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masbicudo /
Created March 23, 2019 00:43
Script to find large files in git history
# This code is based on the awesome answer by @torek from StackOverflow:
# I have only made a shell for his code, added some options, added some colors
# and voilà!
# This script can be used to find large files inside a git repository
# and it's whole history. It will list files larger than a given threshold,
# and display these files in a colored human readable way.
synaptiko /
Last active June 6, 2023 09:51
How to modify physical display size in EDID (on ArchLinux with systemd boot)

How to modify physical display size in EDID

Following method describes how to fix EDID display size information of your monitor if it's wrong (some of Samsung's monitors report incorrect size when connected over HDMI, for example). It assumes that your monitor is connected to HDMI1 port (HDMI-A-1 is full kernel address).

I used following tools:

magnetikonline /
Last active September 21, 2024 19:19
List all Git repository objects by size.

List all Git repository objects by size


Bash script which will:

  • Iterate all commits made within a Git repository.
emmajane / gist:59321345a81a4f5837c0
Last active February 28, 2024 16:35
JQL Syntax for the Impatient

JQL Syntax for the Impatient

There are a few JQL syntax bits to get you started:

  • AND --- allows you to add qualifiers to a list
  • != Thing --- target one thing
  • is in (List, Of, Things) --- target a bunch of things (Done, Closed, Resolved) typically
  • not in (List, of, Things) --- do not include a bunch of things
  • -1w --- relative time. You can also use -1d for day
  • "2015/3/15" --- specific dates
addinquy /
Last active October 26, 2016 08:55
Débuter avec Ceylon

#Les mains dans le Ceylon ! ##(not yet) ready Ce mardi 18 décembre, nous étions invités par les duchesses à nous initier au langage Ceylon développé par Red Hat. Encore un nouveau langage sur la JVM ! Encore un "better java" ! Mais certaines idées ont attiré mon attention. Je ne voulais pas manquer cette occasion de m'y initier, en le faisant mieux et plus rapidement qu'en m'arranchant les cheveux tout seul devant ma machine. Bref, Emmanuel Bernard et Stéphane Epardaud ont joué les formateurs chez Capitain Train qui était notre hôte pour l'occasion (on les remercient chaleureusement).



De mon côté j'avais déjà passé un pe