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Last active July 31, 2019 12:48
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Robot arduino sketch

Some motor-control code for our robot kit.

// edit this function to control your robot.
// this function will get called over and over again.
void loop() {
// here are some example function calls:
forward(20); // move forward for 20 ticks.
pivot_left(10); // pivot left for 10 ticks.
spin_right(10); // spin right for 8 ticks.
flash_led(); // blink the LED three times.
// if you want to change the speed of your motors, edit this variable.
int motor_speed = 255; // choose a value from 0 to 255.
// --- robot control functions ---
// you can call these functions to control your robot.
// you don't need to edit any of these functions.
void forward(int ticks) {
move_ticks(ticks, 1, 1, motor_speed);
void backward(int ticks) {
move_ticks(ticks, -1, -1, motor_speed);
void brake() {
void spin_right(int ticks) {
move_ticks(ticks, 1, -1, motor_speed);
void spin_left(int ticks) {
move_ticks(ticks, -1, 1, motor_speed);
void pivot_right(int ticks) {
move_ticks(ticks, 1, 0, motor_speed);
void pivot_left(int ticks) {
move_ticks(ticks, 0, 1, motor_speed);
// Below this point is a bunch of implementation details which you can ignore.
// You don't need to edit any of this.
// --- pin assignments ---
// H-bridge connections:
#define IN1 11 // the right motor
#define IN2 10 // the right motor
#define IN3 9 // the left motor
#define IN4 6 // the left motor
// --- motor control functions ---
void rmotor_forward(int pwm) {
analogWrite(IN1, pwm);
digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
void lmotor_forward(int pwm) {
analogWrite(IN3, pwm);
digitalWrite(IN4, LOW);
void rmotor_backward(int pwm) {
digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);
analogWrite(IN2, pwm);
void lmotor_backward(int pwm) {
digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);
analogWrite(IN4, pwm);
void rmotor_brake() {
digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
void lmotor_brake() {
digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);
digitalWrite(IN4, LOW);
// --- tick-based motor control functions ---
int g_target_lticks = 0;
int g_target_rticks = 0;
int g_actual_lticks = 0;
int g_actual_rticks = 0;
void move_ticks(int ticks, int ldir, int rdir, int pwm) {
bool lflip_flop = false;
bool rflip_flop = false;
bool lon = false;
bool ron = false;
for (int i=0; i < ticks; i++) {
g_target_lticks += ldir;
g_target_rticks += rdir;
ldir == 1 ? lmotor_forward(pwm) : lmotor_backward(pwm);
lon = true;
rdir == 1 ? rmotor_forward(pwm) : rmotor_backward(pwm);
ron = true;
while (
(((g_target_lticks - g_actual_lticks) * ldir) > 0) ||
(((g_target_rticks - g_actual_rticks) * rdir) > 0)
) {
int lencoder = digitalRead(ENCODER_WHEEL_LEFT);
if (lencoder && !lflip_flop) {
lflip_flop = true;
} else if (!lencoder && lflip_flop) {
g_actual_lticks += ldir;
lflip_flop = false;
int rencoder = digitalRead(ENCODER_WHEEL_RIGHT);
if (rencoder && !rflip_flop) {
rflip_flop = true;
} else if (!rencoder && rflip_flop) {
g_actual_rticks += rdir;
rflip_flop = false;
if (
(((g_target_lticks - g_actual_lticks) * ldir) <= 0) && lon
) {
lon = false;
if (
(((g_target_rticks - g_actual_rticks) * rdir) <= 0) && ron
) {
ron = false;
// --- misc ---
void flash_led() {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
// --- main arduino funcions ---
void setup() {
pinMode(IN1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IN2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IN3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IN4, OUTPUT);
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