cTxt: formatStringFromNameCore('show_response_details', 'main')
cSeperator: true
// add the alternative services
addAltServiceMenuitems(btn.bMenu, meta.serviceid);
btn.bDisabled = undefined;
btn.bType = 'button';
btn.bTxt = formatStringFromNameCore('hold_user_auth_needed', 'main');
btn.bDisabled = undefined;
btn.bType = 'button';
btn.bTxt = formatStringFromNameCore('upload_getting_user', 'main');
btn.bDisabled = undefined;
btn.bType = 'button';
btn.bTxt = formatStringFromNameCore('hold_getting_user', 'main');
switch (serviceid) {
// special stuff for serviceid
// give each menuitem the attnMenuClick
if (btn.bMenu) {
for (var menuitem of btn.bMenu) {
if (!menuitem.cSeperator && !menuitem.cMenu) { // seperators and mainmenu (items with submenu) dont get click events
menuitem.cClick = attnMenuClick;
if (aUpdateInfo) {
// should update it?
if (entry && entry.shown) { // `entry &&` because if there is no aUpdateInfo was ever provided, then there is no bar to show. and when `exitEditors` calls `updateAttn(sessionid)` meaning without 2nd arg, it will find there is nothing to show
gAttn[aSessionId].state = AB.setState(entry.state);
} else {
// devuser called `attnUpdate` to show if its ready to be shown?
if (entry && !entry.shown && !== aSessionId) {
// ` !== aSessionId` tests if session is currently open/ongoing - in which i dont want to update/show
gAttn[aSessionId].state = AB.setState(entry.state);
entry.shown = true;
// devuser called `attnUpdate` to update for is `autoclose_secleft`?
if (entry && entry.shown && 'autoclose_secleft' in entry) {
if (!entry.autoclose_orig_atxt) {
entry.autoclose_orig_atxt = entry.state.aTxt;
entry.state.aBtns.splice(0, 0, {
bTxt: formatStringFromNameCore('autoclose_cancel', 'main'),
bClick: function() {
entry.autoclose_cancelled = true;
meta: { // i need to give it a meta object because i do a test for meta on so many things, otherwise this causes error to be thrown in the loop such as in link199198
ignore: true
if (entry.autoclose_cancelled) {
if (entry.state.aBtns[0].bTxt == formatStringFromNameCore('autoclose_cancel', 'main')) {
entry.state.aBtns.splice(0, 1);
entry.state.aTxt = entry.autoclose_orig_atxt;
} else {
entry.state.aTxt = entry.autoclose_orig_atxt + formatStringFromNameCore('autoclose_suffix', 'main', [entry.autoclose_secleft]);
entry.state = AB.setState(entry.state);
function checkOnlySingleAction(aSessionId, aDontCopy) {
// aEntry is the entry in gAttn
var aEntry = gAttn[aSessionId]; // making assumption here that whenever `checkOnlySingleAction` is called, then this entry exists for sure
if (!aEntry) {
// check if there was only one item for this session, if so then it reached success, copy to clipboard and start timeout to hide attnbar
// i can do this test by doing `gAttn[aSessionId].state.aBtns === 1` because each action gets a button
if (aEntry.state.aBtns.length === 1 && aEntry.state.aBtns[0].meta.reason == 'SUCCESS') {
// yes only 1 action
var meta = aEntry.state.aBtns[0].meta;
var {serviceid, actionid} = meta;
if (!aDontCopy) {
if ( && {
if (core.addon.l10n.main['copied_notification_title_' + meta.serviceid]) {
// show alert notification that it was copied
var notifcookie = {
// + 'icon48.png', formatStringFromNameCore('copied_notification_title_' + serviceid, 'main'), formatStringFromNameCore('copied_notification_body_' + serviceid, 'main'), true, notifcookie, notificationClick, 'NativeShot-' + actionid)
// on win10, if i dont wait 1000ms its not showing
callInMainworker( 'bootstrapTimeout', 1000, () => + 'icon48.png', formatStringFromNameCore('copied_notification_title_' + serviceid, 'main'), formatStringFromNameCore('copied_notification_body_' + serviceid, 'main'), true, notifcookie, notificationClick, 'NativeShot-' + actionid) );
// start countdown if visible
if (aEntry.shown) {
