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Last active August 6, 2018 15:35
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Demo UAA for

The stated rationale for this project are:

Authenticating with can be challenging when developing an app:

  • It can be difficult or impossible to log in as multiple different users to manually test your application's functionality.
  • If you're offline or on a spotty internet connection, authenticating with may be challenging.
  • Because logging into usually involves 2 factor authentication, logging in can be slow and cumbersome, which can slow down development.
  • Registering the client ID, client secret, and callback URL in requires creating new identity providers, and you may want a lighter-weight approach for development.
  • Debugging problems with the OAuth2 handshake can be difficult because you don't have much visibility into's internal state.
  • The fake UAA is intended to solve these problems by making it easy to host your own UAA server on your local system. The simplicity of its implementation and its debugging messages allow developers to easily understand what's going on during the OAuth2 handshake. It also makes it dead simple to log in as multiple different users.

Most of issues can be addressed by running a real UAA server, especially since Docker makes running UAA pretty easy. As in:

docker run -d --name uaa-uaa -p 8080:8080 \

The above runs an hsqldb based UAA server pre-configured to authenticate the my-client-id app. Per the above criteria:

  • One can log in as multiple different users, paul or stefan
  • One can run this without being available (if you use a local uaa.yml and have already download the docker image)
  • One can skip 2-factor auth and just use user/password per your uaa.yml configuration
  • One can fully configure uaa.yml to mimic whatever features of auth that one wants
  • One can debug by connecting to the container and tailing the log file, e.g. docker exec uaa-uaa /usr/bin/tail -f /tomcat/logs/uaa.log

We should deprecate this project, remove references to it from, and instead provide guidance for developing with a dockerized UAA. The example-client.js can go into for demonstrating the identity provider.

spring_profiles: hsqldb
override: true
- my_client_id
id: my_client_id
secret: my_client_secret
authorized-grant-types: authorization_code,refresh_token
scope: openid
authorities: uaa.none
redirect-uri: http://localhost:8000/auth/callback
username_pattern: '[a-z0-9+\-_.@]+'
- paul|wombat||Paul|Smith|openid,myresourceserver.scope1,myresourceserver.scope2
- stefan|wallaby||Stefan|Schmidt|openid,myresourceserver.scope1,myresourceserver.scope2
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