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Last active June 29, 2016 10:58
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Maps mediakeys to page up/down home and end (Place in Documents folder and run AutoHotkey) (Special attention was given to modifier keys, because elsewise it wouldn't register the keystrokes for some reason)
Media_Next::Send {End}
Media_Prev::Send {Home}
Media_Stop::Send {PgUp}
Media_Play_Pause::Send {PgDn}
^Media_Next::Send ^{End}
^Media_Prev::Send ^{Home}
^Media_Stop::Send ^{PgUp}
^Media_Play_Pause::Send ^{PgDn}
!Media_Next::Send !{End}
!Media_Prev::Send !{Home}
!Media_Stop::Send !{PgUp}
!Media_Play_Pause::Send !{PgDn}
+Media_Next::Send +{End}
+Media_Prev::Send +{Home}
+Media_Stop::Send +{PgUp}
+Media_Play_Pause::Send +{PgDn}
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