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Iperf chart generator (Salt Runner)
### PyPerf Diagram Generator
## Salt Runner,
## gets bandwidth results from each minion and generates a diagram
import ast
import pygraphviz as pgv
import logging
import time
from dictor import dictor
import salt.client
from salt.exceptions import AuthorizationError
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
client = salt.client.LocalClient()
timestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M", time.localtime())
label = f"{timestamp}\n\n\n"
# you can give each host an alias for the datacenter its located in,
minion_list = [
def _get_color(bw):
""" create colored arrows between hosts, red to green depending on bw speed """
r1 = range(0, 10, 1)
r2 = range(10, 20, 1)
r3 = range(20, 40, 1)
r4 = range(40, 80, 1)
r5 = range(80, 150, 1)
r6 = range(150, 5000, 1)
color = "#B0B0B0"
if bw in r1:
color = "#D51000"
if bw in r2:
color = "#D95200"
if bw in r3:
color = "#E1DC00"
if bw in r4:
color = "#00D2A3"
if bw in r5:
color = "#A4E500"
if bw in r6:
color = "#00D926"
return color
def _get_snapshot():
"""connect to each minion, run a pyperf snapshot, get results as JSON"""
ret = {}
for row in sorted(minion_list):
minion = row.split(",")[0]
log.warning(f"perfing {minion}")
# generate snapshot
__salt__["salt.execute"](minion, "", arg=[f"/opt/pyperf/ {timestamp}"])
file_exists = client.cmd(minion, "file.file_exists", ["/opt/pyperf/output/snapshot.json"])
if file_exists[minion]:
contents = client.cmd(minion, "", ["/opt/pyperf/output/snapshot.json"])
for key, val in ast.literal_eval(contents[minion]).items():
if key == timestamp:
ret[minion] = val
return ret
def _get_region(minion):
""" provide a minion hostname, get its geo region or datacenter name """
for row in minion_list:
if minion == row.split(",")[0]:
return row.split(",")[1]
def _generate_diagram(snapshot, label):
"""uses graphviz to generate bwidth diagram"""
weight = 1
A = pgv.AGraph(directed=True, strict=False)
A.graph_attr.update(landscape="false", ranksep=4)
for k, v in snapshot.items():
# get region of minion
region = _get_region(k)
A.add_node(region, color="gray", shape="box")
for target, bw in v.items():
color = _get_color(int(bw))
target_region = _get_region(target)
label = label + f"{region} > {target_region} = {bw}\n"
A.graph_attr.update(label=label, labelloc="b", fontsize=9, fontname="Arial")
return f"diagram generated: /tmp/bw_{timestamp}.png"
def diagram():
log.warning("running pyperf diagram")
snapshot = _get_snapshot()
return _generate_diagram(snapshot, label)
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