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Created October 25, 2021 19:28
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#pragma once
namespace CGAL_IntersectionUtil {
inline int Solve3x3(
const double(&row0)[3], const double(&row1)[3], const double(&row2)[3],
double d0, double d1, double d2,
double* x_addr, double* y_addr, double* z_addr,
double* pivot_ratio)
/* Solve a 3x3 linear system using Gauss-Jordan elimination
* with full pivoting.
int i, j;
double* p0;
double* p1;
double* p2;
double x, y, workarray[12], maxpiv, minpiv;
const int sizeof_row = 3 * sizeof(row0[0]);
*pivot_ratio = *x_addr = *y_addr = *z_addr = 0.0;
x = fabs(row0[0]); i = j = 0;
y = fabs(row0[1]); if (y > x) { x = y; j = 1; }
y = fabs(row0[2]); if (y > x) { x = y; j = 2; }
y = fabs(row1[0]); if (y > x) { x = y; i = 1; j = 0; }
y = fabs(row1[1]); if (y > x) { x = y; i = 1; j = 1; }
y = fabs(row1[2]); if (y > x) { x = y; i = 1; j = 2; }
y = fabs(row2[0]); if (y > x) { x = y; i = 2; j = 0; }
y = fabs(row2[1]); if (y > x) { x = y; i = 2; j = 1; }
y = fabs(row2[2]); if (y > x) { x = y; i = 2; j = 2; }
if (x == 0.0)
return 0;
maxpiv = minpiv = fabs(x);
p0 = workarray;
switch (i) {
case 1: /* swap rows 0 and 1 */
memcpy(p0, row1, sizeof_row); p0[3] = d1; p0 += 4;
memcpy(p0, row0, sizeof_row); p0[3] = d0; p0 += 4;
memcpy(p0, row2, sizeof_row); p0[3] = d2;
case 2: /* swap rows 0 and 2 */
memcpy(p0, row2, sizeof_row); p0[3] = d2; p0 += 4;
memcpy(p0, row1, sizeof_row); p0[3] = d1; p0 += 4;
memcpy(p0, row0, sizeof_row); p0[3] = d0;
memcpy(p0, row0, sizeof_row); p0[3] = d0; p0 += 4;
memcpy(p0, row1, sizeof_row); p0[3] = d1; p0 += 4;
memcpy(p0, row2, sizeof_row); p0[3] = d2;
switch (j) {
case 1: /* swap columns 0 and 1 */
p0 = x_addr; x_addr = y_addr; y_addr = p0;
p0 = &workarray[0];
x = p0[0]; p0[0] = p0[1]; p0[1] = x; p0 += 4;
x = p0[0]; p0[0] = p0[1]; p0[1] = x; p0 += 4;
x = p0[0]; p0[0] = p0[1]; p0[1] = x;
case 2: /* swap columns 0 and 2 */
p0 = x_addr; x_addr = z_addr; z_addr = p0;
p0 = &workarray[0];
x = p0[0]; p0[0] = p0[2]; p0[2] = x; p0 += 4;
x = p0[0]; p0[0] = p0[2]; p0[2] = x; p0 += 4;
x = p0[0]; p0[0] = p0[2]; p0[2] = x;
x = 1.0 / workarray[0];
/* debugger set workarray[0] = 1 */
p0 = p1 = workarray + 1;
*p1++ *= x; *p1++ *= x; *p1++ *= x;
x = -(*p1++);
/* debugger set workarray[4] = 0 */
if (x == 0.0)
p1 += 3;
*p1++ += x * (*p0++); *p1++ += x * (*p0++); *p1++ += x * (*p0); p0 -= 2;
x = -(*p1++);
/* debugger set workarray[8] = 0 */
if (x != 0.0)
*p1++ += x * (*p0++); *p1++ += x * (*p0++); *p1++ += x * (*p0); p0 -= 2;
x = fabs(workarray[5]); i = j = 0;
y = fabs(workarray[6]); if (y > x) { x = y; j = 1; }
y = fabs(workarray[9]); if (y > x) { x = y; i = 1; j = 0; }
y = fabs(workarray[10]); if (y > x) { x = y; i = j = 1; }
if (x == 0.0)
return 1; // rank = 1;
y = fabs(x);
if (y > maxpiv) maxpiv = y; else if (y < minpiv) minpiv = y;
if (j) {
/* swap columns 1 and 2 */
p0 = workarray + 1;
p1 = p0 + 1;
x = *p0; *p0 = *p1; *p1 = x; p0 += 4; p1 += 4;
x = *p0; *p0 = *p1; *p1 = x; p0 += 4; p1 += 4;