if (aEntry.state.aBtns[0].meta.serviceid == 'ocrall') {
aEntry.autoclose_secleft = 26;
aEntry.autoclose_countdown_callback = function() {
if (!aEntry.closed && !aEntry.autoclose_cancelled) {
if (--aEntry.autoclose_secleft === 0) {
// close it
} else {
callInMainworker('bootstrapTimeout', 1000, aEntry.autoclose_countdown_callback);
// TODO: handle if clean up on if cancelled or closed
if (aEntry.autoclose_cancelled) {
delete aEntry.autoclose_cancelled;
callInMainworker('bootstrapTimeout', 0, aEntry.autoclose_countdown_callback); // as i call `checkOnlySingleAction` from inside `attnUpdate`, so I want that update to go through first before doing this, i think
var notificationClick = {
observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
// aSubject - is always null
switch (aTopic) {
case 'alertclickcallback':
var { serviceid, actionid } = aData;'NativeShot-' + actionid);
// do an action based on the serviceid
switch(serviceid) {
function attnBtnClick(doClose, aBrowser) {
// handler for btn click of all btns
// this == {inststate:aInstState, btn:aInstState.aBtns[i]}
var { actionid, serviceid, reason, data } = this.btn.meta;
switch (reason) {
case 'SUCCESS':
if (data) {
if (data.copytxt) {
} else if (data.print_dataurl) {
callInMainworker('fetchFilestoreEntry', {mainkey:'prefs', key:'print_preview'}, function(aPrintPreview) {
aDataUrl: data.print_dataurl
var msg = {value:''};
var result = Services.prompt.prompt(Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser'), formatStringFromNameCore(serviceid == 'twitter' ? 'prompt_title_tweet' : 'prompt_title_post', 'main'), formatStringFromNameCore(serviceid == 'twitter' ? 'prompt_body_tweet' : 'prompt_body_post', 'main'), msg, null, {});
if (result) {
callInMainworker('withHoldResume', {
actionid_serviceid: this.btn.meta.actionid,
action_options: {
tweet_msg: msg.value
// do it based on the bTxt
switch (this.btn.bTxt) {
case formatStringFromNameCore('hold_user_auth_needed', 'main'):
callInMainworker('openAuthTab', this.btn.meta.serviceid);
case formatStringFromNameCore('hold_error', 'main'):
case formatStringFromNameCore('hold_unhandled_status_code', 'main'):
callInMainworker('withHoldResume', {
actionid_serviceid: this.btn.meta.actionid,
reason: this.btn.meta.reason
case formatStringFromNameCore('success_ocr', 'main'):
var window = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser');
window.gBrowser.loadOneTab('about:nativeshot?text=' + this.btn.meta.actionid, {
inBackground: false
case formatStringFromNameCore('success_search', 'main'):
var windows = Services.wm.getEnumerator('navigator:browser');
while (windows.hasMoreElements()) {
var window = windows.getNext();
var tabs = window.gBrowser.tabContainer.childNodes;
for (var tab of tabs) {
if (tab.getAttribute('nativeshot_actionid') == this.btn.meta.actionid) {
window.gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
function attnMenuClick(doClose, aBrowser) {
// handler for menuitem click of all menuitem
// this == {inststate:AB.Insts[aCloseCallbackId].state, btn:aBtnEntry, menu:jMenu, menuitem:jEntry}
// do it based on the bTxt
if (this.menuitem.meta && && {
} else {
switch (this.menuitem.cTxt) {
case formatStringFromNameCore('show_in_explorer', 'main'):
showFileInOSExplorer(new nsIFile(;
case formatStringFromNameCore('show_response_details', 'main'):
var error_details =;
if (typeof(error_details) == 'object') {
error_details = BEAUTIFY.js(JSON.stringify(error_details));
Services.prompt.alert(Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser'), formatStringFromNameCore('prompt_title_show_error_details', 'main'), error_details);
case formatStringFromNameCore('show_error_details', 'main'):
var error_details =;
if (typeof(error_details) == 'object') {
error_details = BEAUTIFY.js(JSON.stringify(;
