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Last active October 21, 2016 08:17
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A single data store for modules to communicate with.
* A single data store for modules to communicate with. Keeping 'the truth' in a single place reduces bugs and allows
* for greater seperation of concerns.
* The module can be used as a singleton through DataStore.getSingleton('key'), or on instance basis through the new keyword.
* Uses the Observer module found here:
* @name DataStore
* @author Peeke Kuepers
import observer from 'util/observer';
// Keep track of singleton instances
const dataStores = new Map();
class DataStore {
constructor() {
this._data = {};
this._publishers = new Map();
* Get (a copy) of the data stored at the path
* @param {String} path - The path
* @returns {*} - The data stored at the path
get(path) {
// In some cases we need to clone the result, because we don't want to pass result by reference.
// This would lead to cases where changing an object outside of the DataStore actually changes the data stored within.
const result = this._get(path, false);
// Clone array if result is an array
if (Array.isArray(result)) return result.slice(0);
// Clone object if result is an object
if (typeof result === 'object') return Object.assign({}, result);
// Any other result is safe to pass directly
return result;
* Update the path with a new value and publish the changes, if not silenced
* @param {String} path - The path
* @param {*} value - The value to set
* @param {Boolean} silent - Whether to silence change publications
set(path, value, silent = false) {
// Bailout if the value doesn't change with this set
if (this._get(path) === value) return;
// Update path with the new value
this._set(path, value);
// Bailout if this is a silent set
if (silent) return;
// Publish to all relevant paths
const lowerPaths = this._lowerPaths(value).map(lowerPath => path + '.' + lowerPath);
const higherPaths = this._higherPaths(path);
const relevantPaths = [...higherPaths, ...lowerPaths];
relevantPaths.forEach(relevantPath => {
observer.publish(this.publisher(relevantPath), 'change', this.get(relevantPath));
* Clear the data from the path
* @param {String} path - The path
delete(path) {
// Get data at the location
const data = this._get(this._location(path));
// Delete the key
delete data[this._key(path)];
// Update data
this.set(this._location(path), data);
* Get publischer object for a path, to manually listen for changes using the observer
* @param {String} path - The path
* @returns {Object} - Publisher
publisher(path) {
if (Array.isArray(path)) {
return this._watcher(path);
if (!this._publishers.has(path)) {
this._publishers.set(path, {});
return this._publishers.get(path);
* Returns an array of publishers, on which change publications get published all given paths contain valid values
* @param {Array} paths - An array of paths to watch
* @returns {Array} - An array of publishers
* @private
_watcher(paths) {
// Call the callback function, once all requested paths contain a defined value
const fire = () => {
const args = => this.get(path));
const undefinedValues = args.filter(arg => typeof arg === 'undefined');
if (undefinedValues.length) return;
observer.publish(publishers, 'change', ...args);
// Listen to paths
const publishers = => this.publisher(path));
publishers.forEach(publisher => observer.subscribe(publisher, 'change', fire));
// Update initially, to check if all paths already have a value
return publishers;
// Private
* Return higher paths for a given path.
* E.g.: '' returns ['foo', '', '']
* @param {String} path - The path
* @returns {Array} - An array of paths
* @private
_higherPaths(path) {
const parts = path.split('.');
return parts.filter(v => v).map((part, i) => parts.slice(0, i + 1).join('.'));
* Converts an object to paths.
* E.g.: { foo: { bar: 'baz', baz: { msg: 'helloworld' } } } becomes:
* ['foo', '', 'foo.baz', 'foo.baz.msg']
* @param {Object} object - The object to traverse
* @returns {Array} - An array of paths
* @private
_lowerPaths(object) {
if (typeof object !== 'object' || Array.isArray(object)) return [];
let paths = Object.keys(object);
paths.forEach(key => {
const lowerPaths = this._lowerPaths(object[key]);
paths = [...paths, => key + '.' + lowerPath)];
return paths;
* Get the location of the path: the whole path excluding the last part (last part is the key)
* E.g.: for 'a.b.c.d', would return 'a.b.c'
* @param {String} path - The path
* @returns {string}
* @private
_location(path) {
const parts = path.split('.');
return parts.slice(0, parts.length - 1).join('.');
* Get the key of the path: the tail of the path
* E.g.: for 'a.b.c.d', would return 'd'
* @param {String} path - The path
* @returns {String} - The key
* @private
_key(path) {
const parts = path.split('.');
return parts[parts.length - 1];
* Updates this._data with the new value at path merged in
* @param {String} path - The path
* @param {*} value - The value to set
* @private
_set(path, value) {
// Update data!
const foldByPath = (update, higherPath) => {
const object = {};
const deadEnd = typeof update !== 'object' || Array.isArray(update);
object[this._key(higherPath)] = deadEnd ? update : Object.assign(this._get(higherPath), update);
return object;
const update = this._higherPaths(path)
.reduce(foldByPath, value);
Object.assign(this._data, update);
* Get the value at the given path
* When forceDefined is true, undefined values on the path are defined with {}
* @param {String} path - The path
* @param {Boolean} forceDefined - Whether to define undefined values
* @returns {*}
* @private
_get(path, forceDefined = true) {
if (!path) {
return this._data;
return path.split('.').reduce((result, part) => {
if (result && typeof result[part] !== 'undefined') return result[part];
if (forceDefined) return {};
}, this._data);
* Returns a singleton instance of this class
* @param {String} store - Store identifier
* @returns {V}
static getSingleton(store) {
if (!dataStores.has(store)) {
dataStores.set(store, new DataStore(true));
return dataStores.get(store);
export default DataStore;
import DataStore from 'concepts/DataStore';
import observer from 'util/observer';
const debug = key => (...args) => console.log(key, '-->', ...args);
const store1 = DataStore.getSingleton('store-label');
store1.set('', { hello: { world: { message: 'Hi there' } } });
const value1 = store1.get('');
const value2 = store1.get('foo');
debug('tail of path')(value1);
// => tail of path --> Hi there
debug('head of path')(value2);
// => head of path --> Object { foo: { bar: { baz: { hello: { world: { message: "Hi there" } } } } } }
const store2 = new DataStore();
const single = store2.publisher('baz');
observer.subscribe(single, 'change', debug('single'));
const multiple = store2.publisher(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
observer.subscribe(multiple, 'change', debug('multiple'));
const waitUntill = store2.publisher('');
observer.subscribe(waitUntill, 'change', debug('wait untill'));
store2.set('baz', { foo: 'helloworld' });
// => single --> Object {foo: "helloworld"}
store2.set('foo', 'bar');
store2.set('bar', 'baz');
setTimeout(() => store2.set('baz', { bar: 'Just waiting around for a bit' }), 4000);
// after 4s
// => multiple --> Object { bar: "Just waiting around for a bit" }
// => single --> Object { bar: "Just waiting around for a bit" }
// => wait untill --> Just waiting around for a bit
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peeke commented Oct 20, 2016

What would be the way to go, listening to changes through as it is done now:

const publisher = dataStore.publisher('');
observer.subscribe(publisher, 'change', handlerFn);

Or subscribe with the path as event:

observer.subscribe(dataStore, '', handlerFn);

Method two seems way easier, but I'm not sure if I want to give the path as an event string, since technically it's not an event.

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