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Created December 8, 2022 17:04
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Fancier `Gen`
unique type test.Result = Fail Failure | Ok Text
unique ability Weighted a where
bump : Nat -> ()
give : a -> ()
unique ability Gen where
generate : '{Weighted a} () -> a : (a ->{g} b) -> '{Weighted a, g} r -> '{Weighted b,g} r f w = do
go = cases
{ Weighted.bump n -> k } ->
Weighted.bump n
handle !k with go
{ Weighted.give a -> k } ->
Weighted.give (f a)
handle !k with go
{ r } -> r
handle !w with go
Weighted.join : '{Weighted ('{Weighted a,g} ()),g} () -> '{Weighted a,g} ()
Weighted.join outer = do
go : Map Nat (Either ('{Weighted a,g} ()) ('{Weighted ('{Weighted a,g} ()), g} ()))
->{Weighted a, g} ()
go heap = match Map.breakOffMin heap with
None -> ()
Some ((cost, Left wa), heap) ->
handle !wa with go.inner heap cost (Optional.fold 'maxNat at1 (Map.getMin heap))
Some ((cost, Right ww), heap) ->
handle !ww with go.outer heap cost (Optional.fold 'maxNat at1 (Map.getMin heap))
go.outer : Map Nat (Either ('{Weighted a,g} ()) ('{Weighted ('{Weighted a,g} ()), g} ()))
-> Nat
-> Nat
-> Request {Weighted ('{Weighted a,g} ())} ()
->{Weighted a, g} ()
go.outer heap curCost suspendMark = cases
{ _ } -> go heap
{ Weighted.give w -> k } ->
handle !k with go.outer (Map.insert curCost (Left w) heap) curCost suspendMark
{ Weighted.bump by -> k } ->
cost' = curCost + by
if cost' > suspendMark then
go (Map.insert cost' (Right k) heap)
handle !k with go.outer heap cost' suspendMark
go.inner : Map Nat (Either ('{Weighted a,g} ()) ('{Weighted ('{Weighted a,g} ()), g} ()))
-> Nat
-> Nat
-> Request {Weighted a} ()
->{Weighted a, g} ()
go.inner heap curCost suspendMark = cases
{ _ } -> go heap
{ Weighted.give a -> k } ->
Weighted.give a
handle !k with go.inner heap curCost suspendMark
{ Weighted.bump by -> k } ->
cost' = curCost + by
if cost' > suspendMark then
go (Map.insert cost' (Left k) heap)
handle !k with go.inner heap cost' suspendMark
heap0 = Map.singleton 0 (Right outer)
go heap0
Weighted.flatMap : (a ->{g, Weighted b} ()) -> '{g, Weighted a} () -> '{g, Weighted b} ()
Weighted.flatMap f w =
mapped = (a -> '(f a)) w
Weighted.join mapped
Weighted.toStream : '{g, Weighted a} r -> {g, Stream a} r
Weighted.toStream w = let
go = cases
{ r } -> r
{ Weighted.give a -> k } ->
Stream.emit a
handle !k with go
{ Weighted.bump by -> k } ->
handle !k with go
handle !w with go
Gen.take : Nat -> '{Gen, g} r ->{g} [r]
Gen.take n g = Stream.toList! '(Stream.take! n '(Weighted.toStream '(toWeighted g)))
-- Question: how will this get used alongside other testing abilities?
-- Consideration: Generate pairs of lists of nats in range 0 to 100
-- Probably don't want to generate them in order or whatever
-- ; switch to random generation?
Gen.toWeighted : '{Gen, g} r ->{g, Weighted r} ()
Gen.toWeighted g =
go : Request {Gen} x ->{Weighted x} ()
go = cases
{ a } -> give a
{ Gen.generate xs -> k } ->
Weighted.flatMap (a -> handle k a with go) xs ()
handle !g with go
unique ability Labeled where
labels : [Text]
unique ability Gen where
generate: '{Weighted a}'{Random} a -> {Gen} a
unique ability Generator a where
next : {Generator} a
Weighted.nats = do
go n =
Weighted.give n
Weighted.bump 1
go (lfsr 1)
Weighted.give 0
Weighted.bump 1
Weighted.give maxNat
Weighted.bump 1
go 1
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