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Last active July 29, 2024 06:02
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  • Save phanect/f6f3bd790585fc8f5a3ef5bd0fe0cfbb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Collection of Git command snippets

Collection of Git command snippets

git clean -dX --force

List all committers in addition to the author on git log and git show.

git log --pretty=fuller | grep Author: | sort -u
git log --pretty=fuller | grep Commit: | sort -u

Check if PR includes changes in a specific directory

git switch $PR_BRANCH
git diff upstream/main HEAD -- $DIR_TO_COMPARE

Commands to replace all the committer emails in the commit logs

echo -e "Jumpei Ogawa <> <>\nJumpei Ogawa <> <>" | tee ./mailmap

git filter-repo --mailmap mailmap
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