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phoenix phx

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oanhnn /
Last active September 23, 2024 20:37
Using multiple github accounts with ssh keys


I have two Github accounts: oanhnn (personal) and superman (for work). I want to use both accounts on same computer (without typing password everytime, when doing git push or pull).


Use ssh keys and define host aliases in ssh config file (each alias for an account).

How to?

  1. Generate ssh key pairs for accounts and add them to GitHub accounts.
phx / sed multiline replace
Created June 20, 2013 07:08
sed work in progress
cat "hello.txt" | sed -E '/src=".+"/ {
r boobs.txt
phx / remote auto ssh key exchange
Created June 13, 2013 22:59
will automatically exchange ssh keys with remote server, allowing automatic future password-less access to the remote location from current location. edit as needed if remote location doesn't run sshd on default port.
printf "enter username@ip-address: " ; read UIP ; ssh $UIP "mkdir .ssh 2>/dev/null ; echo $(cat $HOME/.ssh/ >>.ssh/authorized_keys ; chmod 700 .ssh ; chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys" ; echo "hostname=$(ssh $UIP hostname)"
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openssl base64 -in pudding.png > pudding.txt
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Created June 13, 2013 03:15
increment a variable inside a for loop to rename all text files that start with a certain string.
for files in old*.txt
mv $files $(echo $files | sed -E 's/[0-9]+\.txt//')OLDOLD$i.txt