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Created January 22, 2011 07:48
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I want to 'vagrant destroy' and 'vagrant up' vms when on the train, plane and bus
# Vagrant Rsync Provisioner
# TODO: Make the download commands available via 'vagrant rsync_download'
# == Motivation ==
# I want to 'vagrant destroy' and 'vagrant up' vms when on the train, plane and
# bus. Not fetching debian packages also tends to make provisioning with chef
# faster.
# == Installation ==
# Put this in a file named 'rsync_provisioner.rb' in the directory where your
# Vagrantfile is.
# == Configuration ==
# Add this to your Vagrantfile (in this case it's smart to place this before
# the chef_solo section):
# config.vm.provision RsyncProvisioner do |rsync|
# rsync.paths = {
# "apt_cache/" => "/var/cache/apt/",
# }
# end
class RsyncProvisioner < Vagrant::Provisioners::Base
class Config < Vagrant::Config::Base
attr_accessor :paths
def rsync_opts
ssh_user = vm.env.config.ssh.username
ssh_port = vm.ssh.port
private_key_path = vm.env.config.ssh.private_key_path
"rsync -avzP --rsync-path='sudo rsync' -e 'ssh -i #{private_key_path} -p #{ssh_port} -l #{ssh_user}'"
def provision!
puts "# To download rsync.paths from the vm, use these commands:"
config.paths.each do |local_path, vm_path|
download_cmd = "# #{rsync_opts} :#{vm_path} #{local_path}"
puts download_cmd
puts "# Provisioning with rsync:"
config.paths.each do |local_path, vm_path|
upload_cmd = "#{rsync_opts} #{local_path} :#{vm_path}"
puts upload_cmd
system upload_cmd
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