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Pengo Wray pengowray

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pengowray /
Created December 27, 2023 02:43
add morse audio to a video of a flashing light
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import write
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip, AudioFileClip
import os
## add morse audio to a video of a flashing light
video_path = 'data/yaoxz7sqop8c1.mp4'
pengowray /
Created December 27, 2023 02:43
turn a video into a brightness graph
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# turn a video into a brightness graph
video_path = 'data/yaoxz7sqop8c1.mp4'
video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
def apply_gamma_correction(image, gamma=0.5):
pengowray / output-full-list.txt
Last active March 29, 2022 02:18
Full list of worst combos ordered by most long list solutions: List of the most ambiguous four-letter wordle combos, ordered by number of possible long list solutions. Includes combos even without a real answer from the short list. Count is given as ('total' = 'short list solutions' + 'additional long list solutions'). A '*' means the guess is a…
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
_ILLS (19 = 0 + 19): *bills *cills *dills *fills *gills *hills *jills *kills *lills *mills *nills *pills *rills *sills *tills *vills *wills *yills *zills
_IGHT (15 = 9 + 6): eight fight light might night right sight tight wight *aight *bight *dight *hight *kight *pight
_ACKS (15 = 0 + 15): *backs *cacks *dacks *hacks *jacks *kacks *lacks *macks *packs *racks *sacks *tacks *wacks *yacks *zacks
_ANGS (15 = 0 + 15): *bangs *cangs *dangs *fangs *gangs *hangs *kangs *mangs *pangs *rangs *sangs *tangs *vangs *wangs *yangs
_ESTS (15 = 0 + 15): *bests *fests *gests *hests *jests *kests *lests *nests *pests *rests *tests *vests *wests *yests *zests
_INES (15 = 0 + 15): *bines *cines *dines *fines *kines *lines *mines *nines *pines *rines *sines *tines *vines *wines *zines
_ALES (14 = 0 + 14): *bales *dales *eales *gales *hales *kales *males *pales *rales *sales *tales *vales *wales *yales
_ARES (14 = 0 + 14): *bares *cares *dares *fares *gares *hares *lares *mares *nares *pares *rares *tares *vares *wares
pengowray / output-shortlist-focus.txt
Last active October 12, 2022 06:34
Worst combos ordered by most short list solutions: List of the most ambiguous four-letter wordle combos, ordered by most number of possible short list solutions. Count is given as ('short list solutions' + 'additional long list solutions' = 'total'). A '*' means the guess is allowed but not in the short list of possible answers. Source: https://…
_IGHT (9 + 6 = 15): eight fight light might night right sight tight wight *aight *bight *dight *hight *kight *pight
_OUND (8 + 1 = 9): bound found hound mound pound round sound wound *lound
_ATCH (7 + 3 = 10): batch catch hatch latch match patch watch *gatch *natch *ratch
_OWER (7 + 3 = 10): cower lower mower power rower sower tower *bower *dower *vower
SHA_E (7): shade shake shale shame shape share shave
_AUNT (6 + 2 = 8): daunt gaunt haunt jaunt taunt vaunt *naunt *saunt
_ILLY (6 + 2 = 8): billy dilly filly hilly silly willy *gilly *tilly
STA_E (6 + 2 = 8): stage stake stale stare state stave *stade *stane
_ATTY (6 + 1 = 7): batty catty fatty patty ratty tatty *natty
GRA_E (6 + 1 = 7): grace grade grape grate grave graze *grame
pengowray / output-longlist-focus.txt
Last active March 29, 2022 02:18
Worst combos ordered by most long list solutions: List of the most ambiguous four-letter wordle combos, ordered by number of allowed guesses. Only includes combos with at least one real answer from the short list. Count is given as ('total' = 'short list solutions' + 'additional long list solutions'). A '*' means the guess is allowed but not in …
_IGHT (15 = 9 + 6): eight fight light might night right sight tight wight *aight *bight *dight *hight *kight *pight
_AKER (12 = 3 + 9): baker maker taker *daker *faker *jaker *laker *naker *oaker *raker *saker *waker
_ATER (12 = 5 + 7): cater eater hater later water *dater *gater *mater *oater *pater *rater *tater
