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Last active October 9, 2022 08:34
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Trigger an animation when scrolling past a given position in Framer X
import { Override, Data, motionValue, useTransform } from "framer"
// Keep track of the state of our application
const data = Data({ isPastLimit: false })
// Create a MotionValue to track contentOffsetY
const contentOffsetY = motionValue(0)
// Listen for changes to contentOffsetY
contentOffsetY.onChange(offset => (data.isPastLimit = offset < -52))
// Apply this override to your scroll component
export function TrackScroll(): Override {
return { contentOffsetY: contentOffsetY }
// Apply this override to a frame containing your title
export function ShowTitleIfPastLimit(): Override {
return {
opacity: 0, // set it to zero initially
animate: data.isPastLimit ? { opacity: 1 } : { opacity: 0 },
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