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Last active December 31, 2015 04:28
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It works! Hw4 big data with calibration. Put in same folder so the notebook can use the module.
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# <nbformat>3.0</nbformat>
# <markdowncell>
# ### Algorithm
# 1. Choose some profile x, x ~ (0, F). Do this by creating x from $B * \mu$, where $\mu$ ~ (0,1), so $F = B * B^*$. $x$ **must** have fewer elements than $\mu$, so B needs to be constructed correctly. You can start with a vector $b$ and do 'valid' convolution with $\mu$.
# * Create a matrix A.
# * Simulate a measurement $y = A x + \nu$, $\nu$ ~ (0, S). y *should/must?* have more elements than $x$. You can start with a vector $a$ and do 'full' convolution with $x$.
# 2. Assume A is known
# * Find $\hat{x}$, $V(\hat{x_i}) = Q_{i,i}$
# * (optional) Repeat measurement of x N times. collect meas info \hat{x} and its variance
# 3. A not known
# * generate calibration signals \phi_i
# * simulate measurement $\psi_i = A \phi_i + \nu_i$
# * collect calibration info ???
# * compute A_0, J, R, \hat{x}
# * (optional) arrange K cal., N meas of x
# <codecell>
##%pylab inline
##figsize(18, 4)
# <codecell>
from __future__ import (division)
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.linalg
from scipy.linalg import (toeplitz, svd, inv)
from pprint import (pprint, pformat)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Global parameters
verbose = 0#True # print/plot stuff
copyValuesOutOfFunctions = 0#True
def plotNicely(title, yLabelsMappedToValues):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
for label,y in yLabelsMappedToValues.iteritems():
# Prefer line with small data point (.) marker style
ax.plot(y, '.-', label=label)
leg = ax.legend(loc='best', fancybox=True)
return fig, ax # so user can further customize
def plotEstimate(title, y, x, xhat, Q, *ignoreExtraArgs):
Q is covariance of xhat
plotInfo = {r'$\hat{x}$': xhat, 'x': x, 'y': y}
fig, ax = plotNicely(title, plotInfo)
# Add error coloring
t = range(len(xhat))
sigma1 = np.sqrt(np.diag(Q))
mu1 = np.ravel(xhat)
if verbose: print 'sigma1', sigma1.shape, 'xhat', xhat.shape
ax.fill_between(t, mu1+sigma1, mu1-sigma1, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.5, label=r'$V(\hat{x})^2$')
ax.legend() # no dice - can't see a label for the noise
return fig, ax
# <codecell>
def makeB(b, lenMu):
# b * \mu, 'valid', is equiv to B*\mu when B is a Toeplitz
if verbose: print 'b', b
bMidpt = int(len(b)/2)
if verbose: print 'b_mid', bMidpt
firstRowB = [0]*lenMu
for ix,b_ix in enumerate(b):
firstRowB[ix] = b_ix
firstColB = [0] * (lenMu - len(b) + 1)
firstColB[0] = b[0]
B = np.matrix(toeplitz(firstColB, firstRowB))
if verbose: print 'B.shape', B.shape
if verbose: print 'B[0]', B[0]
if verbose: print 'B[-1]', B[-1]
return B
def makeA(a, lenX):
# a * x, 'full', is equiv to A*x when A is like a Toeplitz but with more zeros
firstRowA = [a[-1]] + [0]*(lenX - 1)
firstColA = a + [0]*(lenX - 1)
A = np.matrix(toeplitz(firstColA, firstRowA))
if verbose: print 'A', A
return A
def getKnownATuple(b, a, S, lenMu=100, showPlot=True, mu=None):
Remarks: a and b are treated as if they start from i=0.