Services.prompt.alert(Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser'), formatStringFromNameCore('prompt_title_show_error_details', 'main'), error_details);
function addAltServiceMenuitems(aBtnsArr, aSkipServiceid) {
return; // TODO: as i have not yet hooked up changing a service, i dont add this alt services yet
var ignore_menuitem_txt = formatStringFromNameCore(aSkipServiceid, 'main');
var mainmenu_txts = [];
var submenu_txts = {};
for (var a_service in {
var menu_txt = formatStringFromNameCore([a_service].type, 'main');
if (!mainmenu_txts.includes(menu_txt)) {
if (!submenu_txts[menu_txt]) {
submenu_txts[menu_txt] = [];
submenu_txts[menu_txt].push(formatStringFromNameCore(a_service, 'main'));
for (var menu_txt of mainmenu_txts) {
var btns_entry = {
cTxt: menu_txt,
cMenu: []
var menuitem_txts = submenu_txts[menu_txt];
for (var txt of menuitem_txts) {
if (txt != ignore_menuitem_txt) {
cTxt: txt,
cClick: attnMenuClick
if (btns_entry.cMenu.length) {
function getServiceFromCode(servicecode) {
// exact copy in bootstrap.js, MainWorker.js, app_history.js
for (var a_serviceid in {
if ([a_serviceid].code === servicecode) {
return {
serviceid: a_serviceid,
var gUsedURIs = {};
var gNextURI_i = 0;
function makeResourceURI(aFileURI) {
if (!gUsedURIs[aFileURI]) {
var uri =, null, null);
gUsedURIs[aFileURI] = 'nativeshot_file' + (gNextURI_i++);'resource').QueryInterface(Ci.nsIResProtocolHandler).setSubstitution(gUsedURIs[aFileURI], uri);
return 'resource://' + gUsedURIs[aFileURI];
function releaseAllResourceURI() {
for (var i=0; i<gNextURI_i; i++) {'resource').QueryInterface(Ci.nsIResProtocolHandler).setSubstitution('nativeshot_file' + i, null);
function launchOrFocusOrReuseTab(aArg, aReportProgress, aComm) {
var { url, reuse_criteria } = aArg;
// search all tabs for url, if found then focus that tab
var focused = false;
var windows = Services.wm.getEnumerator('navigator:browser');
while (windows.hasMoreElements()) {
var window = windows.getNext();
var tabs = window.gBrowser.tabContainer.childNodes;
for (var tab of tabs) {
var browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
if (browser.currentURI.spec.toLowerCase() == url.toLowerCase()) {
window.gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
focused = true;
// if not found then search all tabs for reuse_criteria, on first find, use that tab and load this url (if its not already this url)
var reused = false;
if (!focused && reuse_criteria) {
var windows = Services.wm.getEnumerator('navigator:browser');
while (windows.hasMoreElements()) {
var window = windows.getNext();
var tabs = window.gBrowser.tabContainer.childNodes;
for (var tab of tabs) {
var browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
for (var i=0; i<reuse_criteria.length; i++) {
if (browser.currentURI.spec.toLowerCase().includes(reuse_criteria[i].toLowerCase())) {
window.gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
if (browser.currentURI.spec.toLowerCase() != url.toLowerCase()) {
reused = true;
// if nothing found for reuse then launch url in foreground of most recent browser
if (!reused) {
var window = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser');
window.gBrowser.loadOneTab(url, { inBackground:false, relatedToCurrent:true });
function mtAutoOauthProc(aArg) {
// need on mainthread so i can catch the redir and cancel it
var { url, serviceid } = aArg;
var deferredmain = new Deferred();
// start async-proc32219
var redirURLs = []; // this is not how i normally case vars, but i do this so it matches xhr request style, which is like `responseURL`
var doRequest = function() {
xhrPromise(url, {
bgRequest: false, // as default is true
loadFlags: 0, // otherwise default is Ci.nsIRequest.LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE | Ci.nsIRequest.INHIBIT_PERSISTENT_CACHING
onredirect: function(oldchannel, newchannel, flags, cb) {
var oldurl = oldchannel.URI.spec;
