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Created January 18, 2021 16:05
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using Grasshopper.Kernel;
using Grasshopper.Kernel.Types;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Rhino.Geometry;
using Rhino;
using Rhino.DocObjects;
using Grasshopper.Kernel.Data;
using GH_IO.Serialization;
using GH_IO;
namespace CockroachGH {
public class PointCloudGH : GH_GeometricGoo<PointCloud>, IGH_PreviewData, IGH_BakeAwareObject {
public PointCloudGH() {
this.m_value = new PointCloud();
public PointCloudGH(PointCloud cloud) {
this.ReferenceGuid = Guid.Empty;
//this.ReferenceGuid = RefGuid;
this.m_value = cloud;
public PointCloudGH(PointCloudGH other) {
this.ReferenceGuid = Guid.Empty;
m_value = (PointCloud)other.m_value.Duplicate();
public override BoundingBox Boundingbox {
get {
return this.m_value.GetBoundingBox(true);
public override string TypeDescription {
get {
return "PointCloud For Grasshopper";
public override string TypeName {
get {
return "PointCloud";
public BoundingBox ClippingBox {
get {
return this.m_value.GetBoundingBox(true);
public bool IsBakeCapable {
get {
return this.m_value.Count > 0;
public override BoundingBox GetBoundingBox(Transform xform) {
return this.m_value.GetBoundingBox(xform);
public override IGH_GeometricGoo Morph(SpaceMorph xmorph) {
var dup = this.m_value.Duplicate();
return new PointCloudGH((PointCloud)dup);
public override string ToString() {
return String.Format("PointCloud ({0})", m_value.Count);
public override IGH_GeometricGoo Transform(Transform xform) {
var dup = this.m_value.Duplicate();
return new PointCloudGH((PointCloud)dup);
public void BakeGeometry(RhinoDoc doc, List<Guid> obj_ids) {
BakeGeometry(doc, new ObjectAttributes(), obj_ids);
public void BakeGeometry(RhinoDoc doc, ObjectAttributes att, List<Guid> obj_ids) {
obj_ids.Add(doc.Objects.AddPointCloud(m_value, att));
public void DrawViewportMeshes(GH_PreviewMeshArgs args) {
// No meshes to draw
public void DrawViewportWires(GH_PreviewWireArgs args) {
args.Pipeline.DrawPointCloud(this.m_value, 1);
public override bool CastFrom(object source) {
if (source.GetType() == typeof(PointCloud)) {
this.m_value = (PointCloud)source;
return true;
if (source.GetType() == typeof(PointCloudGH)) {
this.m_value = ((PointCloudGH)source).Value;
return true;
var asOtherPC = (GH_GeometricGoo<PointCloud>)source;
if (asOtherPC != null) {
this.m_value = asOtherPC.Value;
return true;
if (source.GetType() == typeof(IEnumerable<Point3d>)) {
this.m_value = new PointCloud((IEnumerable<Point3d>)source);
return true;
return base.CastFrom(source);
//public override bool CastTo<T>(ref T target) {
// Type q = typeof(T);
// if (Value != null && Value.GetType().InheritsOrImplements(q)) {
// target = (T)(object)Value;
// return true;
// }
// return base.CastTo(ref target);
public override bool CastTo<Q>(ref Q target) {
Type q = typeof(Q);
if (typeof(Q) == typeof(PointCloud)) {
target = (Q)(object)this.m_value;
return true;
if (typeof(Q) == typeof(PointCloudGH)) {
target = (Q)(object)this;
return true;
if (typeof(Q) == typeof(IEnumerable<Point3d>)) {
target = (Q)(object)this.m_value.GetPoints();
return true;
return base.CastTo(ref target);
//return base.CastTo<Q>(out target);
public bool BakeGeometry(RhinoDoc doc, ObjectAttributes att, ref Guid obj_guid) {
bool flag;
if (this.IsValid) {
obj_guid = doc.Objects.AddPointCloud(this.m_value, att);
flag = true;
} else {
flag = false;
return flag;
private Guid ReferenceGuid;
public override Guid ReferenceID {
get {
return this.ReferenceGuid;
set {
this.ReferenceGuid = value;
public override bool Read(GH_IReader reader) {
this.ReferenceGuid = Guid.Empty;
this.m_value = null;
if (reader.ItemExists("ON_Data_Cloud")) {
this.m_value = GH_Convert.ByteArrayToCommonObject<PointCloud>(reader.GetByteArray("ON_Data_Cloud"));
return true;
public override bool Write(GH_IWriter writer) {
//writer.SetGuid("RefID", this.ReferenceGuid);
if (this.m_value != null) {//this.ReferenceID == Guid.Empty &&
byte[] byteArray = GH_Convert.CommonObjectToByteArray(this.m_value);
if (byteArray != null) {
writer.SetByteArray("ON_Data_Cloud", byteArray);
return true;
public override IGH_Goo Duplicate() {
return this.DuplicateCloud();
public PointCloudGH DuplicateCloud() {
return new PointCloudGH(this);
public override IGH_GeometricGoo DuplicateGeometry() {
return this.DuplicateCloud();
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