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Last active August 25, 2023 16:07
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Passing AWS Lambda Function parameters using the ClientContext object in Python

Boto3 documentation for lambda_client.invoke suggests it is possible to pass data via the ClientContext object as a string.

The string is required to be base64 encoded JSON.

To encode such a string, use:

import baseb4

However, it is not clear how to pass the data. It's tempting to think any JSON string will do and will surface via the Context object of the lambda function handler:

def my_handler(event,context):

However, data should be passed via a custom field:

event = {"body": { "my": "data" }} # body not necessary, but compatible with API gateway invocation
res = lambda_client.invoke(FunctionName='<your_function_name>',
                                   ClientContext=base64.b64encode(b'{"custom":{"foo":"bar", \

It can then be access in the lambda function like so:

def my_handler(event,context):
  my_custom_dict = context.client_context.custom
  foo = my_custom_dict["foo"] # "bar"
  # and so on

The use of the custom field is kind of mentioned here, but not very well:

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Thanks! This is very useful. Just wondering, in term of usage, what is the difference between ClientContext and Payload?

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thats a good question - wats the difference? anyone??

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This seems not working....

My cloudwatch code is as follows:

data = json.dumps({"appointment_id": "3e3c37e1-6a60-488b-b92c-9ef9c3136aee", "role": "mentee", "duration": "10 minutes"})
    event = {"body": { "my": "data" }}

    fn_response = lambda_client.invoke(
        FunctionName = fn_name,
        InvocationType = 'RequestResponse',
        LogType = 'None',
        ClientContext=base64.b64encode(b'{"custom":{"appointment_id":"3e3c37e1-6a60-488b-b92c-9ef9c3136aee", "fuzzy":"wuzzy"}}').decode('utf-8'),
        Payload = json.dumps(event)

and my lambda function code is as follows:

def CloudWatchHelper(event, context):
    print("context --------------->")
    my_custom_dict = context.client_context.custom
    print("inside --------------------------->")
    print("printing context --------------------------->")
    print("details: " + str(event['detail']))

it is giving error as: Cannot get custom of object NoneType

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vrgurus commented Feb 27, 2019

@cnavneet Try this...

event = {"appointment_id": "3e3c37e1-6a60-488b-b92c-9ef9c3136aee", "role": "mentee", "duration": "10 minutes"}

fn_response = lambda_client.invoke(
FunctionName = fn_name,
InvocationType = 'RequestResponse',
LogType = 'None',
Payload = json.dumps(event)

def CloudWatchHelper(event, context):

my_custom_dict = event

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Please note:

  • I noticed that we cannot pass ClientContext when we invoke lambda using InvocationType = 'Event'

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Nice. Much appreciated. This is so poorly documented and poorly conceived in AWS that I'm interested in how it ended up the way it is. But I have a use case needing it and this was the key.

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Thanks, same applies for Rust.

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