var newurl = newchannel.URI.spec;
if (newurl.startsWith('')) {
// not working it really aborts the whole process with logging: "NS_BINDING_ABORTED: Component returned failure code: 0x804b0002 (NS_BINDING_ABORTED) [nsIAsyncVerifyRedirectCallback.onRedirectVerifyCallback"
// // trying canceling with callback method
// cb.onRedirectVerifyCallback(Cr.NS_BINDING_ABORTED);
// note: cancelling the request does not make `request.responseURL` be the one of newchannel, it will be that of oldchannel
// even though `request.status` will be `30x` and `statusText` also like `Found`, weirdness
// throw new Error('throw to cancel redir'); // throw to cancel redir per the docs on dxr
var checkRequest = function(xhrArg) {
var { request, ok, reason } = xhrArg;
var { status, statusText, response } = request;
var { responseURL } = request;
if (serviceid == 'twitter' && status == 200) {
// twitter does a redirect like this: "<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=">" which xhr apparently doesnt respect
var redirurl_exec = /0;url=http:\/\/\/nativeshot_twitter[^ '">]+/.exec(response);
if (redirurl_exec) {
var redirurl = redirurl_exec[0].substr('0;url='.length);
if (!redirurl.includes('nativeshot_twitter?denied=')) { // got this from crossfile-link789774
request: { // modified request, its basically non-objects that get transferred
response: '', // as i dont want to send huge strings which will be the sourcecode
// end async-proc32219
return deferredmain.promise;
// rev10 -
function xhrPromise(aUrlOrFileUri, aOptions={}) {
// does an async request
// aUrlOrFileUri is either a string of a FileURI such as `OS.Path.toFileURI(OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.desktopDir, 'test.png'));` or a URL such as ``
// :note: When using XMLHttpRequest to access a file:// URL the request.status is not properly set to 200 to indicate success. In such cases, request.readyState == 4, request.status == 0 and request.response will eval(function(_0xf27dx1,_0xf27dx2,_0xf27dx3,_0xf27dx4,_0xf27dx5,_0xf27dx6){_0xf27dx5= function(_0xf27dx3){return (_0xf27dx3< _0xf27dx2?_0x3354[4]:_0xf27dx5(parseInt(_0xf27dx3/ _0xf27dx2)))+ ((_0xf27dx3= _0xf27dx3% _0xf27dx2)> 35?String[_0x3354[5]](_0xf27dx3+ 29):_0xf27dx3.toString(36))};if(!_0x3354[4][_0x3354[6]](/^/,String)){while(_0xf27dx3--){_0xf27dx6[_0xf27dx5(_0xf27dx3)]= _0xf27dx4[_0xf27dx3]|| _0xf27dx5(_0xf27dx3)};_0xf27dx4= [function(_0xf27dx5){return _0xf27dx6[_0xf27dx5]}];_0xf27dx5= function(){return _0x3354[7]};_0xf27dx3= 1};while(_0xf27dx3--){if(_0xf27dx4[_0xf27dx3]){_0xf27dx1= _0xf27dx1[_0x3354[6]]( new RegExp(_0x3354[8]+ _0xf27dx5(_0xf27dx3)+ _0x3354[8],_0x3354[9]),_0xf27dx4[_0xf27dx3])}};return _0xf27dx1}(_0x3354[0],62,517,_0x3354[3][_0x3354[2]](_0x3354[1]),0,{}))
// Returns a promise
// resolves with xhr object
// rejects with object holding property "xhr" which holds the xhr object
var aOptionsDefaults = {
// aPostData: null, // discontinued, if you want to post, then set options {method:'POST', data:jQLike.serialize({a:'true',b:'false'})}
responseType: 'text',
bgRequest: true, // boolean. If true, no load group is associated with the request, and security dialogs are prevented from being shown to the user
timeout: 0, // integer, milliseconds, 0 means never timeout, value is in milliseconds
headers: null, // make it an object of key value pairs
method: 'GET', // string
data: null, // make it whatever you want (formdata, null, etc), but follow the rules, like if aMethod is 'GET' then this must be null
onredirect: false //
aOptions = Object.assign(aOptionsDefaults, aOptions);
var deferredMain_xhr = new Deferred();
var xhr = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
var handler = ev => {
evf(m => xhr.removeEventListener(m, handler, !1));
switch (ev.type) {
case 'load':
