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Created September 16, 2017 19:53
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Make Programming Great Again
-- Implentation of TEA encrpytion in agda.
-- Very nearly a word for word clone of
module TEA where
open import Streams
open import Ops
open import Poly
open import Data.String hiding (_++_)
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Vec hiding (split)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
-- delta hexword
Δ : Word 32
Δ = hexWord 32 "0x9e3779b9"
-- number of rounds to use
rounds :
rounds = 32
encrypt : Word 128 Word 64 Word 64
encrypt key word with (split 32 4 key)
... | (k₀ ∷ k₁ ∷ k₂ ∷ k₃ ∷ []) = f rounds (zWord 32) (take 32 word) (drop 32 word)
f : Word 32 Word 32 Word 32 Word 64
f zero sum v₀ v₁ = v₁ ++ v₀
f (suc n₂) sum v₀ v₁ = let sum' = sum ⟨+⟩ Δ
v₀' = (v₀ ⟨+⟩ (((v₁ << 4) ⟨+⟩ k₀) ⊕ ((v₁ ⟨+⟩ sum') ⊕ ((v₁ >> 5) ⟨+⟩ k₁))))
v₁' = (v₁ ⟨+⟩ (((v₀' << 4) ⟨+⟩ k₂) ⊕ ((v₀' ⟨+⟩ sum') ⊕ ((v₀' >> 5) ⟨+⟩ k₃))))
in f n₂ sum' v₀' v₁'
decrypt : Word 128 Word 64 Word 64
decrypt key word with (split 32 4 key)
... | (k₀ ∷ k₁ ∷ k₂ ∷ k₃ ∷ []) = f rounds (hexWord 32 "0xc6ef3720") (take 32 word) (drop 32 word)
f : Word 32 Word 32 Word 32 Word 64
f zero sum v₀ v₁ = v₁ ++ v₀
f (suc n) sum v₀ v₁ = let v₁' = v₁ ⟨-⟩ (((v₀ << 4) ⟨+⟩ k₂) ⊕ ((v₀ ⟨+⟩ sum) ⊕ ((v₀ >> 5) ⟨+⟩ k₃)))
v₀' = v₀ ⟨-⟩ (((v₁' << 4) ⟨+⟩ k₀) ⊕ ((v₁' ⟨+⟩ sum) ⊕ ((v₁' >> 5) ⟨+⟩ k₁)))
in f n (sum ⟨-⟩ Δ) v₀' v₁'
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