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Created January 29, 2021 06:48
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Generated by XState Viz:
const wizardMachine = Machine({
id: 'wizard',
initial: 'open',
states: {
open: {
initial: 'step1',
states: {
step1: {
on: { NEXT: 'step2' }
step2: {
on: { NEXT: 'step3' }
step3: {
/* ... */
on: {
NEXT: 'goodbye',
CLOSE: 'closed'
goodbye: {
on: { CLOSE: 'closed' }
closed: {}//{ type: 'final' }
// { open: 'step1' }
const { initialState } = wizardMachine;
// the NEXT transition defined on 'open.step1'
// supersedes the NEXT transition defined
// on the parent 'open' state
const nextStepState = wizardMachine.transition(initialState, 'NEXT');
// => { open: 'step2' }
// there is no CLOSE transition on 'open.step1'
// so the event is passed up to the parent
// 'open' state, where it is defined
const closedState = wizardMachine.transition(initialState, 'CLOSE');
// => 'closed'
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