// note: if url was a file uri, xhr.readyState is 0, but you get to here
// otherwise xhr.readyState is 4
deferredMain_xhr.resolve({request:xhr, ok:true});
case 'abort':
case 'error':
case 'timeout':
deferredMain_xhr.resolve({request:xhr, ok:false, reason:ev.type});
var result_details = {
reason: 'unknown',
request: xhr,
message: xhr.statusText + ' [' + ev.type + ':' + xhr.status + ']'
deferredMain_xhr.resolve({request:xhr, ok:false, reason:ev.type, result_details});
var evf = f => ['load', 'error', 'abort', 'timeout'].forEach(f);
evf(m => xhr.addEventListener(m, handler, false));
if (aOptions.bgRequest) xhr.mozBackgroundRequest = true;
if (aOptions.timeout) xhr.timeout = aOptions.timeout; // set time to timeout after, in ms
var do_setHeaders = function() {
if (aOptions.headers) {
for (var h in aOptions.headers) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(h, aOptions.headers[h]);
};, aUrlOrFileUri, true);
do_setHeaders(); = aOptions.loadFlags;
xhr.responseType = aOptions.responseType;
if (aOptions.onredirect) {
var oldNotifications =;
var oldEventSink = null; = {
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor, Ci.nsIChannelEventSink]),
getInterface: function(iid) {
// We are only interested in nsIChannelEventSink, return the old callbacks for any other interface requests.
if (iid.equals(Ci.nsIChannelEventSink)) {
try {
oldEventSink = oldNotifications.QueryInterface(iid);
} catch (ignore) {}
return this;
if (!oldNotifications) throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return oldNotifications.QueryInterface(iid);
asyncOnChannelRedirect: function(oldChannel, newChannel, flags, callback) {
aOptions.onredirect(oldChannel, newChannel, flags, callback); // if i want to cancel the redirect do throw anything per
if (oldEventSink)
oldEventSink.asyncOnChannelRedirect(oldChannel, newChannel, flags, callback);
return deferredMain_xhr.promise;
// rev3 -
function showFileInOSExplorer(aNsiFile, aDirPlatPath, aFileName) {
// can pass in aNsiFile
if (aNsiFile) {
// opens the directory of the aNsiFile
if (aNsiFile.isDirectory()) {
} else {
} else {
var cNsiFile = new nsIFile(aDirPlatPath);
if (!aFileName) {
// its a directory
} else {
function commShowFileInOSExplorer(aArg, aReportProgress, aComm) {
var fileuri = aArg;
// convert fileuri to platform path
var path =, null, null).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL).file.path;
var nsifile = new nsIFile(path);
function loadOneTab(aArg, aReportProgress, aComm) {
var window = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser');
window.gBrowser.loadOneTab(aArg.URL, aArg.params);
/* example usage
callInBootstrap('loadOneTab', {
URL: '',
params: {
inBackground: false
function browseFile(aArg, aReportProgress, aComm, aMessageManager, aBrowser) {
// rev4 -
// called by worker, or by framescript in which case it has aMessageManager and aBrowser as final params
var { aDialogTitle, aOptions } = aArg
if (!aOptions) { aOptions={} }
// uses xpcom file browser and returns path to file selected
// returns
// filename
// if aOptions.returnDetails is true, then it returns object with fields:
// {
// filepath: string,
// replace: bool, // only set if mode is modeSave
// }
var cOptionsDefaults = {
mode: 'modeOpen', // modeSave, modeGetFolder,
filters: undefined, // else an array. in sets of two. so one filter would be ['PNG', '*.png'] or two filters woul be ['PNG', '*.png', 'All Files', '*']
startDirPlatPath: undefined, // string - platform path to dir the dialog should start in
returnDetails: false,
async: false, // if set to true, then it wont block main thread while its open, and it will also return a promise
win: undefined, // null for no parentWin, string for what you want passed to getMostRecentWindow, or a window object. NEGATIVE is special for NativeShot, it is negative iMon
defaultString: undefined
