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Peter Prokop peterprokop

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afraca /
Created June 12, 2018 10:58
Python (typed) script to move your IMDb rating history to Netflix upvotes/downvotes
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_profile import FirefoxProfile
from selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement import WebElement
from selenium.common.exceptions import *
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options
import getpass
from typing import Dict, Tuple, List
import os
import csv
import re
oliveratgithub / emojis.json
Last active September 2, 2024 14:50
Emoji-list with emojis, names, shortcodes, unicode and html entities [massive list]
"emojis": [
{"emoji": "👩‍👩‍👧‍👧", "name": "family: woman, woman, girl, girl", "shortname": ":woman_woman_girl_girl:", "unicode": "1F469 200D 1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F467", "html": "👩‍👩‍👧‍👧", "category": "People & Body (family)", "order": ""},
{"emoji": "👩‍👩‍👧‍👦", "name": "family: woman, woman, girl, boy", "shortname": ":woman_woman_girl_boy:", "unicode": "1F469 200D 1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F466", "html": "👩‍👩‍👧‍👦", "category": "People & Body (family)", "order": ""},
{"emoji": "👩‍👩‍👦‍👦", "name": "family: woman, woman, boy, boy", "shortname": ":woman_woman_boy_boy:", "unicode": "1F469 200D 1F469 200D 1F466 200D 1F466", "html": "👩‍👩‍👦‍👦", "category": "People & Body (family)", "order": ""},
{"emoji": "👨‍👩‍👧‍👧", "name": "family: man, woman, girl, girl", "shortname": ":man_woman_girl_girl:", "unicode": "1F468 200D 1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F467", "html": "👨‍👩&z
lattner /
Last active September 14, 2024 20:24
Swift Concurrency Manifesto

Mobile Safari's 100% Height Dilemma

Whether you're developing a web application with native-ish UI, or just a simple modal popup overlay that covers the viewport, when it comes to making things work on iDevices in Mobile Safari, you're in for a decent amount of pain and suffering. Making something "100% height" is not as easy as it seems.

This post is a collection of Mobile Safari's gotchas and quirks on that topic, some with solutions and fixes, some without, in good parts pulled from various sources across the internets, to have it all in one place. Things discussed here apply to iOS8, iOS9 and iOS10.

The Disappearing Browser Chrome

Screen real estate on smartphones is limited, so Mobile Safari collapses the browser chrome (address bar and optional tab bar at the top, and tool bar at the bottom) when the user scrolls down. When you want to make something span exactly the height of the viewport, or pin something to the bottom of the screen, this can get tricky because the viewport changes size (or

peterprokop / URLRequest.swift
Last active August 29, 2022 15:40
Print NSURLRequest in cURL format (Swift 3)
// URLRequest.swift
// Created by Peter Prokop on 17/08/2017.
import Foundation
public extension URLRequest {
/// Returns a cURL command for a request
avafloww /
Last active June 13, 2024 07:36
This snippet of code is syntactically valid in both PHP and Java, and produces the same output in both.
//*/public class PhpJava { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.printf("/*%s",
class PhpJava {
static function main() {
"Hello World!");
vasanthk / System
Last active September 19, 2024 19:42
System Design Cheatsheet

System Design Cheatsheet

Picking the right architecture = Picking the right battles + Managing trade-offs

Basic Steps

  1. Clarify and agree on the scope of the system
  • User cases (description of sequences of events that, taken together, lead to a system doing something useful)
    • Who is going to use it?
    • How are they going to use it?
non /
Last active January 9, 2024 22:06
answer @nuttycom

What is the appeal of dynamically-typed languages?

Kris Nuttycombe asks:

I genuinely wish I understood the appeal of unityped languages better. Can someone who really knows both well-typed and unityped explain?

I think the terms well-typed and unityped are a bit of question-begging here (you might as well say good-typed versus bad-typed), so instead I will say statically-typed and dynamically-typed.

I'm going to approach this article using Scala to stand-in for static typing and Python for dynamic typing. I feel like I am credibly proficient both languages: I don't currently write a lot of Python, but I still have affection for the language, and have probably written hundreds of thousands of lines of Python code over the years.

Как подавать заявки в вузы США

Процесс подачи заявок проходит примерно так:

  • Сначала надо предварительно выбрать вузы, в которые вы будете подавать заявку.
  • В августе-сентябре надо зарегистрироваться на три стандартных экзамена и оплатить их ($255 + $150 + $195). Отправка результатов в четыре вуза бесплатно, но их надо будет выбирать между регистрацией и днем экзамена.
  • Где-то к концу октября их всех нужно уже сдать. Потом можно за дополнительные деньги рассылать результаты в другие вузы.
  • Где-нибудь в середине ноября попросить трех людей написать вам рекомендации.
  • В начале декабря заняться заполнением анкет в вузах.
  • Написать Statement of Purpose.
Ben-G / DynamicInit.swift
Last active May 27, 2023 13:30
Dynamically create instance based on type in Swift
protocol Initializable {
class A : Initializable {
var content:String
required init() {
content = "TestContent"