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Minecraft on Apple Silicon

In this gist, you can find the steps to run Minecraft 1.16.4 natively on Apple Silicon (AS), without needing Rosetta 2 translation of the dependencies (mainly LWJGL and related libraries).

While it's possible to use a launcher like MultiMC to have a prettier way to run the game on AS, it requires installing even more dependencies (like QT) which take time and are difficult to distribute. Therefore, I've put together a command line-based launcher tool using a couple shell & Python scripts.

To get up and running quickly, follow the steps below. Otherwise, for more detail, watch my YouTube video.

Download my package

peter0749 /
Created August 7, 2018 07:49 — forked from udibr/
beam search for Keras RNN
# variation to
def keras_rnn_predict(samples, empty=empty, rnn_model=model, maxlen=maxlen):
"""for every sample, calculate probability for every possible label
you need to supply your RNN model and maxlen - the length of sequences it can handle
data = sequence.pad_sequences(samples, maxlen=maxlen, value=empty)
return rnn_model.predict(data, verbose=0)
def beamsearch(predict=keras_rnn_predict,