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Last active January 13, 2024 22:07
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A cheatsheet on how to quickly spin up a message broker instance with Docker and run an example, consumer and producer, with Node.js

Table of contents

  1. Prerequisites
    1. Install Docker
    2. Install RabbitMQ
  2. Producer
  3. Consumer


Install Docker

brew cask install docker - Install docker with brew.

docker ps -a - Show running and stopped containers.

Install RabbitMQ

docker pull rabbitmq - Pull the latest image from docker hub.

docker network create rabbits - Every instance will run in the same network.

docker run -d --rm --net rabbits --hostname rabbit-1 --name rabbit-1 rabbitmq

docker exec -it rabbit-1 bash - Enter inside the container.

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management - Enable the management plugin.

rabbitmq-plugins list - Display the all plugins.

Install RabbitMQ with the management plugin

docker pull rabbitmq:3.10-management - Pull rabbitmq with the management plugin enabled by default.

docker run --rm -it -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3.10-management - Run the container and goes inside of the image.

Ctrl+C - Kill the container. In order to run it in detached mode, use the -d flag.

http://localhost:8080 login: guest password: guest


npm install the amqplib library and client for Node.js

   cd rabbitmq/rabbitmq-producer
   npx express-generator
   npm install
   npm install amqplib

Create a new file called mqService.js next to index.js.

const amqp = require('amqplib')

const MQ_HOST = 'localhost'
const MQ_URL = `amqp://${MQ_HOST}:5672`
const EXCHANGE = 'exchange'
let channel = null

 * Connect to RabbitMQ
export const amqpConnect = async () => {
  try {
    const mqConnection = await amqp.connect(MQ_URL)
    menuChannel = await mqConnection.createChannel()

    await channel.assertExchange(EXCHANGE, 'fanout', {
      durable: false,
    console.log(`AMQP - connection established at amqp://${MQ_HOST}:5672`)
  } catch (ex) {
      `AMQP - Connection was unsuccesful at amqp://${MQ_HOST}:5672 - Broker will be unavailable.`,

 * Publish item to queue
 * @param {string} item - a string variable
const publishItemToExchange = (item) => {
  console.log(`AMQP - exchange: ${item}`)
  channel.publish(EXCHANGE, ' ', Buffer.from(item))

 * An express middleware for injecting queue services into the request object.
 * @param {Object} req - express request object.
 * @param {Object} res - express response object.
 * @param {Function} next - express next() function.
export const injectExchangeService = (req, res, next) => {
  // Add all exchange operations here.
  const exchangeServices = {
  // Inject exchangeServices in request object
  req.exchangeServices = exchangeServices

Add to index.js.

import { injectExchangeService, amqpConnect } from './mqService'

// Middleware to inject message-queue services



npm install the amqplib library and client for Node.js

cd rabbitmq/rabbitmq-consumer
npx express-generator
npm install
npm install amqplib

Create mqService.js file.

const amqp = require('amqplib')

const MQ_PORT = process.env.RABBIT_PORT || 5672
const MQ_HOST = process.env.RABBIT_HOST || 'localhost'
const MQ_USERNAME = process.env.RABBIT_USERNAME || 'guest'
const MQ_PASSWORD = process.env.RABBIT_PASSWORD || 'guest'

const MQ_URL = `amqp://${MQ_USERNAME}:${MQ_PASSWORD}@${MQ_HOST}:${MQ_PORT}`
const EXCHANGE = 'exchange'
const QUEUE = 'queue'

let channel = null

 * Connect to RabbitMQ and consume items
const amqpConnectAndConsume = async () => {
  try {
    const mqConnection = await amqp.connect(MQ_URL)

    channel = await mqConnection.createChannel()

    await channel.assertExchange(EXCHANGE, 'fanout', {
      durable: false,

    // Ensure that the queue exists or create one if it doesn't.
    await channel.assertQueue(QUEUE)
    await channel.bindQueue(QUEUE, EXCHANGE, '')

    // Only process <PREFETCH_COUNT> item at a time
    console.log(`AMQP - connection established at ${MQ_URL} with prefetch count ${PREFETCH_COUNT}`)

    channel.consume(QUEUE, (item) => {
  } catch (ex) {
      `RabbitMQ setup unsuccessful - It will not be available in this API instance. AMQP - ${ex}`,

module.exports = {

Add to index.js

   import { amqpConsume } from './mqService'
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