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Last active July 16, 2020 09:05
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Replacement for "sloccount", to count forms in a(n ASDF) system
(defun :form-count-for-asdf (system &key file-regex per-file)
(let ((files 0)
(per-file-alist ())
(top-forms 0)
(forms 0)
;(more-data nil)
(system (or (asdf:find-system system)
(error "~s not found" system))))
(labels ((rec (f)
((null f) 0)
((atom f) 0)
((consp f)
;; Can't use REDUCE for quoted things, they might include
;; dotted lists (alists)
;; Also ITER has (FOR (A . B) ON ...)
;; So: quoted things => only 1 form.
(if (not (or (eq (first f) 'quote)
(eq (first f) 'sb-int:quasiquote)))
(loop for x on (cdr f)
while (consp x)
sum (rec (car x))))
(t 0)))
(asdf-children (x)
(dolist (child (asdf:component-children x))
((typep child 'asdf:source-file)
(let ((fn (slot-value child 'asdf::absolute-pathname)))
(if (or (not file-regex)
(cl-ppcre:scan file-regex (uiop:native-namestring fn)))
(with-open-file (f fn)
(incf files)
(let ((*package* (find-package :cl-user))
(file-t-forms 0)
(file-forms 0))
(loop for form = (read f nil nil)
while form
;; (eval form) ; we assume that the system was already correctly loaded,
;; so there are no readtables or other stuff we might need to evaluate
when (eq (first form) 'cl:in-package)
do (setf *package* (find-package (second form)))
do (let ((f-c (rec form)))
(incf file-t-forms)
(incf file-forms f-c)))
(when per-file
(push (list (enough-namestring fn
(asdf:system-source-directory system))
:top-forms file-t-forms
:forms file-forms)
(incf top-forms file-t-forms)
(incf forms file-forms))))))
((typep child 'asdf:parent-component)
(asdf-children child))))))
(asdf-children system))
(list* :files files
:top-forms top-forms
:forms forms
(when per-file
`(:per-file ,per-file-alist)))))
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