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Created November 2, 2020 13:10
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import { Request, Response, Fastly } from "@fastly/as-compute";
const HTTPBIN_BACKEND = "httpbin";
function badRequest(): Response {
return new Response(String.UTF8.encode("Bad request"), {
status: 400
function uuidHandler(req: Request): Response {
let parts = req.url().split("/");
if (parts.length != 5) {
return badRequest();
let i = parts[4];
let limit = I32.parseInt(i);
if(isNaN(limit)) {
return badRequest();
let pool = new Fastly.FetchPool();
let headers = req.headers();
headers.set("Host", "");
let cacheOverride = new Fastly.CacheOverride();
for(let i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
let r = new Request("", {
method: "GET",
headers: headers,
body: null
pool.push(Fastly.fetch(r, {
let json = pool.all().reduce((json, r, i, arr) => {
json += r.response.text();
if(i != arr.length-1) json += ",";
return json;
}, "[") + "]";
json = json.replaceAll(" ", "");
json = json.replaceAll("\n", "");
return new Response(String.UTF8.encode(json), { status: 200 });
function main(req: Request): Response {
let method = req.method();
let urlParts = req.url().split("//").pop().split("/");
let host = urlParts.shift();
let path = "/" + urlParts.join("/");
if (method == "GET" && path.startsWith("/uuid")) {
return uuidHandler(req);
return new Response(String.UTF8.encode("The page you requested could not be found"), {
status: 200,
let req = Fastly.getClientRequest();
let resp = main(req);
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