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Created February 12, 2020 15:58
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import Foundation
struct AnyDecodable: Decodable {
static let supportedTypes = CodingUserInfoKey(rawValue: "SupportedTypes")!
enum Errors: Error {
case missingSupportedTypesList
case unknownType
typealias DecodableValue = Any & Decodable
let value: DecodableValue
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
guard let supportedTypes = decoder.userInfo[AnyDecodable.supportedTypes] as? [Any.Type] else {
throw Errors.missingSupportedTypesList
let decodableTypes = supportedTypes.compactMap { $0 as? Decodable.Type }
var decodedValue: DecodableValue?
for decodableValueType in decodableTypes {
do {
decodedValue = try decodableValueType.init(from: decoder)
} catch {
guard let v = decodedValue else {
throw Errors.unknownType
value = v
struct Person: Codable {
let name: String
struct Dog: Codable {
let breed: String
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.userInfo[AnyDecodable.supportedTypes] = [Person.self, Dog.self]
let p = try decoder.decode(AnyDecodable.self, from: "{\"name\":\"Joe\"}".data(using: .utf8)!).value
print(p) // Person(name: "Joe")
let d = try decoder.decode(AnyDecodable.self, from: "{\"breed\":\"Caniche\"}".data(using: .utf8)!).value
print(d) // Dog(breed: "Caniche")
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