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Last active January 18, 2021 13:30
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CGAL Poisson Reconstruction CPP file
typedef CGAL::Simple_cartesian<double> Kernel;
typedef Kernel::Point_3 Point;
typedef CGAL::Polyhedron_3<Kernel> Polyhedron;
typedef boost::graph_traits<Polyhedron>::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
typedef Polyhedron::HalfedgeDS HalfedgeDS;
// Normal Estimation Types
typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel Kernel2;
typedef Kernel::Point_3 Point2;
typedef Kernel::Vector_3 Vector2;
typedef std::pair<Kernel2::Point_3, Kernel2::Vector_3> PointVectorPair; // Point with normal vector stored in a std::pair.
typedef CGAL::Parallel_if_available_tag Concurrency_tag;// Concurrency
typedef CGAL::Polyhedron_3<Kernel2> Polyhedron2;
typedef CGAL::Polyhedron_3<Kernel2, CGAL::Polyhedron_items_with_id_3> Polyhedron3;
PINVOKE void ComputePoissonSurfaceReconstruction (
double* p, size_t p_c,
double* n, size_t n_c,
double* c, size_t c_c,
double radius,// = 0.1,
int iterations,// = 30,
int neighbours,// = 100, //reorientation
double*& p_o, int& p_c_o,
double*& n_o, int& n_c_o,
double*& c_o, int& c_c_o
//Convert Input to CGAL PointCloud
std::list<PointVectorPair> points;
for ( int i = 0; i < p_c; i++ ) {
points.push_back (PointVectorPair (
Kernel2::Point_3 (p[3 * i + 0], p[3 * i + 1], p[3 * i + 2]),
Kernel2::Vector_3 (n[3 * i + 0], n[3 * i + 1], n[3 * i + 2])
//Run CGAL Method
try {
Polyhedron3 output_mesh;
double average_spacing = CGAL::compute_average_spacing<CGAL::Sequential_tag> (points, 6, CGAL::parameters::point_map (CGAL::First_of_pair_property_map<PointVectorPair> ()));
if ( CGAL::poisson_surface_reconstruction_delaunay (points.begin (), points.end (), CGAL::First_of_pair_property_map<PointVectorPair> (), CGAL::Second_of_pair_property_map<PointVectorPair> (), output_mesh, average_spacing) ) {
p_c_o = output_mesh.size_of_vertices () * 3;
p_o = new double[p_c_o];
n_c_o = output_mesh.size_of_facets () * 3;
n_o = new double[n_c_o];
c_c_o = output_mesh.size_of_vertices () * 3;
c_o = new double[c_c_o];
std::size_t counter = 0;
for ( Polyhedron3::Vertex_iterator it = output_mesh.vertices_begin (); it != output_mesh.vertices_end (); ++it ) {
it->id () = counter++;
std::size_t counter2 = 0;
for ( Polyhedron3::Facet_iterator it = output_mesh.facets_begin (); it!= output_mesh.facets_end (); ++it ) {
it->id() = counter2++;
int i = 0;
int a = 0;
int c = 0;
for ( Polyhedron3::Vertex_iterator it = output_mesh.vertices_begin (); it != output_mesh.vertices_end (); ++it ){
p_o[a++] = it->point ().x ();
p_o[a++] = it->point ().y ();
p_o[a++] = it->point ().z ();
c_o[c++] = 0;
c_o[c++] = 0;
c_o[c++] = 0;
////Requires CGAL 5.2
// ("C:\\libs\\Cockroach\\CockroachPInvoke\\Cockroach_CSHARP_DLL\\bin\\x64\\PoissonStep2.txt");
//for ( Polyhedron3::Facet_handle fh : output_mesh.face () ) {
// Polyhedron3::Halfedge_handle start = fh->halfedge (), h = start;
// do {
// std::cout << h->vertex ()->id () << "\n";
// h = h->next ();
// } while ( h != start );
int b = 0;
for ( auto it = output_mesh.facets_begin (); it != output_mesh.facets_end (); ++it ) {
auto circ = it->facet_begin ();
do {
n_o[b++] = circ->vertex ()->id ();
} while ( ++circ != it->facet_begin () );
} catch ( const std::exception& e ) {
std::ofstream myfile2; ("C:\\libs\\Cockroach\\CockroachPInvoke\\Cockroach_CSHARP_DLL\\bin\\x64\\PoissonDebug.txt");
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afabri commented Jan 18, 2021

This won't compile without the #include

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