x = *p0; *p0 = *p1; *p1 = x; p0 += 4; p1 += 4;
p0 = y_addr; y_addr = z_addr; z_addr = p0;
if (i) {
/* pivot is in row 2 */
p0 = workarray + 1;
p1 = p0 + 8;
p2 = p0 + 4;
else {
/* pivot is in row 1 */
p0 = workarray + 1;
p1 = p0 + 4;
p2 = p0 + 8;
/* debugger set workarray[5+4*i] = 1 */
x = 1.0 / (*p1++); *p1++ *= x; *p1 *= x; p1--;
x = -(*p0++);
/* debugger set p0[-1] = 0 */
if (x != 0.0) { *p0++ += x * (*p1++); *p0 += x * (*p1); p0--; p1--; }
x = -(*p2++);
/* debugger set p2[-1] = 0 */
if (x != 0.0) { *p2++ += x * (*p1++); *p2 += x * (*p1); p2--; p1--; }
x = *p2++;
if (x == 0.0)
return 2; // rank = 2;
y = fabs(x);
if (y > maxpiv) maxpiv = y; else if (y < minpiv) minpiv = y;
/* debugger set p2[-1] = 1 */
*p2 /= x;
x = -(*p1++); if (x != 0.0) *p1 += x * (*p2);
/* debugger set p1[-1] = 0 */
x = -(*p0++); if (x != 0.0) *p0 += x * (*p2);
/* debugger set p0[-1] = 0 */
*x_addr = workarray[3];
if (i) {
*y_addr = workarray[11];
*z_addr = workarray[7];
else {
*y_addr = workarray[7];
*z_addr = workarray[11];
*pivot_ratio = minpiv / maxpiv;
return 3;
inline bool Intersect(IK::Plane_3& R, IK::Plane_3& S, IK::Plane_3& T,
IK::Point_3& P)
double pr = 0.0;
double x, y, z;
const double R_[3] = { R.a() ,R.b() ,R.c() };
const double S_[3] = { S.a() ,S.b() ,S.c() };
const double T_[3] = { T.a() ,T.b() ,T.c() };
const int rank = Solve3x3(
//&R.plane_equation.x, &S.plane_equation.x, &T.plane_equation.x,
R_, S_, T_,
-R.d(), -S.d(), -T.d(),
&x, &y, &z, &pr);
P = IK::Point_3(x, y, z);
return (rank == 3) ? true : false;
inline bool Intersect( IK::Plane_3& R, IK::Plane_3& S, IK::Line_3& L)
IK::Vector_3 d = CGAL::cross_product(S.orthogonal_vector(), R.orthogonal_vector());
IK::Point_3 p = CGAL::midpoint(R.point(), S.point());
IK::Plane_3 T(p, d);
IK::Point_3 l0;
bool rc = Intersect(R, S, T, l0);
L = IK::Line_3(l0, l0 + d);
return rc;
inline double ValueAt(IK::Plane_3& Pl, IK::Point_3& P)
return (Pl.a() * P.hx() + Pl.b() * P.hy() + Pl.c() * P.hz() + Pl.d());
inline bool Intersect(
IK::Segment_3& L,
IK::Plane_3& Pl,
IK::Point_3& P
//double* line_parameter
bool rc = false;
double a, b, d, fd, t;
auto pt0 = L[0];
auto pt1 = L[1];
a = ValueAt(Pl, pt0);
b = ValueAt(Pl, pt1);
d = a - b;
if (d == 0.0)
if (fabs(a) < fabs(b))
t = 0.0;
else if (fabs(b) < fabs(a))
t = 1.0;
t = 0.5;
d = 1.0 / d;
fd = fabs(d);
if (fd > 1.0 && (fabs(a) >= ON_DBL_MAX / fd || fabs(b) >= ON_DBL_MAX / fd))
// double overflow - line may be (nearly) parallel to plane
t = 0.5;
t = a / (a - b); // = a*d; a/(a-b) has more precision than a*d
rc = true;
//if (line_parameter)
// *line_parameter = t;
// 26 Feb 2003 Dale Lear
// Changed
// return (1-t)*from + t*to;
// to the following so that axis aligned lines will
// return exact answers for large values of t.
// See RR 9683.
const double s = 1.0 - t;
P = IK::Point_3(
(L[0].x() == L[1].x()) ? L[0].x() : s * L[0].x() + t * L[1].x(),
(L[0].y() == L[1].y()) ? L[0].y() : s * L[0].y() + t * L[1].y(),
(L[0].z() == L[1].z()) ? L[0].z() : s * L[0].z() + t * L[1].z()
return rc;
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