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Last active September 16, 2024 16:01
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QuPath script to merge multiple TIFF fields of view to write a single pyramidal OME-TIFF (requires QuPath v0.2.0)
* Convert TIFF fields of view to a pyramidal OME-TIFF.
* Locations are parsed from the baseline TIFF tags, therefore these need to be set.
* One application of this script is to combine spectrally-unmixed images.
* Be sure to read the script and see where default settings could be changed, e.g.
* - Prompting the user to select files (or using the one currently open the viewer)
* - Using lossy or lossless compression
* Note: This version has been updated for QuPath v0.5.x.
* Check the 'Revisions' tab on GitHub to see previous versions.
* @author Pete Bankhead
import qupath.fx.dialogs.FileChoosers
import qupath.lib.common.GeneralTools
import qupath.lib.images.servers.ImageServerProvider
import qupath.lib.images.servers.ImageServers
import qupath.lib.images.servers.SparseImageServer
import qupath.lib.images.writers.ome.OMEPyramidWriter
import qupath.lib.regions.ImageRegion
import javax.imageio.ImageIO
import javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.BaselineTIFFTagSet
import javax.imageio.plugins.tiff.TIFFDirectory
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import static qupath.lib.gui.scripting.QPEx.*
boolean promptForFiles = true
File dir
List<File> files
String baseName = 'Merged image'
if (promptForFiles) {
files = FileChoosers.promptForMultipleFiles("Choose input files",
FileChoosers.createExtensionFilter("TIFF files", ".tif", ".tiff"))
} else {
// Try to get the URI of the current image that is open
def currentFile = new File(getCurrentServer().getURIs()[0])
dir = currentFile.getParentFile()
// This naming scheme works for me...
String name = currentFile.getName()
int ind = name.indexOf("_[")
if (ind < 0)
ind = name.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('.tif')
if (ind >= 0)
baseName = currentFile.getName().substring(0, ind)
// Get all the non-OME TIFF files in the same directory
files = dir.listFiles().findAll {
return it.isFile() &&
!it.getName().endsWith('.ome.tif') &&
(baseName == null || it.getName().startsWith(baseName))
if (!files) {
print 'No TIFF files selected'
File fileOutput
if (promptForFiles) {
fileOutput = FileChoosers.promptToSaveFile("Output file", null,
FileChoosers.createExtensionFilter("OME-TIFF", ".ome.tif"))
} else {
// Ensure we have a unique output name
fileOutput = new File(dir, baseName+'.ome.tif')
int count = 1
while (fileOutput.exists()) {
fileOutput = new File(dir, baseName+'-'+count+'.ome.tif')
if (fileOutput == null)
// Parse image regions & create a sparse server
print 'Parsing regions from ' + files.size() + ' files...'
def builder = new SparseImageServer.Builder()
files.parallelStream().forEach { f ->
def region = parseRegion(f)
if (region == null) {
print 'WARN: Could not parse region for ' + f
def serverBuilder = ImageServerProvider.getPreferredUriImageSupport(BufferedImage.class, f.toURI().toString()).getBuilders().get(0)
builder.jsonRegion(region, 1.0, serverBuilder)
print 'Building server...'
def server =
server = ImageServers.pyramidalize(server)
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
String pathOutput = fileOutput.getAbsolutePath()
new OMEPyramidWriter.Builder(server)
.downsamples(server.getPreferredDownsamples()) // Use pyramid levels calculated in the ImageServers.pyramidalize(server) method
.tileSize(512) // Requested tile size
.channelsInterleaved() // Because SparseImageServer returns all channels in a BufferedImage, it's more efficient to write them interleaved
.parallelize() // Attempt to parallelize requesting tiles (need to write sequentially)
.losslessCompression() // Use lossless compression (often best for fluorescence, by lossy compression may be ok for brightfield)
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
print('Image written to ' + pathOutput + ' in ' + GeneralTools.formatNumber((endTime - startTime)/1000.0, 1) + ' s')
static ImageRegion parseRegion(File file, int z = 0, int t = 0) {
if (checkTIFF(file)) {
try {
return parseRegionFromTIFF(file, z, t)
} catch (Exception e) {
print e.getLocalizedMessage()
* Check for TIFF 'magic number'.
* @param file
* @return
static boolean checkTIFF(File file) {
file.withInputStream {
def bytes = it.readNBytes(4)
short byteOrder = toShort(bytes[0], bytes[1])
int val
if (byteOrder == 0x4949) {
// Little-endian
val = toShort(bytes[3], bytes[2])
} else if (byteOrder == 0x4d4d) {
val = toShort(bytes[2], bytes[3])
} else
return false
return val == 42 || val == 43
* Combine two bytes to create a short, in the given order
* @param b1
* @param b2
* @return
static short toShort(byte b1, byte b2) {
return (b1 << 8) + (b2 << 0)
* Parse an ImageRegion from a TIFF image, using the metadata.
* @param file image file
* @param z index of z plane
* @param t index of timepoint
* @return
static ImageRegion parseRegionFromTIFF(File file, int z = 0, int t = 0) {
int x, y, width, height
file.withInputStream {
def reader = ImageIO.getImageReadersByFormatName("TIFF").next()
def metadata = reader.getImageMetadata(0)
def tiffDir = TIFFDirectory.createFromMetadata(metadata)
double xRes = getRational(tiffDir, BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_X_RESOLUTION)
double yRes = getRational(tiffDir, BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_Y_RESOLUTION)
double xPos = getRational(tiffDir, BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_X_POSITION)
double yPos = getRational(tiffDir, BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_Y_POSITION)
width = tiffDir.getTIFFField(BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_IMAGE_WIDTH).getAsLong(0) as int
height = tiffDir.getTIFFField(BaselineTIFFTagSet.TAG_IMAGE_LENGTH).getAsLong(0) as int
x = Math.round(xRes * xPos) as int
y = Math.round(yRes * yPos) as int
return ImageRegion.createInstance(x, y, width, height, z, t)
* Helper for parsing rational from TIFF metadata.
* @param tiffDir
* @param tag
* @return
static double getRational(TIFFDirectory tiffDir, int tag) {
long[] rational = tiffDir.getTIFFField(tag).getAsRational(0);
return rational[0] / (double)rational[1];
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Hello! Thank you very much for this. It is extremely helpful for the opal analysis!! I tried running it on QuPath 0.5.0, but it does not work; it only runs in QuPath 0.4. I am using the Stardist extension on 0.5, so now I'm analyzing using two different versions of QuPath. Is there a way to update the latest version so this script runs there?

