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Last active February 7, 2020 17:00
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CodeAnalysis in Python

Based on talk by James Powell -

Static Analysis

  1. cloc
  2. find -iname '.' | xargs cat |sed -e 's/^[ \t]//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
  3. Python:
from subprocess import check_output
files = check_output('find -iname *.<type>'.split())\
from itertools import chain
from collections import Counter
Counter(chain.from_iterable(open(f).read().split() for f in files)).most_common()
  1. Python, extends point 3:
from keyword import iskeyword
from tokenizer import tokenizer
  chain.from_iterable((t.string for t in tokenize(open(f, 'rb').readline)
    if len(t.string) > 5 and t.string.strip() and t.string.isalnum() and not iskeyword(t.string))
    for f in files)
  1. To check for nesting we analyze imports, I made a quick script to pull out all imports and check all user imports. A lot of imports signify high amount of nesting
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import distutils.sysconfig as sysconfig
import os
import sys
import subprocess

def build_std_lib_stoplist():
    std_lib_stoplist = []
    std_lib = sysconfig.get_python_lib(standard_lib=True)

    for top, dirs, files in os.walk(std_lib):
        for nm in files:
            prefix = top[len(std_lib)+1:]
            if prefix[:13] == 'site-packages':
            if nm == '':
            elif nm[-3:] == '.py':
                std_lib_stoplist.append(os.path.join(prefix, nm)[:-3].replace(os.path.sep,'.'))
            elif nm[-3:] == '.so' and top[-11:] == 'lib-dynload':

    return [*[f' {s} ' for s in std_lib_stoplist],
            *[f' {s},' for s in std_lib_stoplist]]

def stoplist_match(_stoplist, value):
    for s in _stoplist:
        if s in value:
            return False
        return True

def get_most_used():
    _mostused_raw = subprocess.check_output("find -iname '*.py' | xargs cat |sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'  | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'", shell=True).decode().split('\n')
    print(f'raw : {_mostused_raw[:5]}')
    return list(filter(lambda x: x is not None,
        [(int(m.split(' ')[0]), ' '.join(m.split(' ')[1:]))
            if m.split(' ')[0].isdigit() else None 
            for m in _mostused_raw]))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    imports = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, 
        [v if 'import' in v[1] else None for v in get_most_used()]))

    stoplist = build_std_lib_stoplist()
    # Filter against stoplist
    user_imports = list(filter(lambda x: stoplist_match(stoplist, x[1]+' '), imports))
    total_imports = 0
    for i in user_imports:
        print(f'{i[1].split(" ")[-1]} imported {i[0]} times')

    print(f'Total user imports : {total_imports}')

Use this together with cloc to figure out imports per LoC. My code is typically around 0.05 imports per LoC

Dynamic Analyisis:

  1. fs: strace -e trace=open,stat,read,write python ...
  2. patch os.environ:
import os
from sys import stderr
class debug(dict):
  def get(self, item):
    return super().get(item)
  def __getitem__(self, item):
    return supert().__getitem__(item)
  # ...
os.environ = debug(os.environ)
  1. Python linetracer:
from collections import Counter
hist = Counter()
def trace(f, *_):
  hist[frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_fileno] += 1
from sys import settrace
# ...
  1. Using networkx:
from networkx import DiGraph
class GraphHook:
  def find_spec(self, fullname, path, target=None):
    # ...
  1. objgraph
import objgraph
objgraph.show_refs([x], filename='output.png')
  1. The above gives some overview. Now you would jump into a debugger:
  • breakpoint()
  • from pdb import post_mortem, set_trace
  • from inspect import currentframe, getouterframes
  1. How to make it easier to pull apart your code?
  • Test code
  • Sample code
  • Sample data
  • Runnable container
  • Importable module
  • A good structure, flat, hub and spoke
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