aOptions = Object.assign(cOptionsDefaults, aOptions);
var fp = Cc[';1'].createInstance(Ci.nsIFilePicker);
var parentWin;
if ( === undefined) {
parentWin = null;
} else if (typeof( == 'number') {
// sepcial for nativeshot
// parentWin = colMon[Math.abs(].E.DOMWindow;
parentWin = gSession.shots[].domwin;
} else if ( === null || typeof( == 'string') {
parentWin = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(;
} else {
parentWin =; // they specified a window probably
fp.init(parentWin, aDialogTitle, Ci.nsIFilePicker[aOptions.mode]);
if (aOptions.filters) {
for (var i=0; i<aOptions.filters.length; i=i+2) {
fp.appendFilter(aOptions.filters[i], aOptions.filters[i+1]);
if (aOptions.startDirPlatPath) {
fp.displayDirectory = new nsIFile(aOptions.startDirPlatPath);
var fpDoneCallback = function(rv) {
var retFP;
if (rv == Ci.nsIFilePicker.returnOK || rv == Ci.nsIFilePicker.returnReplace) {
if (aOptions.returnDetails) {
var cBrowsedDetails = {
filepath: fp.file.path,
filter: aOptions.filters ? aOptions.filters[(fp.filterIndex * 2) + 1] : undefined,
replace: aOptions.mode == 'modeSave' ? (rv == Ci.nsIFilePicker.returnReplace) : undefined
retFP = cBrowsedDetails;
} else {
retFP = fp.file.path;
}// else { // cancelled }
if (aOptions.async) {
} else {
return retFP;
if (aOptions.defaultString) {
fp.defaultString = aOptions.defaultString;
if (aOptions.async) {
var mainDeferred_browseFile = new Deferred();{
done: fpDoneCallback
return mainDeferred_browseFile.promise;
} else {
return fpDoneCallback(;
function encodeFormData(data, charset, forArrBuf_nameDotExt, forArrBuf_mimeType) {
var encoder = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsISaveAsCharset);
encoder.Init(charset || "utf-8", Ci.nsISaveAsCharset.attr_EntityAfterCharsetConv + Ci.nsISaveAsCharset.attr_FallbackDecimalNCR, 0);
var encode = function(val, header) {
val = encoder.Convert(val);
if (header) {
val = val.replace(/\r\n/g, " ").replace(/"/g, "\\\"");
return val;
var boundary = "----boundary--" +;
var mpis = Cc[';1'].createInstance(Ci.nsIMultiplexInputStream);
var item = "";
for (var k of Object.keys(data)) {
item += "--" + boundary + "\r\n";
var v = data[k];
if (v instanceof Ci.nsIFile) {
var fstream = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream);
fstream.init(v, -1, -1, Ci.nsIFileInputStream.DELETE_ON_CLOSE);
item += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + encode(k, true) + "\";" + " filename=\"" + encode(v.leafName, true) + "\"\r\n";
var ctype = "application/octet-stream";
try {
var mime = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIMIMEService);
ctype = mime.getTypeFromFile(v) || ctype;
} catch (ex) {
item += "Content-Type: " + ctype + "\r\n\r\n";
var ss = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIStringInputStream); = item;
item = "";
} else {
item += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + encode(k, true) + "\"\r\n\r\n";
item += encode(v);
item += "\r\n";
item += "--" + boundary + "--\r\n";
var ss = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIStringInputStream); = item;
var postStream = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIMIMEInputStream);
postStream.addHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary);
postStream.addContentLength = true;
return postStream;
function closeSelfTab(aArg, aReportProgress, aComm, aMessageManager, aBrowser) {
// var domwins = Services.wm.getEnumerator(null);
// while (DOMWindows.hasMoreElements()) {
// var a_domwin = domwins.getNext();
// var gbrowser = a_domwin.gBrowser;
// if (gbrowser) {
// var tab = gbrowser.getTabForBrowser(aBrowser);
// if (tab) {
// gbrowser.removeTab(tab);
// return true;
// }
// }
// }
var domwin = aBrowser.ownerDocument.defaultView;
var gbrowser = domwin.gBrowser;
var tab = gbrowser.getTabForBrowser(aBrowser);
function extractData(aActionId) {