S is the covariance of the additive noise of the output (nu).
if mu is None:
mu = np.random.randn(lenMu)
lenMu = len(mu)
B = makeB(b, lenMu)
# x needs to have fewer points than mu
x = np.convolve(mu, b, mode='valid')
xFromBMatrix = np.inner(B, mu)
if verbose: print 'x', x
if verbose: print r'B * \mu', xFromBMatrix
assert np.all(np.abs(x - xFromBMatrix) < 1e-10), "Uh-oh, different answers for b conv mu and B * mu"
A = makeA(a, len(x))
# y should have more points than x
y = np.convolve(x, a, mode='full')
yFromAMatrix = np.inner(A, x)
assert np.all(np.abs(y - yFromAMatrix) < 1e-10), "Uh-oh, a conv x not equal to A * x"
nu = np.random.randn(len(y)) * S
y += nu
if verbose: print 'shapes of mu,x,y', mu.shape, x.shape, y.shape
assert len(x) == len(mu) - len(b) + 1
assert len(y) == len(x) + len(a) - 1
if showPlot:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.plot(mu, 'o-', color='gray', label=r'$\mu$')
ax.plot(x, '.-', color='black', label='x')
ax.plot(y, '.-', color='blue', label='y')
leg = ax.legend(loc='best', fancybox=True)
ax.set_title(r'$y = A x + \nu, x = B \mu, \mu$ ~ $(0,1)$')
# Variance of x, F = B * B^* should be equiv to b conv b^*
f = np.convolve(b, list(reversed(b)), mode='full') # zero is now in the center of vector
assert len(f) == 2*len(b) - 1
F = np.matrix(np.inner(B, B))
if verbose: print 'f', f
if verbose: print 'F', F
#toeplitz(list(f[int(len(f)/2):]) + [0]*1) # looks same as F if the zeros were right len
if copyValuesOutOfFunctions: globals().update(locals()) ######
return A, F, y, x, nu
# <codecell>
def estimateWithKnownA(A, S, F, x0, y):
""" Assume A known, so there is no uncertainty (J) about it, and
our estimate of it (A0) is itself.
S is cov of output noise (nu), F is cov of input (x), x0 is expected value of x, y is output.
assert np.all(S > 0)
A0 = A
J = 0
A0_star = A0.T
F_inv = F.I
SplusJ = S + J
SplusJ_inv = 1.0 / SplusJ
AsSinA = A0_star * (SplusJ_inv * A0)
Q_inv = AsSinA + F_inv
Q = Q_inv.I
F_invx0 = F_inv * np.matrix(x0).T
A0_starSplusJ_inv = A0_star * SplusJ_inv
def estimator(y):
yColumn = np.matrix(y).T
A0_starSplusJ_invY = A0_starSplusJ_inv * yColumn
R = Q * A0_starSplusJ_inv
r = Q * F_invx0
xhat = Q * (F_invx0 + A0_starSplusJ_invY)
xhatFromRy = R * yColumn + r
if copyValuesOutOfFunctions: globals().update(locals()) ######
return xhat
xhat = estimator(y)
if copyValuesOutOfFunctions: globals().update(locals()) ######
if verbose: pprint(locals())
return xhat, Q
# ## Calibration
def calibrate(inputs, inputCovariance, outputs, noiseCovariance):
"""Given (k many) inputs, outputs, and their distributions,
get information to construct an estimate as if A was unknown.
