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Gonzalo Peci pecigonzalo

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pecigonzalo /
Created January 9, 2022 16:38 — forked from pahud/
AWS SSO + Codespaces
# video demo -
mkdir ~/.tmp && cd $_
# install aws-cli v2
curl "" -o "" && \
unzip && \
sudo ./aws/install
pecigonzalo /
Created January 9, 2022 16:37 — forked from pahud/
AWS SSO + Codespaces
# video demo -
mkdir ~/.tmp && cd $_
# install aws-cli v2
curl "" -o "" && \
unzip && \
sudo ./aws/install
pecigonzalo /
Created December 7, 2021 14:49 — forked from inscapist/
Nix Flakes and Direnv on Mac OSX (Catalina)

Development environment with Nix Flakes and Direnv

This document is targeted at those who seek to build reproducible dev environment across machines, OS, and time.

It maybe easier for remote teams to work together and not spending hours each person setting up asdf/pyenv/rbenv, LSP servers, linters, runtime/libs. Nix is probably the closest thing to Docker in terms of development environment.

Flake is used here because it provides hermetic build, with absolutely no reliance on system environment (be it Arch/Catalina/Mojave). Also it freezes dependencies in flake.lock so builds are reproducible.

This gist provides the setup to develop Java/Clojure/Python applications on Nix. But it can be easily adapted to ruby, nodejs, haskell.

pecigonzalo /
Created April 16, 2021 12:44 — forked from swlaschin/
Effective F#, tips and tricks


  • Use Onion architecture

    • Dependencies go inwards. That is, the Core domain doesn't know about outside layers
  • Use pipeline model to implement workflows/use-cases/stories

    • Business logic makes decisions
    • IO does storage with minimal logic
    • Keep Business logic and IO separate
  • Keep IO at edges

pecigonzalo /
Created April 13, 2021 16:07 — forked from taion809/
Observable F# Microservices

Observable FSharp Microservices (dotnetcore2.2+)

Let us define an observable microservice as one that exposes its internal state through events, metrics, and trace data. Ideally we can aggregate this data in some sort of centralized observability system for alerting and diagnostics. In my opinion there are tools that work much better than others and I will use those in this example but the most important part is that you have a starting point and your services can be observed and alerted on somehow. If your company does not have the means to setup all of this infrastructure you should consider buying one of the many SaaS options out today.

Disclaimer: I am not a native .net or F# developer, I think at this point in my career I've logged 2 weeks on an F# dev team so the implementations given below may not be idiomatic, however, my experience comes from being apart of both Devops and microservices dev teams in other teams and organizations.

That being said; let's start building an "observable" micro

pecigonzalo /
Last active July 25, 2022 21:12 — forked from weavenet/
Delete all versions (except latest) of all files in s3 versioned bucket using AWS CLI and jq.
set -e
echo "Removing all versions from $bucket"
versions=`aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket $bucket |jq '.Versions | .[] | select(.IsLatest | not)'`
markers=`aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket $bucket |jq '.DeleteMarkers'`
pecigonzalo /
Last active August 25, 2024 17:06 — forked from jacksonj04/
mbox to Google Groups
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Import a mbox file to a Google Group using
# You'll need to install
# and enable Groups Migration API, read prerequisits of the API SDK
from __future__ import print_function
import mailbox
import StringIO
pecigonzalo / ECSDynamicHostPort.go
Created August 10, 2017 16:05 — forked from IngmarStein/ECSDynamicHostPort.go
Get dynamically mapped host port from within ECS container
package main
import (
pecigonzalo / ecs-run
Created April 28, 2017 10:59 — forked from vcastellm/ecs-run
Run task and wait for result in AWS ECS
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
function usage() {
set -e
cat <<EOM
##### ecs-run #####
Simple script for running tasks on Amazon Elastic Container Service
One of the following is required:
Required arguments:
pecigonzalo / jessie-base.preseed
Created April 21, 2017 11:49 — forked from pgaskin/jessie-base.preseed
A preseed file for a minimal Debian Jessie installation
# How to run
# In the folder with these files
# sudo python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
# Update the ip at the bottom of this file to the output of
# hostname -I
# This is your ip
# Start debian cd
# Press esc on menu