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Last active January 30, 2018 17:08
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"CoolProp": "",
"Cython": "",
"Pillow": "",
"PyLBFGS": "",
"Pygame": "",
"RelStorage": "",
"Shapely": "",
"SimpleITK": "",
"affinegap": "",
"arpreq": "",
"astropy": "",
"bcrypt": "",
"bencoder.pyx": "",
"brotlipy": "",
"cffi": "",
"cobra": "",
"convertbng": "",
"cpyImagingMSpec": "",
"cpyMSpec": "",
"cymem": "",
"dedupe-hcluster": "",
"dipy": "",
"ecell": "",
"gevent": "",
"greenlet": "",
"grpcio": "",
"grpcio-tools": "",
"h5py": "",
"hunter": "",
"kapteyn": "",
"lazy-object-proxy": "",
"lda": "",
"libsass": "",
"libtcod-cffi": "",
"lxml": "",
"matplotlib": "",
"metapy": "",
"murmurhash": "",
"nipy": "",
"numexpr": "",
"numpy": "",
"nupic.bindings": "",
"opencv-python": "",
"pandas": "",
"psycopg2-static": "",
"py_mini_racer": "",
"pyclipper": "",
"pygamma": "",
"pykeyvi": "",
"pymongo": "",
"pymssql": "",
"pypolyline": "",
"pystan": "",
"pyterminalsize": "",
"python-bsonjs": "",
"python-libsbml": "",
"python-libsbml-experimental": "",
"pytraj": "",
"pyuv": "",
"pyzmq": "",
"rasterio": "",
"ruamel.ordereddict": "",
"ruamel.yaml": "",
"scikit-image": "",
"scikit-learn": "",
"scipy": "",
"secp256k1": "",
"simplification": "",
"spacy": "",
"swiglpk": "",
"tables": "",
"thinc": "",
"tonnikala": "",
"tulip-python": "",
"tulipgui-python": "",
"vaex": "",
"vlcp-event-cython": "",
"xlmhg": "",
"yt": ""
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