_ERRY (11 = 3 + 8): berry ferry merry *derry *herry *jerry *kerry *perry *serry *terry *verry
_IVER (11 = 4 + 7): diver giver liver river *aiver *fiver *hiver *jiver *siver *viver *wiver
_OLLY (11 = 5 + 6): dolly folly golly holly jolly *colly *lolly *molly *polly *tolly *wolly
CHA_S (11 = 1 + 10): chaos *chads *chais *chals *chams *chaps *chars *chats *chavs *chaws *chays
LA_ER (11 = 3 + 8): lager later layer *lacer *lader *laker *lamer *laser *laver *lawer *laxer
_AGER (10 = 3 + 7): eager lager wager *cager *gager *jager *pager *rager *sager *yager
_ATCH (10 = 7 + 3): batch catch hatch latch match patch watch *gatch *natch *ratch
pengowray / worst-allowed-guesses.txt
Last active March 29, 2022 00:37
Most ambiguous ("worst") four-letter combos in Wordle (only non-short-list allowed guesses) [didn't mean to make this]
19. _ills: bills cills dills fills gills hills jills kills lills mills nills pills rills sills tills vills wills yills zills
15. _acks: backs cacks dacks hacks jacks kacks lacks macks packs racks sacks tacks wacks yacks zacks
15. _angs: bangs cangs dangs fangs gangs hangs kangs mangs pangs rangs sangs tangs vangs wangs yangs
15. _ests: bests fests gests hests jests kests lests nests pests rests tests vests wests yests zests
15. _ines: bines cines dines fines kines lines mines nines pines rines sines tines vines wines zines
14. _ales: bales dales eales gales hales kales males pales rales sales tales vales wales yales
14. _ares: bares cares dares fares gares hares lares mares nares pares rares tares vares wares
14. _arks: barks carks darks harks jarks karks larks marks narks parks rarks sarks warks yarks
14. _eals: beals deals feals geals heals meals neals peals reals seals teals veals weals zeals
14. _ells: bells cells dells fells hells jells kells mells pells sells tells vells wells yells
pengowray / worst-wordle-answers.txt
Created March 28, 2022 06:30
Most ambiguous ("worst") four-letter combos in Wordle (only valid answers included)
9. _ight: eight fight light might night right sight tight wight
8. _ound: bound found hound mound pound round sound wound
7. _atch: batch catch hatch latch match patch watch
7. _ower: cower lower mower power rower sower tower
7. sha_e: shade shake shale shame shape share shave
6. _aste: baste caste haste paste taste waste
6. _atty: batty catty fatty patty ratty tatty
6. _aunt: daunt gaunt haunt jaunt taunt vaunt
6. _illy: billy dilly filly hilly silly willy
6. gra_e: grace grade grape grate grave graze
..a --.....a --a -a --.....a ---...a ---.a .....a .a -.a -----..a -..a a -.a -..a --a -a --.....a ---...a ---........a ....a --.. a = .-
...--b ...---.--.--b ...---b .----..b ...-..--..-----b -b -.--..-b ---.--.--b ...---b .---b ......b ..---.. b = -...
...---......---.--.---......----....----..-......-..--..------...--...-.--..--...---.--.---......----....----.........-.....---.. c = -.-.
...--d ....---.--.--d ....---d ..---d d ....d -d -----d .-d .-.-d -d .---.--.--d ....---d ..---d .......d ...--d d = -..
eee---eeeeee---e--e---eeeeee----eeee----ee-eeeeee-ee--ee------eee--eee-e--ee--eee---e--e---eeeeee----eeee----eeeeeeeee-eeeee---ee e = .
...---......---.--.---......----....----f ...f .--..------...--.f --..--...---.--.---......----....----.......f ....---.. f = ..-.
...-g .....-g g -g .....--g ...--g .-......-..g .----g ..g ..-.g .g ..-g g -g .....--g ...--g ........-.....-g .
Haystack: .-..--...-.---...-..-...
* = English (probably)
#1 = most frequent English word found (2+ letters min)
Letter positions
a .a -..a a --..a .a ...
.-..-b -.--b -..b
.d -d .-.--d .d d .
pengowray / txt
Created October 15, 2020 02:09
Dares via circa 2018 to 2019
"Take your characters to the beach.",
"Injure one of your characters.",
"Turn up the heat: set something on fire!",
"Give your character a puppy.",
"Your main character\u2019s parents drop by unexpectedly.",
"Force a character to eat their least favorite food.",
"Incorporate a random heat wave or cold snap.",
"Your main character receives a mysterious letter.",
"Someone spills food/liquid/blood all over a character.",
"Someone gets a surprise visit... from beyond the grave.",