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Forked from manuscrypt/KellyColors.elm
Created February 16, 2017 15:54
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module KellyColors exposing (..)
import Color exposing (..)
import Maybe exposing (..)
import List.Extra as List exposing (..)
type alias KellyDef =
{ isccNbsNr : Int, hexString : String, r : Int, g : Int, b : Int }
kellyColors : List KellyDef
kellyColors =
[ KellyDef 263 "F2F3F4" 242 243 244
, KellyDef 267 "222222" 34 34 34
, KellyDef 82 "F3C300" 243 195 0
, KellyDef 218 "875692" 135 86 146
, KellyDef 48 "F38400" 243 132 0
, KellyDef 180 "A1CAF1" 161 202 241
, KellyDef 11 "BE0032" 190 0 50
, KellyDef 90 "C2B280" 194 178 128
, KellyDef 265 "848482" 132 132 130
, KellyDef 139 "008856" 0 136 86
, KellyDef 247 "E68FAC" 230 143 172
, KellyDef 178 "0067A5" 0 103 165
, KellyDef 26 "F99379" 249 147 121
, KellyDef 207 "604E97" 96 78 151
, KellyDef 66 "F6A600" 246 166 0
, KellyDef 255 "B3446C" 179 68 108
, KellyDef 97 "DCD300" 220 211 0
, KellyDef 40 "882D17" 136 45 23
, KellyDef 115 "8DB600" 141 182 0
, KellyDef 75 "654522" 101 69 34
, KellyDef 34 "E25822" 226 88 34
, KellyDef 126 "2B3D26" 43 61 38
toColor : KellyDef -> Color
toColor kd =
Color.rgb kd.r kd.g kd.b
at : Int -> Color
at i =
Maybe.withDefault <| toColor <| List.getAt (i % List.length kellyColors) kellyColors
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