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Created May 9, 2011 16:31
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Shuts down idle jenkins instances
# This script shuts down my AWS EC2 hosted Jenkins if
# there were no builds in the last hour.
# Set this script to run as build step in jenkins every minute like this
# [x] Build periodically
# Schedule * * * * *
# There will be only one build job at a time that is constantly restarted if
# there is activity, and shuts down if there is none.
# To allow the user running the jenkins server to shut down the instance,
# fire up `visudo` and add this line:
# jenkins ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown
RUN_FREQUENCY=3600 # in seconds
sleep $(($RUN_FREQUENCY - 100))
LAST_BUILD=`curl --silent http://localhost:8080/rssAll|tr '>' '\n'|grep /updated|head -n 1|tr 'TZ</updated' ' '`
test $((`date -u +%s` - `date -u -d"$LAST_BUILD" +%s`)) -lt $(($RUN_FREQUENCY - 100)) || sudo shutdown -h +1
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