inputs are list or matrix of phis/x's (k of them), inputCovariance is F, outputs are k psis/y's, noiseCovariance is S
:returns: (R, r, Q) such that \hat{x} = R*y + r and Q_{i,i} is its variance
x0 = np.matrix([0]*inputs.shape[0]).T
x0_star = x0.T
# Phi and psi should be column vectors stacked left to right
phi = inputs
psi = outputs
F = np.matrix(inputCovariance)
S = np.matrix(noiseCovariance)
phi_star = phi.T
G = psi * phi_star
H = phi * phi_star
assert G.shape[1] == H.shape[0]
assert H.shape[0] == H.shape[1]
#assert np.linalg.det(H) - 1e-5 > 0, pformat(locals())
H_inv = H.I
A0 = G * H_inv
A0_star = A0.T
x0x0_star = x0 * x0_star
F_bar = F + x0x0_star
H_invF_bar = H_inv * F_bar
alpha = np.trace(H_invF_bar)
J = alpha * S
S_inv = np.ravel(S.I)[0] # KLUDGE! but how else if S is 1x1
F_inv = F.I
AsSinA = A0_star * (S_inv * A0)
alpha_mult = (1.0/(alpha + 1))
Q_inv = alpha_mult * AsSinA + F_inv
Q = Q_inv.I
r = Q * (F_inv * x0)
R = alpha_mult * Q * (A0_star * S_inv)
if verbose: pprint(locals())
if copyValuesOutOfFunctions: globals().update(locals())
return R, r, Q
def getCalibrated(b, a, S, k=10, showPlots=False):
phis = []
psis = []
Fs = []
for ignore in xrange(k):
A, F, psi_i, phi_i, nu = getKnownATuple(b, a, S, showPlot=showPlots)
#print 'y', y.shape, 'x', x.shape
# F is the same every time. the code below shows that
# prev_F = Fs[-1]
# print 'F was the same as prev' if np.all(np.abs(F - prev_F) < 1e-10) else ''
#xcept: pass
# Default matrix ctor stacks the wrong way, so transpose
Phi = np.matrix(phis).T
Psi = np.matrix(psis).T
# What should we do to accumulate F and S? I guess they shouldn't change. (They don't seem to.)
R, r, Q = calibrate(Phi, F, Psi, S)
if copyValuesOutOfFunctions: globals().update(locals())
if verbose: # debugging stuff
# "What about F? Is it invertible? For large K H/K = (Phi Phi*)/K should become close to F."
print 'k =', k
print 'F', F
print 'H/k', H/k
closeCells = np.abs(F - H/k) < 0.01
print np.sum(closeCells), 'very close values out of', closeCells.size
print [mtx.shape for mtx in (Q, A0, y, x, AsSinA, F, G, H, psi, phi)]
print 'phi', phi.shape, 'psi', psi.shape
print 'F', F.shape, 'S', S.shape
print 'G', G.shape, np.ravel(G)[:10]
print 'H', G.shape, np.ravel(H)[:10]
print 'det(H)', np.linalg.det(H)
print 'R', R.shape, R
return R, r, Q
def plotWithKnownA(a, b, S):
A, F, y, x, nu = getKnownATuple(b, a, S)
x0 = [0]*len(x) # assume E(x) = 0
xhat, Q = estimateWithKnownA(A, S, F, x0, y)
fig, ax = plotEstimate(r'$\hat{x}$ with known A, $x$, and $y$', y, x, xhat, Q)
# Shouldn't we have a near-perfect estimate of x if a=impulse and we subtract the noise (mu)?
# No! Because our estimate relies on S and we can't pass in S=0.
# But we can pass in a really small S :)
return fig, ax
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Known A
lenB = 9
b = [1.0/lenB]*lenB
lenA = 3
a = [1.0/lenA]*lenA
S = 0.1 # S
print 'a', a, 'b', b, 'S', S
A, F, y, x, nu = getKnownATuple(b, a, S, showPlot=True)
x0 = [0]*len(x) # assume E(x) = 0
xhat, Q = estimateWithKnownA(A, S, F, x0, y)
fig, ax = plotEstimate(r'$\hat{x}$ with known A, $x$, and $y$', y, x, xhat, Q)
# Unknown A
# ### Running calibration measurements
k = 100
showPlots = False # all k of them
usePreviousPlotValues = True # from known A
# Use a, b, and S from above or else x and y won't be same
if not usePreviousPlotValues:
lenB = 9
b = [1.0/lenB]*lenB
lenA = 21
a = [1.0/lenA]*lenA
S = 0.5 # S
print 'a', a, 'b', b, 'S', S
# Generate x and y to compare against xhat
A, F, y, x, nu = getKnownATuple(b, a, S, showPlot=True)
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