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Created March 6, 2024 01:18
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"cauldron" logo drawn by attributes for ZX Spectrum, size coding optimization, 40 bytes
; ZX SPECTRUM code, sjasmplus syntax:
; alternative code for Allan Turvey post:
ORG $8000-8
dg ...#.###
dg ....####
dg ...#####
dg ...#####
dg ..######
dg .#.#####
dg .##.####
dg ...#####
cauldrondata: ; points at end of data
push bc
ASSERT $00 == low cauldronlogo ; C should be zero here ; or do ld (iy+..),0 for +1 byte size
ld (iy+$5C8D-$5C3A),c ; set ATTR_P[$5C8D] to 0
call $0DAF ; CL_ALL clear screen from ZX48 ROM
pop hl ; HL = cauldrondata
ld de,$5910
dec hl
ld b,d
ld c,e
rrc (hl) ; read bitmap dot into carry flag
sbc a,a ; A = $00 for blank dot, $FF for filled dot
dec c ; set attributes in symmetric way
ld (bc),a
ld (de),a
inc e
bit 3,e
jr z,.dot_loop ; 8x loop for 8 bits (E goes %xxx1'0000 .. %xxx1'1000)
ld a,e
add a,$20-8
ld e,a
jr nc,.row_loop
DISPLAY "Size: ",/D,$-size_start
SAVESNA "fb_cauldron.sna", cauldronlogo
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