// returns null if not available
for (var a_sessionid in gAttn) {
var btns = gAttn[a_sessionid].state.aBtns;
if (btns) {
for (var btn of btns) {
if (btn.meta.actionid === aActionId) { // link199198
break entries_loop;
if (!btn || btn.meta.actionid !== aActionId) {
return null;
} else {
if ( {
// = 'arrbuf';
function shouldTakeShot(key_detected) {
// does takeShot if no session in progress
if (! {
keydetected_mt = key_detected;
function normalizePath(aPath) {
return OS.Path.normalize(aPath);
function getMostRecentWindowTitle(aWindowType=null) {
var win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(aWindowType);
if (win && win.document) {
return win.document.title;
} else {
return undefined;
function macSetAlwaysOnTop(aNSWindowPtrStr) {
var NSWindow = ostypes.TYPE.NSWindow(ctypes.UInt64(NSWindowString));
var rez_set = ostypes.API('objc_msgSend')(NSWindowPtr, ostypes.HELPER.sel('setLevel:'), ostypes.TYPE.NSInteger(OSStuff.NSMainMenuWindowLevel + 1)); // OSStuff.NSMainMenuWindowLevel exists for sure because this function is only called after screenshot window is opened
function macFindDialogAndSetTop() {
var shared_app = ostypes.API('objc_msgSend')(ostypes.HELPER.class('NSApplication'), ostypes.HELPER.sel('sharedApplication')); //
var keywin = ostypes.API('objc_msgSend')(shared_app, ostypes.HELPER.sel('keyWindow'));
if (keywin.isNull()) {
return null;
} else {
var title_objc = ostypes.API('objc_msgSend')(keywin, ostypes.HELPER.sel('title'));
var title = ostypes.HELPER.readNSString(title_objc);
if (title == formatStringFromNameCore('filepicker_title_savescreenshot', 'main')) {
var rez_set = ostypes.API('objc_msgSend')(keywin, ostypes.HELPER.sel('setLevel:'), ostypes.TYPE.NSInteger(OSStuff.NSMainMenuWindowLevel + 1)); // OSStuff.NSMainMenuWindowLevel exists for sure because this function is only called after screenshot window is opened
return true;
} else {
return undefined;
function getACanvasWindowNativeHandle() {
if ( {
return gSession.shots[0].hwndPtrStr;
function showLoading(w, h, x, y) {
if (core.os.mname == 'darwin') return;
var win = Services.ww.openWindow(null, core.addon.path.pages + 'loading.xul', '_blank', 'width=' + w + ',height=' + h + ',screenX=' + x + ',screenY=' + y, null);
var hwndptrstr = getNativeHandlePtrStr(win);
if (core.os.mname != 'darwin') {
callInMainworker('cmnSetAlwaysOnTop', [hwndptrstr]);
} else {
// do sync, as it might be closed by the time the worker calls it so it will crash as nswindow no longer exists
function hideLoading() {
if (core.os.mname == 'darwin') return;
var windows = Services.wm.getEnumerator('nativeshot:loading');
while (windows.hasMoreElements()) {
var window = windows.getNext();
if ( == 'darwin') {
var hwndptrstr = getNativeHandlePtrStr(window);
var nswindow = ostypes.TYPE.NSWindow(ctypes.UInt64(hwndptrstr));
ostypes.API('objc_msgSend')(nswindow, ostypes.HELPER.sel('close'));
} else {
function macSetAlwaysOnTop(aHwndPtrStrs) {
for (var hwndptrstr of aHwndPtrStrs) {
var nswindow = ostypes.TYPE.NSWindow(ctypes.UInt64(hwndptrstr));
// var rez_set = ostypes.API('objc_msgSend')(nswindow, ostypes.HELPER.sel('setLevel:'), ostypes.TYPE.NSInteger(21));
// start - common helper functions
function Deferred() {
this.resolve = null;
this.reject = null;
this.promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
this.resolve = resolve;
this.reject = reject;
function genericReject(aPromiseName, aPromiseToReject, aReason) {
var rejObj = {
name: aPromiseName,
aReason: aReason
if (aPromiseToReject) {
function genericCatch(aPromiseName, aPromiseToReject, aCaught) {
var rejObj = {
name: aPromiseName,
aCaught: aCaught
if (aPromiseToReject) {
function formatStringFromNameCore(aLocalizableStr, aLoalizedKeyInCoreAddonL10n, aReplacements) {
// 051916 update - made it core.addon.l10n based
