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Created November 11, 2017 13:22
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import {
ApplicationRef, ComponentFactoryResolver, ComponentRef,
EmbeddedViewRef, Injectable, Injector, Type, ViewContainerRef
} from '@angular/core';
export class ComponentFactoryService {
private cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver,
private defaultInjector: Injector,
private appRef: ApplicationRef) {
* Instantiates a component and adds it to the DOM.
* @constructor
* @param {Type<T>} componentType - Type of the component to create, e.g. "DynamicComponent".
* @param {HTMLElement | ViewContainerRef} location - (Optional) Location where to inject the
* component in the DOM, can be an arbitrary HTML element or a ViewContainerRef.
* @param {Injector} injector - (Optional) Injector that should be used as a parent injector
* for the component. This is useful only if you want to inject into the component services
* that are provided in a different place from where ComponentFactoryService is provided.
componentType: Type<T>,
location?: HTMLElement | ViewContainerRef,
injector?: Injector): ComponentRef<T> {
// Grab the instance of a factory for our component from Angular module.
// Important: the component needs to be added to the "entryComponents" as part of the
// "@NgModule" declaration on the same
// module where this service is added to the "providers".
let componentFactory = this.cfr.resolveComponentFactory(componentType);
let componentRef: ComponentRef<T>;
// We can handle two scenarios here depending on how the location where the component
// needs to be injected is provided:
// 1. ViewContainerRef. In this case we can just call location.createComponent and the
// component will be added as a child of the container automatically.
// 2. HTMLElement. This can be just any HTML element in the DOM, even outside of the Angular
// application.
if (location && location instanceof ViewContainerRef) {
// The component will be added as a child of the container host view
componentRef = location.createComponent(
undefined /* index */,
injector || this.defaultInjector);
else {
// Here the location is any HTML element (could be outside of Angular app), so we need a bit
// more work to "attach" it to our Angular app.
// 1. Instantiate the component
componentRef = componentFactory.create(injector || this.defaultInjector);
// 2. Attach the component to the Angular application so that Angular knows about the
// component and performs change detection on it.
// 3. Insert the component HTML view as a child of the given HTML element or just as
// a child of "body" if no element is provided.
this.addComponentToDom(location as HTMLElement || document.body, componentRef);
return componentRef;
private addComponentToDom<T>(parent: HTMLElement, componentRef: ComponentRef<T>): HTMLElement {
// Grabe the actual HTML element of the component
let componentElement = (componentRef.hostView as EmbeddedViewRef<any>).rootNodes[0] as HTMLElement;
return componentElement;
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