Thank you again!

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Hi @chrysanthiiliadi can you post your question on and include the exact error message place?
I know others are using variations of this script, but I haven't used it myself in years - and I don't even have any suitable data to test it with.

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NJ1989 commented Sep 2, 2024

Hi @petebankhead ,When we are working with Qupath V0.5.0, it showed a method that doesn't exist as followed, I was wondering if there is anything wrong here.

"ERROR: It looks like you've tried to access a method that doesn't exist.

ERROR: No signature of method: static qupath.fx.dialogs.Dialogs.promptForMultipleFiles() is applicable for argument types: (String, null, String, String, String) values: [Choose input files, null, TIFF files, .tif, .tiff] in QuPathScript at line number 35
java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source)
java.base/ Source)
java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
java.base/ Source)"

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petebankhead commented Sep 2, 2024

@NJ1989 I've updated the script - but I have no images to test if it works. If you'd like to try it, please let me know the outcome.

(The relevant discussion on the forum is at )

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NJ1989 commented Sep 3, 2024

@petebankhead Hi,the first problem is fine, thanks! But when I try the second apprearing prompt , which ask to name the resulting stitched OME.TIF file and too select where to save it to. An error showed as followed:

ERROR: Cannot invoke "qupath.lib.images.servers.ImageServerMetadata.duplicate()" because "metadata" is null in QuPathScript at line number 92
java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source)
java.base/ Source)
java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
java.base/ Source)

For help interpreting this error, please search the forum at
You can also start a new discussion there, including both your script & the messages in this log.

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I'm afraid I have no data to test this, and there are too many things I don't know about your images and how you're using the script. I'd suggest posting on the forum (link at the bottom of the error message).

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