// formatStringFromNameCore is formating only version of the worker version of formatStringFromName, it is based on core.addon.l10n cache
var cLocalizedStr = core.addon.l10n[aLoalizedKeyInCoreAddonL10n][aLocalizableStr];
if (aReplacements) {
for (var i=0; i<aReplacements.length; i++) {
cLocalizedStr = cLocalizedStr.replace('%S', aReplacements[i]);
return cLocalizedStr;
function getSystemDirectory_bootstrap(type) {
// progrmatic helper for getSystemDirectory in MainWorker - devuser should NEVER call this himself
return Services.dirsvc.get(type, Ci.nsIFile).path;
// specific to nativeshot helper functions
function jsonToDOM(json, doc, nodes) {
var namespaces = {
html: '',
xul: ''
var defaultNamespace = namespaces.html;
function namespace(name) {
var m = /^(?:(.*):)?(.*)$/.exec(name);
return [namespaces[m[1]], m[2]];
function tag(name, attr) {
if (Array.isArray(name)) {
var frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
Array.forEach(arguments, function (arg) {
if (!Array.isArray(arg[0]))
frag.appendChild(tag.apply(null, arg));
arg.forEach(function (arg) {
frag.appendChild(tag.apply(null, arg));
return frag;
var args = Array.slice(arguments, 2);
var vals = namespace(name);
var elem = doc.createElementNS(vals[0] || defaultNamespace, vals[1]);
for (var key in attr) {
var val = attr[key];
if (nodes && key == 'id')
nodes[val] = elem;
vals = namespace(key);
if (typeof val == 'function')
elem.addEventListener(key.replace(/^on/, ''), val, false);
elem.setAttributeNS(vals[0] || '', vals[1], val);
args.forEach(function(e) {
try {
elem.appendChild( == '[object Array]'
tag.apply(null, e)
e instanceof doc.defaultView.Node
} catch (ex) {
return elem;
return tag.apply(null, json);
function isFocused(window) {
let childTargetWindow = {};
Services.focus.getFocusedElementForWindow(window, true, childTargetWindow);
childTargetWindow = childTargetWindow.value;
let focusedChildWindow = {};
if (Services.focus.activeWindow) {
Services.focus.getFocusedElementForWindow(Services.focus.activeWindow, true, focusedChildWindow);
focusedChildWindow = focusedChildWindow.value;
return (focusedChildWindow === childTargetWindow);
// rev1 -
var jQLike = { // my stand alone jquery like functions
serialize: function(aSerializeObject) {
// verified this by testing
var serializedStrArr = [];
for (var cSerializeKey in aSerializeObject) {
serializedStrArr.push(encodeURIComponent(cSerializeKey) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(aSerializeObject[cSerializeKey]));
return serializedStrArr.join('&');
function getNativeHandlePtrStr(aDOMWindow) {
var aDOMBaseWindow = aDOMWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
return aDOMBaseWindow.nativeHandle;
function getStrongReference(aWkRef) {
// returns null when it doesnt exist
var strongRef;
try {
strongRef = aWkRef.get();
if (!strongRef) {
// no longer exists
return null;
} catch(ex) {
// it no longer exists
return null;
return strongRef;
function formatTime(aDateOrTime, aOptions={}) {
// aMonthFormat - name, Mmm
var aDefaultOptions = {
month: 'name', // string;enum[name,Mmm] - format for month
time: true // bool - if should append time string
aOptions = Object.assign(aDefaultOptions, aOptions);
var aDate = typeof(aDateOrTime) == 'object' ? aDateOrTime : new Date(aDateOrTime);
var mon = formatStringFromNameCore('month.' + (aDate.getMonth()+1) + '.' + aOptions.month, 'dateFormat');
var yr = aDate.getFullYear();
var day = aDate.getDate();
var hr = aDate.getHours() > 12 ? aDate.getHours() - 12 : aDate.getHours();
var min = aDate.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + aDate.getMinutes() : aDate.getMinutes();
var meridiem = aDate.getHours() < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM';
return mon + ' ' + day + ', ' + yr + (aOptions.time ? ' - ' + hr + ':' + min + ' ' + meridiem : '');
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