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"""get input test case lists for parametrized tests"""
import os
from os import path
# root_path is parent folder of Scripts folder
# root_path = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)))
root_path = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)))) # if inside code_snippets subfolder
test_case_list = []
input_root = path.join(root_path, "inputs")
for tc in os.listdir(input_root):
if tc.startswith("test_case"):
def parse_ignore_file(file):
"""Parse ignore file and return a list of ignored keys"""
from os import path
ignore_keys = []
if path.isfile(file):
with open(file) as f:
for line in f:
if line.strip != "":
return ignore_keys
def parse_test_input(filename):
"""Parse request test input
import re
with open(filename, "r") as f:
content =
# 3 parts split by empty line
parts = re.split("\n\n", content)
parts_len = len(parts)
# part 1: Method and url
assert len(parts[0].split()) == 2
method, url = parts[0].split()
method, url = method.strip(), url.strip()
# part 2: headers
if parts_len > 1 and parts[1].strip() != "":
header_lines = re.split("\s*\n", parts[1])
header_lines = [line.strip() for line in header_lines] # strip line spaces
headers = dict([re.split(":\s*", line) for line in header_lines])
headers = {}
# part 3: body
if parts_len > 2 and parts[2].strip() != "":
body = parts[2].strip().strip("\n")
body = None
return method, url, headers, body
def ini_to_dict(input):
"""Covert a ini file to a simple dict
with open(input) as f:
content =
ret_dict = {}
for line in content.split("\n"):
if " = " in line:
key, value = line.split(" = ", maxsplit=1)
ret_dict[key] = value
return ret_dict
def dict_to_ini(dict_var, file=None):
ini_content_list = []
def iterate_dict(var, prefix=None):
"""iterate dict and convert to a list of 'key1.key2[i] = value' string"""
if isinstance(var, dict):
for k, v in var.items():
if prefix is None:
new_prefix = k # e.g. age
new_prefix = prefix + "." + k # e.g. name.firstname
iterate_dict(v, new_prefix)
elif isinstance(var, list):
for index, value in enumerate(var):
new_prefix = "%s[%d]" % (prefix, index) # e.g. scores[0]
iterate_dict(value, new_prefix)
# for multiple line string, i.e. with \n, convert to 1 line repr string
if isinstance(var, str) and "\n" in var:
var = repr(var)
this_item = "%s = %s" % (prefix, var)
nonlocal ini_content_list
iterate_dict(dict_var, None)
ini_content = "\n".join(ini_content_list)
if file:
with open(file, "w") as f:
return ini_content
def diff_simple_dict(expected, actual, ignore=[], output_file=None):
"""Compare simple dict generated by ini_to_dict
diff_list = []
for key in expected:
if key not in ignore:
# missing in actual
if key not in actual:
diff_list.append("- %s = %s" % (key, expected[key]))
# diff
elif expected[key] != actual[key]:
diff_list.append("- %s = %s" % (key, expected[key]))
diff_list.append("+ %s = %s" % (key, actual[key]))
# more in actual (missing in expected)
for key in actual:
if key not in ignore:
if key not in expected:
diff_list.append("+ %s = %s" % (key, actual[key]))
diff = "\n".join(diff_list)
if output_file and diff != "":
with open(output_file, "w") as f:
return diff
import pytest
@pytest.mark.parametrize("testcase_folder", test_case_list)
def test_by_input_output_text(testcase_folder):
"""test by input and expected output text files"""
import os
from os import path
import requests
input_root = path.join(root_path, "inputs")
output_root = path.join(root_path, "outputs")
expect_root = path.join(root_path, "expects")
diff_root = path.join(root_path, "diff")
testcase_full_dir = path.join(input_root, testcase_folder)
for request_file in os.listdir(testcase_full_dir):
if not request_file.endswith(".txt"):
# ignore non-request text files, i.e. .ignore files
# parse input files
request_file_path = path.join(testcase_full_dir, request_file)
method, url, headers, body = parse_test_input(request_file_path)
resp = requests.request(method, url, headers=headers, data=body, verify=False)
assert resp.status_code in (200, 201, 202)
resp = resp.json() # convert to dict
## write response dict to ini output
output_file_dir = path.join(output_root, testcase_folder)
os.makedirs(output_file_dir, exist_ok=True)
output_filename = request_file.replace("request_", "response_")
output_file_path = path.join(output_file_dir, output_filename)
dict_to_ini(resp, output_file_path)
# compare
expect_file_dir = path.join(expect_root, testcase_folder)
expect_file_path = path.join(expect_file_dir, output_filename)
ignore_filename = request_file.replace(".txt", ".ignore")
ignore_file_path = path.join(testcase_full_dir, ignore_filename)
diff_file_dir = path.join(diff_root, testcase_folder)
os.makedirs(diff_file_dir, exist_ok=True)
diff_file_path = path.join(diff_file_dir, output_filename)
actual = ini_to_dict(output_file_path)
expected = ini_to_dict(expect_file_path)
ignore = parse_ignore_file(ignore_file_path)
diff = diff_simple_dict(actual, expected, ignore=ignore, output_file=diff_file_path)
assert diff == "", "response does not match expected output"
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